Member Laboratories - LUCAS
Lakehead University Centre for Analytical Services (LUCAS) combines the experienced technical staff, internationally recognized researchers and unique technology of the university, offering a wide range of scientific testing in a single location. LUCAS has clients from across Canada as well as the USA and internationally.
Member laboratories cross a number of university faculty and disciplines. For information about a specific laboratory please select it below.
ATRC - Aquatic Toxicology Research Centre
BLEB - Biotechnology Laboratory for Enzymes and Bioproducts
BURL - Biomass Utilization Research Laboratory
CITL - Cancer Imaging and Therapeutics Laboratory
FoReST - Forest Resources and Soil Testing Laboratory
LUARS - Agricultural Research Station
LUEL - Environmental Laboratory
LUFTRL - Fire Testing and Research Laboratory
LUGDC - Geospatial Data Centre
LUIL - Instrumentation Laboratory
LUMARS - Molecular Archaeochemistry and Residue Services
LUMCS - Material Characterization Services
LUMINX - Mineralogical and Experimental Laboratory