LGLA - List GL Activity
[INPUT] - Enter Data
<ENTER> - Press the return or enter button

The List GL Activity (LGLA) screen is a report that can print what has been expended to a GL account or what budget transactions have occurred for the year (Opening Budget, Budget Adjustments, Budget Transactions) or what balances are outstanding on the GL account (Encumbrances).

In order to get to the inquiry:
Load up the Datatel system and log into the Colleague Database (COLLIVE).
  1. Select GL - General Ledger
  2. Select LGLA - List G/L Activity
 First Screen

1 Fiscal Year: [INPUT] year of inquiry or <ENTER> for current fiscal year

4 (A)ctuals, (B)udgets or (E)ncumbrances: There are three options that can be selected in this field.

*NOTE* Actuals is the default value for this field.

5 Include GL Accounts: [INPUT] GL account number <ENTER>

*NOTE* More than one GL account can be entered into this Field.

6 Include Source Codes: *NOTE* Field 6 is not a required field.
<ENTER> to bypass this Field

7 Proceed with the Report: [INPUT] Y to proceed or [INPUT] N to cancel the request <ENTER>

 Second Screen

The reports can either be printed out or viewed on the screen.

1 * Peripheral Device:

If the report is going to be printed select - P <ENTER>

If the report is going to be viewed on screen select - H <ENTER>

If P is selected then;

2 Printer:
[INPUT] The name of your printer eg. "$PRINTER" or select your printer from the queue. To view the queue, [INPUT] "..." (three periods)<ENTER>. Select your printer by typing in the sequence number corresponding to it<ENTER>
3 Copies:
[INPUT] The number of copies to be printed <ENTER>

If H is selected then no further data has to be entered.

Press [SAVE] <ENTER>

 Third Screen

Press [SAVE] <ENTER>

After finishing off the Third Screen <ENTER> to continue on with the report. After the status of the report reaches 100% <ENTER>, the report will then be printed out or be viewed on screen.