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Welcome to the Department of History!

It is with great pleasure that I am writing to welcome you to YOUR department! This message is also the first in what will be a quarterly E-Newsletter which will contain updates about the programs we offer and recent news about alumni, faculty and staff, students, and other departmental activities.

If just arriving in Thunder Bay, you are coming to a vibrant department whose mission is to teach students about the past and ways of learning about the past (see below for some recent news items). Our instructors not only impart historical knowledge, but, of equal importance, strive to acquaint students with the various approaches to the study of History which exist within the discipline and provide them with the research skills which will enable them to analyze any issue within its historical context. We do so with the understanding that student’s lives will be enriched, and their contributions to their communities enhanced, by an appreciation of the diversity of human experience and the complex relationships and continuities between past and present.

During the 2012-13 Academic Year, the department has been planning some new activities I encourage you to take advantage of. A lecture series has been established that will consist of both out-of-town speakers, members of the department, and graduate students talking about their research. These events provide a great opportunity to meet experts in a relaxed setting and discuss history outside of the classroom! The Department is also working to assist in the reinvigoration of the History Student Society and will be working with local museums and archives for visits, as well as organizing periodic social events.

For returning students, you will also notice some changes in the department's faculty. Last semester, the department mourned the passing of Dr. Helen Smith. Dr. Kristin Burnett has moved to the Department of Indigenous Learning, Dr. Jane Nicholas has moved to the Department of Women's Studies, and Dr. Patricia Jasen to the Department of English. All three will continue to be involved in our graduate program and offer courses at the undergraduate level. Beginning 4 September, Dr. Ronald Harpelle will be the Graduate Coordinator. At Orillia, our programming continues to grow as Drs Valerie Hebert and Michael Stevenson anchor a new History Specialization as part of the Interdisciplinary Studies Program. In addition, teaching courses for the department in this year will also be Prof. Catherine Hudson, Dr. Taisto Kaipio, Maj. David Ratz, Dr. Peter Raffo, and Prof. Beverly Soloway, and Dr. Todd Stubbs (in Orillia).

Finally, the department's website ( http://history.lakeheadu.ca ) is the main portal for information, and I encourage you to check it frequently. The Student Success Centre also has a great orientation week planned, so make sure to check our their website as well ( http://orientation.lakeheadu.ca/thunderbay/ )

I look forward to meeting many of you at orientation (7 September for the department session), the many events planned this year, or just around the third floor of the Ryan Building where the department is located. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me and, if not, I still encourage all of you to stop by and just say hello.

Michel S. Beaulieu, Ph.D
Chair and Associate Professor


Student Successes:
Undergraduate Students receive President's Award and Dean's Medal - At this year's convocation ceremony, two graduating HBA History students were honoured with two of the university's highest awards for their academic achievements and contributions to the university. Click here to read the full story.

New Book on Finnish North American History - Graduate Student Jaimi Penny co-edited a new book examining the role labouring Finnish men and women played in shaping the political and social culture of their communities. Click here to read the full story.

Alumni Accomplishments:
Alumnus contributes to special journal issue on War of 1812 - Jean Morrison (MA 1974) has published in a special issue of the journal Ontario History celebrating the 200th anniversary of the War of 1812. Click here to read more.

Alumni Spotlight: For more about the activities of the Alumni Association of Lakehead University, click here.

Faculty & Staff News:
New Documentary Film by History Professor - Ronald Harpelle’s latest documentary Hard Time is a film about Robert Hillary King, the only freed member of the Angola 3. King was a political prisoner who spent 29 years in solitary confinement in the infamous Louisiana State Penitentiary at Angola. Click here to read more about the film and information about its premiere on 9 September.

Bringing Canadian Perspectives on Global Resources to Russia - In May, Michel S. Beaulieu, visited Petrozavodsk State University, Republic of Karelia, Russia Federation as an invited lecturer as part of the 10th International Summer School in Karelia (ISSK). Click here to read more.

Faculty member contributes to special journal issue on War of 1812 - Todd Stubbs (Orillia Campus) has published in a special issue of the journal Ontario History celebrating the 200th anniversary of the War of 1812. Click here to read more.


Some Important Dates:

Undergraduate Orientation --
7 September
Graduate Orientation -
7 September
Fall Classes Start -
10 September
Final Date for Fall registering -
21 September
Fall Classes End -
3 December
Final Date for Fall withdrawal -
2 November
Fall Exams -
6 to 17 December

Student Corner:

"For a small University, the History program is fairly diverse and so are the Professors who teach them. I've learned more than I could have ever imagined." ~ Tom Mein, HBA/BEd
Click here to read Tom's full story.

"It is really nice to learn in an environment where class participation and student-professor interaction is the rule and not the exception."
~ Julie Follis, HBA/MA
Click here to read Julie's full story.

Lecture Series / Events:
Check the http://history.lakeheadu.ca for more information about these events.

8 Sept - Book Launch of Celluloid Dreams
9 Sept -
Film Premiere of Hard Times
18 Sept -
"Warrior Nation"
(Jamie Swift)
23 October - "The Highway to Hell: The Tar Sands and the Northern Gateway Pipeline"
(Peter Globensky)
3 November - Military Symposium on Humanitarian Operations

Useful Departmental Links:

Undergraduate Program Information
Graduate Program Information
Faculty Information
History Essay Guide

The Student Success Centre

The Student Success Centre combines the former services of academic advising, orientation, academic support and career and co-operative services into one central location. Click here to find our more.

Your Chair... and why you should speak with him

One of the main rolls of the Chair of the Department is to help you with questions regarding courses, the program, and the university. He is also here to address any concerns you may have. Dr. Beaulieu's office is located in Ryan Building 3013. His email address is michel.beaulieu@lakeheadu.ca He can also be reached by phone at (807) 343-8341.

Department of History
955 Oliver Road
Thunder Bay, ON P7B 5E1

p: (807) 346-7725
e: gail.fikis@lakeheadu.ca
Lakehead University Orillia Thunder Bay

The Department of History welcomes any comments, feedback, suggestions, and contributions.
Copyright © 2012 Lakehead University. All rights reserved.