Please Note: 2024-2025 Parking Passes will go on sale during the second week of August.
Parking on campus is on a first-come first-served basis in all parking areas. Parking rates are in effect Monday to Friday, 7 a.m. to 9 p.m.
For more information please see the Traffic and Parking Regulations, found below on this web page. Please direct any questions to Security Services at 807-343-8569 in Thunder Bay or 705-330-4010, ext. 2009 in Orillia
Lakehead University is not responsible for the loss of or damage to any vehicle or its contents, however caused, while the vehicle is operated or parked on University property.
Contractor vehicles parked in contractor parking areas must be identified as such, or are subject to being ticketed. Questions can be asked by calling the Security desk at 343-8010 ext 8569.
Persons parked in areas that are not designated for parking that are loading or unloading goods should contact the Security desk at 343-8010 ext 8569 in advance of loading or unloading or are subject to being ticketed.
Permits for both Thunder Bay and Orillia campuses are available online through our parking service websites. You can also pay a violation, appeal parking tickets, or to rent lockers.
Thunder Bay campus Permits Orillia campus Permits
Lots | Term | Cost (Taxes Included) |
| Full Year September 01 to August 31, | $432.00 |
School Year | $288.00 | |
4 Month Term (summer Only) | $144.00 | |
2 Month Term (Summer Only) | $72.00 |
General (G) Parking Rates
Lots | Term | Cost (Taxes Included) |
| Full Year September 01 to August 31, | $408.00 |
School Year | $272.00 | |
4 Month Term | $136.00 | |
2 Month Term (Spring or Summer term) | $68.00 | |
Monthly | $34.00 |
Breakdown of Parking Meter Rates
Lakehead University parking passes are NOT valid at a parking meter. Meters are for short-term parking only. You must feed the meter to park at metered spaces.
All metered parking: $1.50/hr
Daily Parking Passes
- Each daily pass costs $6.50
- Valid for short-term use at $1.50 per hour to a daily maximum of $6.50
- Available from Pay and Display machines located at Balmoral, Fieldhouse and Oliver Road entrances. Place pass on your front window dash in plain sight with the time displayed
- These passes are good for "G" Lots and Lot 1 Only.
- Not valid in any Specialty Lot.
Parking permits for the main campus and Rotary Place are to be picked up from the Security Services office in Simcoe Hall.
Parking rates for the main campus
Day Rate (Pay and Display) – 8 am to 9 pm, Monday to Friday |
$6 |
Evening Rate (Pay and Display) – 4 to 9 pm, Monday to Friday |
$3 |
Semester pass |
$164 |
Academic year pass |
$328 |
Annual pass |
$492 |
Parking rates for Rotary Place
Semester pass |
$100 |
Academic year pass |
$200 |
Parking at Heritage Place (Faculty of Education)
Faculty of Education students should obtain a parking pass for Heritage Place through the City of Orillia. City Hall is located at 50 Andrew Street South. For details and parking lot locations click here.
Those who wish to use payroll deduction must complete the fillable form online. We will not be accepting paper copies. Those individuals using payroll deduction will see deductions commence in September. Payroll deduction will only be offered in August of 2024 for the period of September 2024 to September 2025. Payroll deduction will not be offered outside of August 2024. The established timelines for payroll deduction will not change. The last date for payroll deduction forms to be submitted is 23 August 2024.
Those who continue to work or study remotely are required to purchase a parking product when they attend campus.
Casual users will be required to purchase a daily pass at the Oliver Road parking pay and display machine, or they may use Operations Commander.
In the continued interests of everyone's safety, we will not be accepting cash payments at this time. Acceptable forms of payment include credit, debit, or payroll deduction.
All staff payroll deduction forms are to be sent to
Are you a veteran studying at Lakehead?
As a student registered at Lakehead University, and a veteran, we want to thank you for your service to our country.
Attend the security desk with your student identification card, and your vehicle registration document showing that the vehicle has veterans plates and that you are the registered owner, and you will be provided with a general lot parking pass, without cost to you.
This offer applies only to veterans themselves and does not apply to staff or faculty of Lakehead University.
Have you received a ticket for forgetting to display your parking pass?
As a legitimate registered user of our parking services who purchased a parking product and has forgotten to display your hang tag in a vehicle registered on your account, submit an appeal online within five days of the violation being issued (Saturday, Sunday and University holidays excluded) and your ticket will be automatically be reduced to the 'forgetters fee" of $6.50.
