Faculty of Graduate Studies Council: Current Members

The following table includes the current members of the Faculty of Graduate Studies. This table includes the following categories:

2023-2024 Faculty of Graduate Studies Members

Term Length
Dean, Graduate Studies*C. Shahiex-officio
Provost and Vice-President (Academic)*D. Barnett ex-officio
Deputy Provost*R. Kosterex-officio
Vice-President (Research and Innovation)*A.P. Deanex-officio
Associate Vice-President (Research & Graduate Studies)B. Stolarex-officio
Vice President (Administration & Finance)*K. Pozihunex-officio
Vice-Provost (Indigenous Initiatives)*D. Baxterex-officio
Dean, Business Administration*D. Richardsex-officio
Dean, Education*W. Melvilleex-officio
Dean, Engineering*J. Kozinskiex-officio
Dean, Natural Resource Management*B. Leblonex-officio
Dean, Health & Behavioural Sciences*M. Stroinkex-officio
Principal, Orillia Campus*L. Rodenburgex-officio 
Dean, Science & Environmental Studies*T. Randall ex-officio
Dean, Social Sciences & Humanities*E. Birminghamex-officio
Director of Institutional Analysis & Government Relations*E. Staffordex-officio
Registrar*A. Tarsitanoex-officio
Chair of Senate Research Committee*P. Sanzoex-officio
University Librarian*R. Canuelex-officio
Graduate Co-ordinators
Archaeological ScienceT. Varney 
BiologyA. Algar 
BiotechnologyA. Elshaer 
Business AdministrationTBA 
ChemistryR. Mawhinney 
Computer ScienceT. Randall 
EconomicsK. Yu 
EducationG. Walton 
Engineering (Electrical & Computer) MastersY. Zhou 
Engineering (Electrical & Computer) DoctorateS. Ikki 
Engineering (Environmental)L. Pakzad 
Engineering (Mechanical)A. Tarokh 
Engineering (Mechanical) DoctorateW. Wang 
EnglishR. Warburton 
Environmental studiesM. Dowsley 
Gender & Women's StudiesJ. Chisholm 
GeologyS. Zurevinski 
GerontologyE. Wiersma 
Health SciencesE. Wiersma 
HistoryP. Das 
KinesiologyK. Sinden 
Mathematical SciencesX. Lu 
Natural Resource Management (Masters)N. Basiliko 
Natural Resource Management (Doctorate)Q. Dang 
NursingN. Sutherland 
PhysicsG. Das 
Psychology G. Hayman 
Psychology (Clinical)A. Maranzan 
Public HealthH. Moller 
SociologyB. Parker 
Social JusticeK. Brooks 
Social WorkA. Hovey 
Graduate Student Representatives
Business AdministrationTBA 
Health and Behavioural ScienceTBA 
Natural Resource ManagementTBA 
Science and Environmental StudiesTBA 
Social Sciences and HumanitiesTBA 
Non-Voting Members
Vice-President Advocacy (LUSU) A. Hashimex-officio
Manager of Curriculum Development, Delivery, and Convocation A. Bedaex-officio
Graduate Admissions OfficerC. Clarkex-officio
Graduate Admissions & Recruitment OfficerS. Whiteex-officio
Graduate Administrative ClerkS. Walshef-officio
Graduate Funding OfficerM. Lavalleeex-officio
Graduate Funding OfficerA. Whately-Doucetex-officio
Graduate Administrative AssistantT. Laughtonex-officio
Manager. Graduate StudiesT. Sokoloskiex-officio
Invited Guests (Non-Voting)
Regulations/Program Committee ChairR. Mawhinney 
Leave/Extension Committee ChairH. Moller 
Chair: Dean of Graduate Studies - Dr. Chander Shahi

Secretary to the Council: Manager, Graduate Studies - Trish Sokoloski

Note: Unless otherwise stated in the approved terms of reference, quorum is a simple majority of all filled positions. Committee members whose positions are listed as * shall not be included in the total when quorum is counted.

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