Faculty Composition and Procedures

Composition of the Faculty

The Faculty of Graduate Studies consists of members from all of the following Faculty of programs:

Graduate Programs with Faculty Members
Master of Science in Biology Doctor of Philosophy in Biotechnology
Master of Business Administration Master of Science in Management
Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry and Materials Science Master of Science in Chemistry
Master of Science in Computer Science Master of Arts in Economics
Master of Education Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Studies
Master of Science in Control Engineering Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Master of Science in Environmental Engineering Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering
Master of Science in Civil Engineering Master of Arts in English
Master of Science in Forestry Doctor of Philosophy in Forest Sciences
Master of Science in Geology Master of Science in Health Sciences
Master of Arts in History Graduate Diploma in Kinesiology
Master of Science in Kinesiology Master of Science in Mathematical Sciences
Master of Environmental Studies in Nature-Based Recreation and Tourism Master of Environmental Studies in Northern Environments and Cultures
Master of Science in Physics Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology
Master of Science in Psychological Science Doctor of Philosophy in Clinical Psychology
Master of Public Health Type II Diploma in Health Services and Policy Research
Master of Social Work Master of Arts in Sociology
Collaborative Program in Gerontology Collaborative Program in Women's Studies
All other members admitted to the FGS on the recommendation of a graduate program
(see the Core and Non-Core membership responsibility tables)
Upon approval of a proposed graduate program by both the University Senate and the Ontario Quality Council, all members of the program will normally be nominated for membership in the Faculty of Graduate Studies.

The academic and administrative head of the Faculty will be the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies.

Graduate students will be those full-time and part-time students who have been admitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies by the Dean and who have formally registered in the Faculty. Qualifying and Special Case students will not be deemed graduate students.