Contact us. We will work with you to resolve your outstanding fines.
If your fines are substantial and no effort is made to clear up outstanding fines, Security Services may;
- Conduct a Ministry of Transportation inquiry and bill for the cost,
- Suspend the right to park on Lakehead University Property,
- Tow your vehicle off the property at your expense,
- Notify a collection agency,
- Issue municipal by-law tickets,
- Notify the Registrar requesting prohibition of registering for, changing, or withdrawing from classes, or from issuing copies of transcripts or parchment,
- Notify the Vice Provost of Student Affairs of a Student Code violation,
or any combination of the above steps.
- Prevent collisions by watching for cars cutting diagonally across spaces, particularly near the lot's perimeter. Also, drive slowly and use your directional blinkers.
- Always roll up your car windows and lock your car doors to discourage vandalism and theft.
- Before backing out of a parking spot, always glance over your shoulder for pedestrians as well as for other reversing cars.
- Take only one spot, especially in busy lots.
- Observe everything around you as you walk to your car. Choose your route to avoid anything/anyone who looks suspicious or and area that is not well lit.
- Always note where you're parked.
- At night, always park in a well-lit area, ideally under a light pole. Use the University Safe Walk service.
- Have your keys ready when approaching your car.
- When driving separately with friends, walk together to the closest car, shuttle to other vehicles and wait until all friends are underway. If someone has car trouble, wait with them until assistance arrives and they're squared away.
Lakehead University is not responsible for loss of, or damage to, any vehicle or its contents, however caused, while operated or parked on University property.
1.0 General Regulations
1.1 Purpose
The purpose of these regulations is to facilitate the safe and orderly conduct of traffic and parking on Lakehead University premises within the limits of available space and facilities.
1.2 Application of Regulations
These regulations apply to all persons operating and parking a motorized vehicle on the Lakehead University campus and are in effect twenty-four hours per day every day of the year.
1.3 Authority For Regulations and Fees
The authority for these regulations and fees is vested in the Board of Governors of Lakehead University and it reserves the right to amend them at any time. The Department of Security Services is responsible for the implementation and enforcement of these regulations. Lakehead University is not responsible for loss of, or damage to, any vehicle or its contents, however caused, while the vehicle is operated or parked on University property.
1.4 Responsibility
Because the University grounds are private property, the University reserves the right to maintain jurisdiction over all vehicle traffic and parking, and to take action for violations of these regulations. All vehicle operators are responsible for knowing and complying with these traffic and parking regulations. The operator and/or owner of the vehicle is subject to the applicable penalties for violations. Registered owners of vehicles are traced through the Ontario Ministry of Transportation.
1.5 Availability
While every effort will be made to provide adequate parking space, a parking permit does not guarantee that space will always be available. Additional parking spaces are available at the Field House (Lot 1) and Bora Laskin Lot 6 if there are no available spaces in the G lots.
1.6 Amendments to these regulations
Proper notice of changes to the parking regulations, as may from time to time be necessary, will be deemed to have been given to the University community by posting the changes in the Communications Bulletins by Lakehead email and on the Security Services website.
1.7 Electric Car Charging Outlets
Electric car charging is permitted at specified locations. Permits must be purchased to park in these spaces.
2.0 Traffic Regulations
2.1 Permits and Licences
The owner and/or operator of a vehicle on University property must be in possession of all valid permits and licences required by the University and the Province of Ontario for the operation of that vehicle.
2.2 Speed Limit
Unless otherwise posted, the speed limit on University roads is 25 kilometres per hour.
2.3 Traffic Control
Vehicle operators are required to operate their vehicles safely and to obey any direction given by sign, device or person charged with the responsibility of traffic control on University property. Violators may be fined and/or have their parking privileges revoked (see 7.0 Fines and Penalties).
2.4 Manner of Vehicle Operation
All persons shall operate their vehicle on University property in a manner considered by those in authority for traffic control not to be hazardous to persons or property. Those found to be operating a vehicle on University property in an unsafe manner may be fined or barred from vehicle access to campus (see 7.0 Fines and Penalties).
2.5 Applicability and Enforcement
These traffic and parking regulations apply to all persons operating or parking vehicles on University property and are in effect twenty-four hours per day. A valid parking permit is required as stated in 3.1 Permit Requirements.
