International Teaching Placements

As part of your experience at Lakehead, you are able to learn in diverse ways and in a variety of locations. By pairing with international partners, we are able to provide eligible teacher candidates with the chance to gain teaching experience in exciting locations around the world. The opportunity to complete a 5-week teaching placement is available exclusively to teacher candidates in Year 2 of the Professional Program, who have already successfully completed three placements in the program and meet the eligibility criteria as identified below. 

Where are international teaching placements offered?

In March-May 2024, we will be offering 5-week international placements in four locations. Please see the following links for information on partnerships, testimonials from teacher candidates, and fact sheets on travel for each country:

Please also see the 2024 International Teaching Placements slide show, with further details and budget projections.

You may also wish to read a newsletter story (September 2023) about the teaching placements in each country.

How do I apply for an international teaching placement?

1. Please review all of the information on this website, including the 2024 International Teaching Placements slide show, to determine if applying for this opportunity might be right for you.

2. Attend one of the International Teaching Placement Q&A Information sessions, to be held in October 2023. Details (dates and times) will be emailed to all second-year Teacher Candidates in the program in early October. It is highly recommended that you attend an information session prior to submitting your application.

3. Complete and submit an application form by the deadline of November 15. Note: the application process for 2024 placements is now closed.

What is the eligibility criteria for an international teaching placement?

To be eligible for an international teaching placement, a teacher candidate must meet the following criteria:

  • Pass all three previous placements, as evidenced by the summative assessments
  • Have completed 80 days of in-province placement from previous three placements
  • Receive no ‘at risk’ descriptors on summative assessments in Placements 2 or 3
  • Receive less than 5 "needs further development" descriptors on summative assessments (Placements 1 and 2), and 0 "needs further development" descriptors on Placement 3 
  • Successfully complete all academic coursework, including electives
  • Pass math competency assessment (for P/J teacher candidates only)
  • Submit complete application form with resume by the deadline
  • Interview with International Placement Coordinator 

In addition to this criteria, teacher candidates must possess the qualities needed for success in traveling and living in an international location. International teaching placements will push teacher candidates out of their "comfort zone," and they can expect to experience differences in cultural norms, customs, cuisine, and environment -- in addition to significant differences in the educational system. Therefore, it is important that teacher candidates possess the qualities of maturity, professionalism, and diplomacy; an openness to new and unfamiliar experiences; a willingness to be challenged; independence, self-reliance and perseverance; flexibility and adaptability; curiosity; a non-judgemental attitude; and a sense of humour.

Is the process of securing an international teaching placement competitive?

Yes, spots may be limited in any and all of the international teaching placement locations. Each year, our partner schools determine how many teacher candidates they can accommodate. The Faculty of Education guarantees a minimum of two spots per location, and some locations can accommodate several more teacher candidates. There are opportunities on the application form to select first choice, second choice, and third choice of placement locations, to maximize chances of securing an international placement.

What are the costs for international teaching placements?

Please note, international placements are costly. Projected budgets will be provided for each location. Some associated costs include:

  • airfare
  • accommodation
  • living expenses such as food 
  • visa requirements in some countries
  • police records checks (or the equivalency) in some countries
  • international medical/travel insurance 

Teacher candidates are responsible for costs associated with international placements.

What is the history of the international teaching placement program?

Prior to 2020, the Faculty of Education held international teaching placements in China and the United Kingdom. Some information is available at these links.

Further Questions?

If you have questions, please reach out to Dr. Jan Oakley, International Placement Coordinator (
