Lakehead University Agricultural Research Station (LUARS): Agricultural Research Capacity Development Program
1 Step TB Skin Test Form
This form should be used for 1 step TB Skin tests and is to be fully completed by the Health Care Provider ONLY. Your Health Care Provider can use their own stationary but it must show: Date administered;, Date read;, and Result;, along with Administered by: (name printed with signature), and name of clinic with full address (stamp with all info accepted).
2 Step TB Skin Test Form for 1st Year Nursing Students
Your 2 Step TB Skin test should be recorded on this form. Form is to be fully completed by the Healthcare Provider Only. When clinic uses their own stationary they must provide the same information: Dated Administered:, Date Read:, Result: (for both tests), along with Administered by: (name printed plus signature) and name of clinic with full address (stamp with information allowed). Skin Tests provided on immunization records not accepted. A 2 Step TB Skin test requires 4 visits to the healthcare provider to have the test completed.
Academic Integrity in Writing Declaration Policy
Access Request Form
Use this form if you are requesting access to General Records or access to Own Personal Information.
This form is also intended for the Public.
Department: Risk Management and Access to Information
Accident Report Form
Health & Safety Accident Report Form - for an injury with or without medical aid. For an incident, without injury.
Account Set-up Form
Use this form when you need a new cost centre account.
Acknowledgement of Research Agreement Terms & Conditions
This form should be used by faculty and students who are involved in research projects which involve a legal Agreement with the funder.
Android Wireless Instructions Pamphlet
Instructions for connecting to wireless via android OS
Animal Care: Animal Incident Reporting Form
Use this form to report incidents that occur when caring for/working with animals.
Animal Care: Animal Utilization Protocol (AUP) Application Form
Applications for approval of a protocol from the Animal Care Committee are available through the Romeo Research Portal. Please log in by first logging into MyInfo.
Appropriate Use of Electronic Devices Policy
Appropriate Use of Electronic Devices Policy
Audit a Course
This form should be used by students who are interested in Auditing a Lakehead University course.
Completed forms must be returned to Enrolment Services - Academic Advising, Records and Registration.
Audit fees are non-refundable and once registration occurs, must be paid in full online or at Financial Services during regular business hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30AM - 4:30PM.
Submission of a request to Audit a Course does not guarantee acceptance as some courses have limited capacities and/or restrictions.
Banked Overtime Adjustment Form
OPSEU Banked Overtime Adjustment Form
Basic Risk Management for Field Trip
BH Full-time bi-weekly hourly (IUOE, OPSEU, UNIFOR, UUSW) Pay Schedule
Pay Schedule for United Steelworkers Union (USWA), International Union of Operating Engineers (IUOE), Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSUE), and UNIFOR Employees
Biosafety Facility Self Audit Form
Self Audit Biosafety form for Lakehead University Faculty.
Blackberry Wireless Instructions Pamphlet
Instructions for connecting to LakeheadU wireless on Blackberry devices.
Blank Evaluation Form (PDF) - CUPE
Blank Student Schedule
This form can be used to plan your schedule for the fall term and winter term on paper before beginning to register on-line.
BM Bi-Monthly Salary for Graduate Assistants (CUPE), and Post-doctoral Fellows Pay Schedule
BM Bi-Monthly Salary for Graduate Assistants (CUPE), and Post-doctoral Fellows
Breach of Privacy
In cases where a significant breach of privacy has occurred, that is, disclosure of personal information contrary to the law, please complete this form (can be done entirely electronically) and send it confidentially, ideally as an email attachment, to the Director of Risk Management and Access to Information at
Please submit the report as soon as possible after the breach has occurred.
Department: Risk Management and Access to Information
BS Full-time bi-weekly salary (COPE) Pay Schedule
BS Full-time bi-weekly salary (COPE)
Budget Transfer
Use this form to request transfer of budget dollars from one department to another.
Business Declaration of Program
This form is to be used by Honours Bachelor of Commerce students in the Faculty of Business Administration who are declaring their major or changing to the Bachelor of Administration program. Please review the current program requirements found in the Lakehead University Academic Calendar prior to declaring your program. If you have any questions about your program requirements, discuss your decision with your program Chair.
Note: only forms approved by the Faculty of Business will be processed. Once a program has been updated, the student will be sent an email notification to their Lakehead University email account.
Cancelled Clinical Policy
While the School of Nursing is committed to maintaining its scheduled clinical placement experiences at all times, it may need to make changes and/or cancel clinical shifts or rotations if continuing with normal operations poses a danger to students, staff, and faculty.
Cellular Reimbursement Request
To be used for Cellular (Mobile) Telephone Reimbursement Request. Completed forms should be emailed to Ralph in Accounts Payable for processing.
Change of Mark Form
To be used for official record changes to a student marks.