3.0 Parking Permits
3.1 Permit Requirements
All persons are required to obtain an authorized parking permit for any motorized vehicle which they wish to park on University property, with the following exceptions:
- Permits are not required for parking on University property between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. Monday through Friday and at any time on Saturdays, Sundays, or official University holidays;
- Permits are not required, nor are they applicable, for parking in any metered areas (currently, in lot 5, lot 6,lot 9 lot 10, lot 11, lot 14, Agora Circle and at the Fieldhouse) these spaces are metered and operate from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, excluding official University holidays. Permits are not valid for parking in any metered area
- Daily permits may be purchased for parking in "G" lots from Pay and Display permit dispenser located at the Oliver Road entrance. It is the responsibility of the operator to report any malfunctioning parking equipment to Security Services. If an operator discovers a Pay and Display permit dispenser that is not working he/she will be expected to advise Security Services.
3.2 Affixing Parking Permits
All parking permits must be hung on the rear-view mirror and the permit number must be visible from the outside of the vehicle.
Motorcycles are not required to display a permit however are required to have a permit on file with the security department.
Broken hang tags should be returned without delay to the Security Office for a free replacement. Improper placement of a parking permit will result in a parking ticket being issued.
Pay and Display permits are to be placed on the driver's side of the dash with the permit expiry date and time clearly visible from outside the vehicle through the front windshield.
3.3 Lost or Stolen Permits
If a permit is lost or stolen, please advise the Security Office immediately. You will be responsible for any fines or violations charged against such permit until notification is given.
Note: The use of a parking permit which has been stolen, lost, duplicated, or which is otherwise unauthorized is strictly prohibited. Violators are subject to fines or other penalties as deemed appropriate (see 7.2 Schedule of Fines for Permit Violations). The possession of such a permit is also an offense under The Criminal Code of Canada.
3.4 Resale/Refund of Permits
The parking permits cannot be resold. If the permit is no longer needed by the owner, it should be returned to Security Services for refund.
3.5 Change in Information
Permit holders are required to inform the Security Office of any change in information given in their application.
3.6 Special Parking Privileges
Any person associated with the University having health or disability problems may apply to Student Accessibility Services or the Director of Security Services for special parking privileges. Medical certificates are required in support of each application and must be re-validated on request.
3.7 Duplication of Permits
Duplication of a parking permit is prohibited. The owner and/or operator of a vehicle in which a duplicate permit is displayed, and the permit holder whose permit has been duplicated are subject to a fine and for other penalties as deemed appropriate (see 7.2 Schedule of Fines for Permit Violations).
3.8 Owners with More Than One Vehicle
A permit holder who owns more than one vehicle can transfer the permit to his/her other vehicles, but cannot obtain a second or duplicate permit(s) for any additional vehicles without purchasing a second permit.
3.9 Permit Expiry Dates
Parking permits expire in accordance with the following schedule of dates:
- Fall permits expire on December 31st;
- Winter permits expire on April 30th;
- Intersession (spring) permits expire on June 30th;
- Summer permits expire on August 31st;
- Annual permits expire on August 31st;
- Fieldhouse Membership permits expire on the date indicated on the permit.
- Daily permits expire at the hour on the date specified on the permit.
4.0 Parking Regulations
4.1 Designated Areas
A parking permit allows a motorized vehicle to be parked only in the area(s) designated to correspond with that type of permit. The types of permits and the corresponding lot(s) are as follows:
Lot Numbers and Type of Permit Required
- Lot 1 - All Lakehead U permits valid. No parking after midnight without Lakehead U permit. Short-term parking. Passes available from Pay & Display machines.
- General Parking: Lots G 2,3,4,6,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20, 1294 Balmoral, Shipping/Receiving, Tungsten St and Townhouses. Permit "G" General parking. Overflow parking in Lot 1.
Lot Specific Parking
These permits are lot specific. You can only park in the lot specified on your permit. Overflow parking for these permits are "G" lots or Lot 1.
- Lot 5 - Permit "5" Restricted to full-time faculty and staff with Lot 5 permits.
- Lot 7, 7A - Permit "7" Restricted to faculty and staff regularly employed in the Bora Laskin building.
- P.A.C.I. - Permit "P" Restricted to faculty and staff employed in the P.A.C.I. building. Valid in G lot and or Lot "1".
- Avila - Permit "A" Restricted to staff regularly employed in the Avila Centre.
