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Student Successes | Alumni Accomplishments | Faculty Profile | Faculty & Staff News

Congratulations Graduates!

All of us in the Department of History would like congratulate each of our 2013-14 graduates! Some of you will form part of the inaugural Law class, many of you are going to graduate school, while others are beginning your careers as teachers and embarking upon other professions.  Each of you has left a lasting impression on the department!

Over the next couple of months history faculty will be busy in archives in Canada, Europe, the United States, and India (to name a few) finishing off research and/or beginning new projects. However, the end of an academic year is also time of reflection for departments and programs. At the same time that final marks are being submitted, the faculty in the Department of History have begun to look towards the next year, organizing course timetables, examining/developing/revising courses, and talking about what has occurred, what needs to be recognized, and how things can be enhanced in the coming year.

Remarkable Achievements

Two students, in particular, stand out this spring as representative of the types of accomplishments students in our program continually make. Kimberly Shirley (HBA History) will be awarded the inaugural Dean's Scholar Award for the Department of History at Convocation on 1 June. Established this year, the award is presented to the student with the highest standing in each undergraduate academic department.

First year student Hannah Pilon (HBA/BEd) began her summer by participating in the Liberation Cycle Tour. She was selected as one of 50 students -- both Dutch and Canadian - to tour during late April and early May some of the most important Second World War locations. Starting in Normandy (Juno Beach) Hannah visited Ypres, Vimy Ridge, the Ardennes, Nijmegen (Waal Bridge) and Arnhem (John Frost Bridge), and Zutphen/Warnsveld (Russell Jackson story). She ended her tour in Markelo on Queen's Day where the Minster of Defence visted the group and announced they were all  Ambassadors of Freedom. You can read more about Hannah's incredible experience by clicking here.

Recreating a Sense of Community

Central to the success of any history department and integral to the student experience are those events that create a sense of community. Some, such as the newly reconstituted Lakehead History Society, are student-led initiatives that were organized to act as a resource for those who want to meet other like-minded students and for those who want to ask an upper year student questions about the history programs and courses offered at Lakehead. Over the last year, a number of successful events were held and the next year promises even more activity.

At the graduate level, our students this fall will be relinking with the Canadian Historical Association Graduate Students' Committee. In September, students will elect an individual who will act as the liaison between students and the department, and the national committee. We will also be continuing our successful monthly graduate "coffee club." Organized by Ronald Harpelle, Graduate Coordinator, it provides graduate students, faculty, and our community partners a chance to get together at least once a month to make acquaintance and socialize.

This past year also saw the department reinstitute its Speaker Series. Working often with community partners, we hosted/co-sponsored ten events this past year between September and April. The best attended were those in recognition of Black History Month that featured a visit to Thunder Bay by Robert King. Working with the new Faculty of Law, Office of Research, AFCASA, the Thunder Bay Public Library, the Canadian International Council, and the Lakehead University Alumni Association, we were able to arrange for King to visit Thunder Bay and speak about his personal and political journey through the Louisiana corrections system. An interview he gave with CBC Radio One before his presentation and book signing can be heard by clicking here.

The upcoming year will build upon last year's success. The department has entered into a sponsoring partnership with a number of organizations such as the Thunder Bay Branch of the Canadian International Council and Thunder Bay Historical Museum Society. Each month, faculty within the department will also be presenting their current and/or recent work in a series of Brown Bag Lunch sessions. We anticipate that at least three speakers/events will be held each month this year.

Changes to History Programs and New Courses

The 2013-14 academic year is also shaping up to be an exciting one in terms of curriculum and programming. Many of you are aware that there have been significant changes to the department over the past year. All programs in Ontario are mandated by the Ministry of Colleges and Universities to undergo periodic external reviews (about every seven years). It is this process that ensures that the degree in history you receive from Lakehead is the same in quality as those from all other universities in the province.  Following our most recent review, the department has been working hard to operationalize a number of curriculum and course changes. As you have learned in your courses, history is not static but an ever-evolving discipline and the changes being undertaken reflect this.

Ever wonder what the purpose of a course was? Or how the department decides which courses should be at which year level? Beginning in 2013, the department has been following our new Year Level Course Definitions (click to here to read). These new definitions resulted in a host of course and program changes. The most significant is that History 3820: Historiography will no longer be a mandatory course. Instead, students in any of the programs leading to an Honours degree in History will now take during the third year of the program three FCEs in history at the third year level (rather than two FCEs and History 3820). For those students who have already taken 3820, it will count towards one of the three FCEs at the third-year needed.

Changes to our curriculum have also resulted in the creation of a whole new series of courses to be offered. This upcoming year, almost two-thirds of the courses being offered will be a first for the department. These include those unique to Lakehead such as "The Americas to 1870," "Introduction to Museum and Heritage Studies," and "Introduction to Archival Studies." Registration for Fall/Winter 2013-14 will commence on 15 June. In the meantime, a list of courses to be offered next year can be found online by clicking here.

Finally, I have enjoyed meeting many of you over the past year. Our next newsletter will be sent in mid-August. Until then, all members of the department would like to wish you all a safe and happy summer.

Michel S. Beaulieu, PhD
Chair and Associate Professor

Student Successes:

An Ambassador of Freedom -
First year student Hannah Pilon (HBA/BEd) loves studying history. Not satisfied with merely reading about the Canadian contributions during the Second World War, she began her summer by participating in the Liberation Cycle Tour. Selected as one of 50 students - both Dutch and Canadian - to participate in this experience, she spent late April and early May touring some of the most important Second World War locations. Click here to read more about Hannah's experience.