Cheque Requisition
Use this form to submit a cheque requisition, requesting payment for non-travel and non-hospitality charges, not made on a Lakehead Purchasing Card. Payments are reimbursed in either Canadian dollars or U.S. dollars.
Computer Justification Form
Justification Form for Computer, Software and Electronic Equipment Purchases from Research Fund Accounts.
Confirmation of Eligibility to Work in Canada
Use this form to confirm your eligibility to work in Canada. This form should accompany your resume when applying for a position at Lakehead University.
Confirmation of Enrolment (Enrolment Verification)
The Confirmation of Enrolment (Enrolment Verification) letter is accessed through myInfo and is specific to you based on your current registration for the current term.
If you require a Confirmation of Enrolment (Enrolment Verification) for previous terms, or are a graduate student requesting a letter, please submit a Request for A Special Letter.
Confirmation of Enrolment for Government Student Loans:
This form does not satisfy the required confirmation for government student financial assistance (e.g. OSAP, Canada Loans & Provincial student loan programs). If you are seeking to confirm your student loans, please note that your provincial government will communicate directly with us and we will confirm with 5 - 10 business days of receipt (excluding Quebec, Northwest Territories and Nunavut, please submit your paper documentation to Student Central). If you are trying to keep your loans in interest and/or payment-free status, please log into your OSAP portal for Ontario students, or the NSLSC portal and submit a confirmation of interest free status electronically.
Conflict of Interest and Non-Disclosure Agreement
Conflict of Interest and Non-Disclosure Agreement
Contractor Safety Checklist
Contractor Safety Checklist
Corporate Travel and Entertainment Card Application
Please visit the designated Visa Card Program webpage for more details on the corporate card program. There you can find the corporate card Visa application link.
Correction Request Form
Use this form to request correction of Personal Information under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
Department: Risk Management and Access to Information
Election to stop Contributing to the Canada Pension Plan, or Revocation of a Prior Election
Creed and Religious Accommodation Agreement - Exams
A student who is unable to write an examination during the formal exam period (e.g. December, April) for religious or creed-based holidays, leaves and ritual observances, must submit a Creed and Religious Accommodation Agreement (Exams) to Enrolment Services no later than three (3) weeks prior to the start of the final examination period for that term.
Upon approval, Enrolment Services, in conjunction with the instructor, will schedule an alternative exam date within the examination period for that term. Students will be notified of the rescheduled date via their lakeheadu email.
You may also refer to the University Regulations, IV Examinations for more information.
Delegation of Signing Authority: Research Funds (Fund 50)
To delegate signing authority to another researcher for expenditures up to $5,000
DEPARTMENT OF VISUAL ARTS Contract Lecturer Job Posting F/W 2021/22
Departmental Transfer
Use this form to request transfer expenses from one department to another.
Doctoral Dissertation Forms
Doctoral Dissertation Forms
Electronic Payment Form
Electronic Payment Form for vendors or persons to submit their direct deposit information. Please ensure to include a void cheque or a financial institution direct deposit transfer form when returning the Electronic Payment Form to Accounts Payable.
Employee Safety Orientation - Physical Plant & Residence
Responsibility and Accountability for Safety checklist to be discussed with supervisor
Employment Standards in Ontario (Poster)
Ministry of Labour Employment Standards in Ontario
Endowed or Trust New Account Request Form
Use this form when you need a new endowed or trust account
Examination Cover Page
The Examination Cover Page is to be used by faculty, instructors and staff when submitting exams to the Scheduling Office within Enrolment Services - Academic Advising, Records and Registration. This form is also available through myInfo.
External Research Funding: CFI IOF Application Form
Use this form to propose expenditures that will ensure the effective operation and maintenance of CFI-funded infrastructure.
External Research Funding: CFI Request for Quotation
This form is used to help faculty members when approaching equipment suppliers to meet the guidelines set by the federal government to govern CFI/ORF funding (for example, related to eligible in-kind contributions).
Faculty of Science and Environmental Studies Newsletter
Our Science and Environmental Studies Newsletter showcases a variety of activities involving our current students, Faculty, staff and Alumni, sharing news, successes and innovation.
For each issue of our Science and Environmental Studies Newsletter, see the following:
Federal TD1 Personal Tax Credits Return
Federal TD1 Personal Tax Credits Return
Financial Support for Continuing Students
Financial Support for Continuing Students (PDF)
This form is initiated by the Graduate Coordinator/Chair for students continuing their graduate program beyond one year. It should be submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies. One form per student. Additions to the form must be made on the same original form. Please adjust your printer settings to print this form on different paper sizes.
Functional Abilities Form
Planning early and safe return to work - this form is filled out by health professionals to identify patient's functional abilities and work restrictions which will assist in their return to work.
