Dr. James Hogg: Gairdner Foundation Lectures

March 12, 2015:  Gairdner Foundation Lectures  (http://www.gairdner.org):  The Gairdner Foundation Dr. James Hogg: Gairdner Foundation LecturesLectures provide students with the opportunity to hear from world renowned scientists describing their outstanding achievements. The Gairdner Foundation recognizes the world's top medical research scientists through its Gairdner International Awards which are selected by an independent Medical Advisory Board and a rigorous nomination process. Since 1957, over 70 Gairdner winners have gone on to win the Nobel Prize.

Gairdner Foundation Lecture High School Program:  This exclusive event is designed specifically for enthusiastic science students and teachers! It is an all-day lecture event featuring guests from the Gairdner Foundation and Lakehead University's Faculty of Science and Environmental Studies. Students will hear various lectures on current hot-topics surrounding science, unique discoveries involving research, and cutting-edge ideas relating to the science world.


Gairdner Foundation Lecture High School Program - Lecture (10:15 am - UC 1017) - Dr. James Hogg, Distinguished keynote speaker from the Gairdner Foundation, will be speaking to 300 local and regional high school science students:  Why would anyone choose a career in Medicine?

Gairdner Foundation Lecture High School Program - Luncheon (11:30 am - Residence Cafeteria): High school students will enjoy lunch.

Gairdner Foundation Lecture High School Program - Science @ Lakehead Lecture Exploration (12:30 pm - various locations):  High school students will get to experience exciting science lectures on a variety of topics given by our exceptional professors from Lakehead's Faculty of Science & Environmental Studies.

Gairdner Foundation Lecture for Researchers (2:00 pm - ATAC 5036):  Dr. Hogg will present a talk to researchers:  The quiet zone in the lungs: where disease accumulates without being noticed.

About Our 2015 Speaker

James Hogg,  MD, PhD 

Professor Emeritus, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of British Columbia

Recipient of the Canada Gairdner Wightman Award, 2013

Dr. Hogg is a physiologist and clinician who works on chronic lung disease including chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD). He was recognized by the Gairdner Foundation "for outstanding leadership in the understanding and treatment of chronic respiratory disease and for a visionary career as a national research builder."


Gairdner Foundation


Thunder Bay Regional Research InstituteBringing Discovery to Life






For more information, please contact:
Jo Krisko, Recruitment Officer, Lakehead Univeristy