Any inquires about obtaining a lot specific parking pass must be done so by emailing
Car Pooling
Any holder of a valid Lakehead U permit may use one of the carpool parking spots located in lot 14 by the Faculty Lounge (behind the Outpost). Requirements are: you must have a minimum of 3 occupants and you must obtain a special carpool permit good for the week from Security after registering as a carpool vehicle. Permit issued will be for a one week period. There is no additional charge for the carpool permit. Carpool permits will only be available until 11 a.m. each day. After that time these parking spots revert to Lot G permit holders.
4.2 Daily Permit/Visitor Parking
- A vehicle with a valid daily and/or hourly permit may park in General Lots only.
- Visitor Parking available at 1294 Balmoral Street in front of the building and to the left of the building. G permit parking in the lot behind.
- No parking after 12 midnight without valid Lakehead U parking pass. Unauthorized vehicles will be towed. Daily permits not valid.
4.3 Restricted Parking
- (a) A very limited number of parking spaces are designated for the parking of University, Accessibleped, and service vehicles. Such spaces may not be used to park other types of vehicles at any time.
- (b) Parking Meters: A limited number of metered spaces are available for short-term parking in the Agora Circle, SN roadway, Lot 5, Lot 6, Lot 9, lot 10, Lot 14, and the Fieldhouse. Metered parking is enforced from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, excluding official University holidays.
Parking permits are not valid for metered parking.
All drivers must pay the meter to park at a parking meter.
- (c) Roadways: Vehicles parked illegally on Lakehead University roadways will be issued a Lakehead University parking ticket or, will be towed at the owner's expense. Lakehead University Parking By-Law states:
No person shall park or leave standing any motor vehicle on the property of Lakehead University save and except within a designated parking lot provided on the property.
- (d) Accessible Parking: A number of spaces in various University parking areas are designated for Accessible parking only. Users require appropriate designation and a valid University parking permit. Contact the Director of Security Services for direction.Obtaining an Accessible Ontario Permit though Service Ontario can be found at this link:
- (e) Construction Parking Lots: An area may be designated for the use of construction crews only. A temporary parking pass valid for that lot is required. Lakehead U permits are not valid. All Contractors require a valid Contractors pass displayed in their vehicle(s) A list of companies hired by Lakehead University under tendered work will be on file at the security department and only those on the provided list will be issued a parking pass(es). Vehicle license plates are required.Contractors requiring use of their vehicle for the project will be allowed to park in the area of the work, but must request permission from physical Plant who will inform Security Services. Contracted staff who are on the campus to supply manpower or workforce labor, must park their vehicles in the G Lots. Repeated parking infractions may result in having passes revoked. Contractors in contravention of designated Fire Routes or No Parking Zone(s) will be subject to a City of Thunder Bay Parking ticket.
4.4 Snow Removal Restrictions
From November 15th to April 1st inclusive, vehicles parked on campus between midnight and 7:30 a.m. will be towed away at the owner's expense if they impede snow removal operations.
4.5 Proper Parking
Motorized vehicles must be parked in designated parking areas only and so as not to obstruct other vehicles or cause danger to pedestrian traffic. In parking lots containing electrical outlets (blue posts), a proper parking stall is defined as one in which an electrical outlet pole (blue posts) is immediately in front of or in rear of either the left or right-hand corner of the vehicle. Parking lots that have painted parking stalls, vehicles must park within the stall. Vehicles which are parked on fire access routes, illegally parked in reserved or service areas, obstructing the passage of emergency or service vehicles, blocking entrances, in Accessible(handicapped) parking areas, or in any other way impeding proper traffic movement may be towed off campus. If such action is necessary, the operator and/or owner of the vehicle will be responsible for all costs involved (see 7.1 Fines and Penalties - General).
4.6 Special Circumstances or Emergencies
The University reserves the right to make special parking arrangements in any area on a temporary basis to accommodate special circumstances or emergencies.
4.7 Changes to Parking Facilities
The University reserves the right to make changes in the operation of parking facilities on campus. Such changes will be consistent with the orderly operation of the lots and with conservation and economy.
5.0 Application Procedures
5.1 Issuance of Permits
Students, faculty, and staff may obtain their permits commencing in early August at the Security Office upon completion of on-line reservation of permit and payment of the required fee. Any outstanding parking fines must be paid prior to a new permit being issued. Permits remain the property of Lakehead University.
Only one permit will be issued to any applicant, regardless of the number of vehicles he/she owns as this permit is readily transferable between his/her vehicles. Details of all vehicles that the permit may be used on should be submitted on-line.