Gender and Women's Studies Collaborative Application Form
The Gender and Women’s Studies Program at Lakehead University offers a Specialization in Gender and Women’s Studies to students accepted into graduate programs in the academic units of Education, English, Social Justice, Psychology, Social Work and Sociology. The Gender and Women’s Studies Graduate Committee will assess your application based on the information you provide.
Gender and Women's Studies Collaborative Masters Program Form
Please complete the required information on the top of the sheet. When the student’s proposal has been approved by the Home Unit, the Supervisor will sign and date and then forward it along with a copy of the Proposal to the Gender and Women’s Studies Graduate Coordinator for review.
General Claim Submission Form - Green Shield
Use this form to submit your medical, dental or vision expenses that are covered through your Green Shield benefits. Use mailing address located at the bottom of the form.
Graduate Assistant Assignment of Work
Graduate Assistant Assignment of Work (PDF Format)
Graduate Coordinators: Please complete one form for each Graduate Assistant in your program. Keep one copy for your files and send the original to the Office of Graduate Studies.
Graduate Assistant Employee Performance Review
Graduate Assistant Employee Performance Review (PDF)
This form is meant to be an aid to both the employee and the supervisor in discussing the issues surrounding the employee's review. Attachments are encouraged. Any concerns regarding the Employee Performance Review may be directed to the Department Chair/Director or the Faculty Dean.
Graduate Request for Program Change
This form is to be used by graduate students who would like to change their route, option or specialization. Please fill in the form and discuss your decision with your Graduate Coordinator.
If you are looking to change your degree or your major, please contact the Faculty of Graduate Studies for assistance.
Note: graduate program change forms received after the last day to withdraw from courses in a given term will be effective at the start of the next graduate term.
Graduate Request for Program Withdrawal
This form is to be used by graduate students who are officially withdrawing from their graduate program. Please fill in the form and discuss with your Graduate Coordinator and the Faculty of Graduate Studies.
Graduate program change forms received after the last day to withdraw from courses in a given term will be effective at the start of the next graduate term.
Note: Withdrawal from a graduate program does NOT affect course registration. Course add and drop dates must be adhered to. Fees may still apply.
Graduate Student Progress Report
Graduate Student Progress Report (PDF Format)
This form is to be completed at the initial registration of each graduate student and updated each May 1st. The form must also be retained by the Graduate Coordinator with a copy to be sent to the Office of Graduate Studies.
Green Shield Change Form
Use this form to update your Green Shield information.
Health Care Spending Account - Green Shield
This form should be used when claiming reimbursement under your Health Care Spending Account, Health Care Expense Account or Health Services Spending Account for eligible expenses which are not covered (or not covered in full) by your Health or Dental Plan.
Helpdesk Website Content Submission Form
Form is designed to assist with Content Submission to the Helpdesk for changes related to TSC helpdesk website.
Hospitality (Entertainment) & Working Expense Pre-Approval
As per Lakehead University’s Hospitality Expense Policy, all special events to be in any way funded by the University require prior approval from VP or President in advance. Please complete the form with appropriate clarification to support selective, efficient, effective and sustainable spending to benefit the University and/or its students.
Hospitality (Entertainment) & Working Expense Statement
To be used for university related reception and hospitality expenses. Reception and hospitality expenses must be charged to a University account designated for such expenses. The purpose of the event, including the name of the group, the number of individuals involved, or the names of the guests, must be listed on the Hospitality Expense Statement along with original itemized receipts.
How to access T4 and T4A on myInfo
How to access T4 and T4A on myInfo
How to complete the TD1IN - Information sheet
How to complete the TD1IN - Information sheet
How to Conduct a Performance Review
As you prepare, conduct and follow-up on employee performance evaluation sessions as a supervisor, use this guideline to help you increase the likelihood of having a positive and productive exchange with your employees. Remember, the employee performance appraisal meeting is an opportunity to recognize achievements, identify and correct problems, and set specific goals and objectives for the coming year.
How to Obtain your Record of Employment (ROE)
How to Obtain Your Lakehead University Record of Employment (ROE)
How to view your T4 on MyInfo
How to view your T4 on MyInfo
HSPnet Consent Form
Form to be completed by all Nursing Students to give permission to use and disclose student related personal information and personal health information in the HSPnet System.
HSPnet Identified Purposes Summary
This document provides an overview of the collection, use and disclosure of Personal Information and Personal Health Information. Each nursing student should review prior to signing the HSPnet Consent form.
Human Ethics: Final Report
Human Ethics: Renewal Request
Human Ethics: Request for Amendment
Those requesting amendments through an undergraduate level Research Ethics Committee should use the Request for Amendment Form.
Human Ethics: Undergraduate REB application form
Those applying to an undergraduate level Research Ethics Committee should use the Researcher Agreement Form.
Individualized Accommodation Plans for Emergencies
Accommodation form for individuals requiring assistance in emergency situations.