Graduate Student Award Thunder Bay Historical Museum Society Research Award - Master's student Jaimi Penney is the inaugural recipient of the Thunder Bay Historical Museum Society's Ken Dawson Research Trust Bursary. Click here to read more.

Lakehead Historical Society's first annual "Archive Crawl" a success - The stigma generally attached to the average student of history is that there are limited opportunities following graduation. Many students believe that their majors leave them with little choice other than teaching or writing about historical topics. Click here to read more.

Alumni Accomplishments:

Former MA Student's first book published  - Charles Nathon Hatton (MA 2007) has had an eventful year. He recently graduated from the University of Waterloo with a PhD in History and he is also the author of a brand new book entitled Rugged Game: Community, Culture, and Wrestling at the Lakehead to 1933. Click to read more.

History Alumni Nominated for Publication Awards - Five alumni of the department were nominated for the Thunder Bay Historical Museum Society's 2013 Publication Awards. Every two years, these awards are given for the best recent publications that deal with aspects of Northwestern Ontario's history. Click here to read more.

Where are they now?

- Whitney Wood (HBA 2009 / MA 2010) is currently working on a PhD under Cindy Comacchio at Wilfird Laurier University.  Thanks in large part to a SSHRC foreign study supplement she spent the last semester as a visiting research student at Birkbeck, University of London under Joanna Bourke who is one of the leading historians studying pain. More information about Whitney's research can be found by clicking here.

- Steven High (MA 1994) is a Professor and Canada Research Chair in Public History at Concordia University. Click here to read more about Dr. High.

- Paul James Stortz (BA 1982) is an Associate Professor, University of Calgary. Click here to read more about Dr. Stortz.

 Alumni Spotlight: For more about the activities of the Alumni Association of Lakehead University, click here.

Faculty Research Profile

Ronald N. Harpelle's work was recently featured in the Thunder Bay Chronicle Journal as part of Research and Innovation Week. Click here to read more about his current research.

Faculty & Staff News:

Peter Raffo Awarded City of Thunder Bay's Heritage Award
- Peter Raffo has been awarded the City of Thunder Bay's 2012 Heritage Award for his contributions to arts and culture. Click here to read more.

New Article Exploring the Use of Images in Participatory Research with Indigenous Communities - Michel S. Beaulieu is the co-author of an new study published in the journal Action Research that discusses the application of a new methodology termed ‘photohistory’ in participatory research with Indigenous Communities. Click here to read the article.

Film Shown at Vancouver International Women in Film Festival - Ronald N. Harpelle's film Under the Red Star will be shown at the Vancouver International Women in Film Festival on Sunday, March 10, followed by a panel discussion. Under the Red Star tells several stories, including one about Sanna Kannasto, an early 20th-century feminist from Thunder Bay. The film is based on research by Michel S. Beaulieu and the late Varpu Lindstrom of York University. Click here to read more about Vancouver International Women in Film Festival.

History Professor Contributes to New Book on the Lake Superior Scottish Regiment - Major David Ratz has written an introduction and lent his editorial skills to the book Letters to Leah, a memoir relating about the Second World War experiences of Lake Superior Regiment (motor) veteran Michael Fedak. Click here to read more.

New Book Explores Communities and the Forest Industry in a Global Perspective - Ronald N. Harpelle and Michel S. Beaulieu have edited a new collection examining the impact of global forces on the industrial centres of the boreal forest region with a reflection on the new forest industries in the Global South. Click here to read more.

New Book Discusses Language and Power - A new book co-edited by Ronald N. Harpelle focuses on the role or place of English, French and Spanish in present and future relations within and among Canada, the United States and Mexico. Click here to read more.


Some Important Dates:

Convocation - 1,2, 8 June
Registration Begins - 15 June
Fall Orientation - September
Start of Fall Term - 9 September
Thanksgiving - 14 October
End of Fall Term - 2 December
Fall Exams - 5 to 17 December
Start of Winter Term - 6 January

Student Corner:

"I have things I can bring to the table that other students can't because of my experiences and how I've been taught to approach things, work with the community, and make comparisons."
~  Jaimi Penney, HBA/MA
Click here to read Jaimi's full story.

Lecture Series / Events of Interest:

17 May - Presentation
"Unequal Exchanges: The Realities of International Nurse Migration" ~ Dr. Salimah Valiani

21 September - Conference
2013 Meeting of the North Shore Historical Assembly

Check http://history.lakeheadu.ca for more information about department events.

Useful Departmental Links:

Undergraduate Program Information
Graduate Program Information
Faculty Information
History Essay Guide

The Student Success Centre

The Student Success Centre combines the former services of academic advising, orientation, academic support and career and co-operative services into one central location. Click here to find our more.

Your Graduate Coodinator... why you should speak with him..

The Graduate Coordinator is the first point of contact for graduate students and the Office of Graduate Studies. Dr. Ronald Harpelle can be reached at harpelle@lakeheadu.ca

Your Chair... and why you should speak with him..

One of the main roles of the Chair of the Department is to help you with questions regarding courses, the program, and the university. He is also here to address any concerns you may have. Dr. Beaulieu's office is located in Ryan Building 3013. His email address is michel.beaulieu@lakeheadu.ca He can also be reached by phone at (807) 343-8341.

Department of History
955 Oliver Road
Thunder Bay, ON P7B 5E1

p: (807) 346-7725
e: gail.fikis@lakeheadu.ca
Lakehead University Orillia Thunder Bay

The Department of History welcomes any comments, feedback, suggestions, and contributions.
Copyright 2013 Lakehead University. All rights reserved.