‘Research Matters’ Program Features Dr. Pauline Sameshima and Members of the HOPE Collaboratory
Dr. Pauline Sameshima (Professor, Faculty of Education) hosted a recent episode of Research Matters, a 30-minute community television program focused on research at Lakehead University. In this episode—titled Dr. Pauline Sameshima and the HOPE Collaboratory—Pauline spoke with three international researchers about their involvement in the HOPE Collaboratory.
The HOPE project is dedicated to developing a cure for HIV. HOPE, which stands for “HIV Obstruction by Programmed Epigenetics,” brings together scientists, researchers, artists, and community members. As noted on the HOPE website, the project “purposefully brings together diverse communities and uses creativity propulsion strategies to generate HIV cure research knowledge from a grassroots level, integrated with rigorous science.” HOPE includes 16 institutions around the world, one pharmaceutical company, and various community partnerships.
In the Research Matters video, Pauline speaks with Patricia Defechereux (HOPE Community Engagement Coordinator), Pisci Bruja Garcia De Oliveira (Community Educator from Brazil), and Luis Gutierrez-Mock (HOPE Community Advisory Board member).
For further information about Pauline’s involvement with the HOPE project, see Research in Action: Arts Build HOPE and a Bridge between Science and Public. Recently, she was also involved in the creation of an animation video, HIV Cure Strategy EXPLAINED via Animation.