5.2 Daily & Hourly Permits
Daily and hourly permits may be obtained online at all entrances to the university or from the Pay and Display machine located at the Oliver Road entrance. Look for the Pay Here signs.
6.0 Parking Fees
6.1 Permit Fees
The following are the parking fees for the types of permits issued to University students, faculty, staff and visitors. All taxes are included in the price.
Lots P.A.C.I., A, 5, 7, MPL | ||
Term | Dates | Cost (Taxes Included) |
Full year (12 months) | September 01 to August 31 | $432.00 |
Fall-Winter (8 months) | September 01 to April 30 | $288.00 |
Winter Term (4 months) | January 01 to April 30 | $144.00 |
Intersession: Summer (4 months) | May 1 to August 31 | $144.00 |
Intersession (2 months) | May 1 to June 30 | $72.00 |
Summer (2 months) | July 1 to August 31 | $72.00 |
Lot 5 permits are sold only for the Year and F/W term.
General Permits | ||
Term | Dates | Cost (Taxes Included) |
Full year (12 months) | September 01 to August 31 | $408.00 |
Fall-Winter (8 months) | September 01 to April 30 | $272.00 |
Fall Term (4 months) | September 01 to December 31 | $136.00 |
Winter Term (4 months) | January 01 to April 30 | $136.00 |
Intersession: Summer (4 months) | May 1 to August 31 | $136.00 |
Intersession (2 months) | May 1 to June 30 | $68.00 |
Summer (2 months) | July 1 to August 31 | $68.00 |
Monthly |
| $34.00 |
6.2 Daily & Hourly Permits
A daily permit must be purchased at the time of entry into the campus either online or at the Oliver Road entrance pay and display machine for a fee of $1.50 per hour to a total of $6.50 per day. Weekly discount permits may also be purchased at 5 days for $26.00.
7.0 Fines and Penalties
7.1 General
Any violation of these regulations shall make the operator and/or the owner of the vehicle subject to a fine and/or other penalties which may include the removal of the vehicle from campus, the suspension or cancellation of parking privileges or the withdrawal of vehicle access privileges to campus.
Any vehicle, regardless of where it is parked, may be towed off campus at the discretion of the Director of Security Services. If such action is necessary, the owner/operator of the vehicle will be responsible for all costs involved and will be liable for any damage incurred to the vehicle. A list of vehicles designated for towing is maintained at the Security Office and is available for inspection at any time.
It should be noted that all parking and traffic violations are recorded in a computer database and remain outstanding until paid. Hence, tickets received in one year are carried forward to the next and will be taken in account with respect to towing and collection of accounts.
Where circumstances warrant, abuses to these Traffic & Parking Regulations may be referred to a Judicial Officer of the University for processing under the Lakehead University Code of Student Behaviour and Disciplinary Procedures or Employee Code of Conduct.
Members of the Lakehead University Security Service are authorized to issue parking tickets under the City of Thunder Bay Parking By-Law 100-2007 . Lakehead University has no authority to revoke a City of Thunder Bay parking ticket infraction. All tickets issued under the Municipal By-Law must proceed through the City of Thunder Bay appeal system, or the Provincial Court.
7.2 Fine per Violation
Set out below is the prevailing schedule of fines for parking violations.
Schedule of Fines for Parking Tickets | ||
Fine Type | Conditions | Cost |
Lakehead University | General Set Fines include but are not limited to:
| $25.00 |
Accessible (Handicap) Zone Violation |
| $150.00 |
Unsafe Vehicle Operation |
| $50.00 |
Non-electric vehicle parked in electric vehicle charging area | $50.00 | |
Non-electric vehicle parked in electric vehicle charging area - not charging | $50.00 |
Schedule of Fines for Traffic Violations | |
Conditions | Cost |
For operating a vehicle on campus in an improper or unsafe manner | $50.00 |
Schedule of Fines for Permit Violations
The use of a parking permit which has been stolen, lost, duplicated, altered or which is otherwise unauthorized is strictly prohibited. The owner/operator of a vehicle displaying a stolen, lost, duplicated or unauthorized permit will subject himself/herself to the following actions:
- the permit will be confiscated; and
- the owner/operator will be fined $250.00
- the owner/operator must purchase a valid permit to legally park on campus
- all outstanding fines must be paid
- the vehicle will be towed and the towing charges are the responsibility of the owner/operator.
- in addition to the sanctions found in this regulation, the permit holder and/ or the responsible party involved may be referred to the police with recommendations for the laying of criminal charges of fraud under the Criminal Code of Canada if a permit is found to be altered, manufactured or falsified.
All Lakehead University parking and traffic fines must be paid at the Security Office (UC-1016) or online within the time specified on the face of the ticket. Failure to pay the fines will result in the cancellation/suspension of all parking privileges, and, in the case of a student, the amount owing may be posted as owing on the student's fee bill and a hold placed on the student’s account.
Registered owners of vehicles are traced through the Ontario Ministry of Transportation and any search charges may be also applied to the account.
The imposition of fines does not preclude other actions as specified in these regulations being taken in regard to the same violation.
7.3 Payment of Fines
Lakehead University fines may be paid in person, 24 hours per day, at the Security Office, Room UC-1016, on-line at the Security Services website or may be mailed along with the ticket to:
Manager - Security Services
955 Oliver Road
Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Ontario
P7B 5E1
Cheques should be made payable to Lakehead University.
Fines must be paid within seven (7) calendar days of the date of violation. However, the fine for most parking infractions is significantly reduced if the ticket is paid within 48 hours of the time of issue. The reduced fine, if applicable, is clearly marked on the face of the ticket at the time of issue.
Failure to pay parking or traffic fines shall result in the cancellation/suspension of parking privileges or in the permit holder's vehicle being towed off campus. If such action is necessary, the operator and/or owner of the vehicle will be responsible for all costs involved and will be liable for any damage incurred to the vehicle.
8.0 Appeals
8.1 Appeal Privilege
If a permit holder and/or owner has reason to appeal a Lakehead University fine, he/she must do so on-line through the parking program website. The grounds on which he/she is appealing must be included with the appeal online. The appeal must be submitted within 5 days of the date of the violation (Saturdays, Sundays, and official University holidays excluded). After such time, any outstanding violation appeal is not subject to consideration.
Once an appeal has been received and a decision has been decided no further appeal will be considered.
8.2 Appeal Process
It is the responsibility of the person appealing to ensure that the appeal has been received by the Security Office within the time limit specified above. All appeals must be submitted on-line through the parking program website appeal violation process.
Once an appeal has been received and a decision has been decided no further appeal will be considered.
Appeals will not be honoured that are based solely on the following reasons;
- ignorance of the parking regulation, or,
- seeking individual exceptions to the regulations, or,
- the inability to pay a fine, or,
- failure to comply with a regulatory sign, or
- engaging as part of a group, organized or not, in a behaviour that is in contravention of the regulation.
It is recommended that before an appeal is submitted that a review of the Parking and Traffic Regulations be done.
9.0 Other Information or Comments
Comments or further information concerning parking should be directed in person or in writing to:
Senior Security Guard - Security Services
Room UC-1014
Lakehead University
955 Oliver Road
Thunder Bay, Ontario P7B 5E1
Telephone: 343-8131
Note: No Security Guard has the authority to cancel or modify a parking or traffic ticket.
- Any person wishing to dispute a parking or traffic ticket that has been issued for a Lakehead University parking or traffic violation will have to file an appeal on-line through the web-based parking program.
- The appeal must be filed within five (5) days of the date issued. Please refer to section 8 of the Traffic & Parking Regulations for details.
- A reference to the section of the Lakehead University Parking and Traffic regulations that supports your appeal.
- A decision will be made and a parking system generated email will be forwarded to the email address contained in the parking program for the person filing the appeal.
- It is the responsibility of the person filing the appeal to check for their answers supplied by email.
- Anyone who has trouble filing an appeal through the web based parking program may attend the Security Office for assistance.
- As a legitimate registered user of our parking services who purchased a parking product and has forgotten to display your hang tag in a vehicle registered on your account, submit an appeal online within five days of the violation being issued (Saturday, Sunday and University holidays excluded) and your ticket will be automatically be reduced to the 'forgetters fee" of six dollars and fifty cents ($6.50)
- Appeals will not be honoured that are based solely on the following reasons;
- ignorance of the parking regulation, or,
- parking tickets that have been previously paid, or
- seeking individual exceptions to the regulations, or,
- the inability to pay a fine, or,
- failure to comply with a regulatory sign, or
- engaging as part of a group, organized or not, in a behaviour that is in contravention of the regulation.
It is recommended that before an appeal is submitted that a review of the Parking and Traffic Regulations be done.