Informed Consent Template
For field trips with significant risks (i.e. most field trips), it may be advisable to require participants to read and understand, complete, and sign an informed consent or waiver.
Interim Criminal Offence Declaration
If you are unable to obtain a "Criminal Records Check with Vulnerable Sector Screening" due to age restriction, you must complete this form and submit with clinical document package to Synergy. If you become of age during your 1st year you must provide a "CRC with VSS" at that time.
Interim Criminal Offence Declaration for Nursing Students
If nursing students are unable to obtain a "Criminal Records Check with Vulnerable Sector Screening" due to age restriction, you must complete this form and submit with clinical document package. If at any time during your 1st year you become of age you must, at that time, provide the "CRC with VSS".
Internal Research Funding (SRC): Publication Assistance Fund
To access the Publication Assistance Fund guidelines, click here.
Applications for this internal funding opportunity are only available through the Romeo Research Portal. To access the portal, please log into MyInfo and select "Romeo Research Portal" on the right.
Internal Research Funding (SRC): Conference Travel Fund
To access the Conference Travel Fund guidelines, click here.
Applications for this internal funding opportunity are only available through the Romeo Research Portal. To access the portal, please log into MyInfo and select "Romeo Research Portal" on the right.
Internal Research Funding (SRC): Research Development Fund
This internal fund can be used to develop a research project. To access the RDF guidelines, click here.
Applications for this internal funding opportunity are only available through the Romeo Research Portal. To access the portal, please log into MyInfo and select "Romeo Research Portal" on the right.
Internal Research Funding (SRC): Research Grant in Lieu of Salary Program
Use this form to apply for a research grant in lieu of salary.
Click here to access the current guidelines and application form.
Please note that Canada Revenue Agency Interpretation Bulletin IT-75R4 has been replaced with Income Tax Folio S1-F2-C3 ( All applicants are advised to seek further advice from a taxation specialist if they have any questions regarding the program.
Internal Research Funding (SRC): Visiting Scholar Fund
This internal fund can be used to invite recognized scholars and/or research professionals to Lakehead University. Click here to access the guidelines.
Applications for this internal funding opportunity are only available through the Romeo Research Portal. To access the portal, log into MyInfo, then select Romeo Research Portal on the left.
Internal Research Funding: Vice-President (Research and Innovation) Strategic Fund (Form and Guidelines)
internal fund, received on an annual basis from operating funds received from the Ministry of
Advanced Education and Skills Development’s Research Overhead Infrastructure Envelope.
CIHR, NSERC, and SSHRC grants received by all researchers.
Emergency Research Equipment Repair Fund; and (3) Lakehead University Research
Bridge Fund.
Invention Disclosure Form
Invention Disclosure forms are used by faculty members, researchers, inventors, and students when they are ready to disclose their invention/product/idea to the Office of Innovation, Partnerships and Economic Development.
All information submitted within this disclosure form shall be treated as confidential. Lakehead University reserves the right to release disclosed general information for the purpose of generating statistics, as long as such disclosure shall not adversely affect the scope of protection available to intellectual property.
iOS Wireless Instructions Pamphlet
Instructions for connecting to LakeheadU wireless via iOS
Leave of Absence Request
Students can request a leave of absence using this form.
Letter of Permission
A Letter of Permission is formal authorization for a student to take a course at another accredited postsecondary institution for credit towards their Lakehead University degree or diploma.
How to Apply for a Letter of Permission
- Review the Letter of Permission University regulations. Not all requests will be approved. If you have questions, please contact Student Central prior to submitting your request.
- Fill out the Letter of Permission request form and submit to Student Central.
- The Letter of Permission fee will be charged to your student account upon submission. Pricing information can be found in the "Fees" section of the Academic Calendar under "Schedule of Miscellaneous Fees".
- Course description and/or teaching outline must accompany the request.
- If you are requesting to take a course at more than one institution, you must complete a separate request for each new institution. Incomplete requests will not be assessed.
- Equivalencies must be "signed-off" by the Chair/Director of the course subject you are expecting to get as an equivalency. This must be completed prior to request submission.
International Exchange Students
Please make sure you have already spoken with Lakehead International about your exchange. Upon submission of a request for Letter of Permission, submit the completed "Lakehead University International Exchange Program Department Information Sheet" in addition to your request.
Explore Program Candidates
Be sure to include your institution "choices" as well as the approval of the Chair of Languages.
Important Facts About Letters of Permission
- Students must currently be pursuing a Lakehead University degree or diploma and must be in good academic standing in order to be considered for a Letter of Permission.
- The course to be taken may not be a duplication of material already covered.
- Equivalent courses offered at Lakehead University at either campus or online will not be considered for a Letter of Permission.
- A Letter of Permission may potentially be granted if the student has taken or plans on taking no more than 5 full course equivalents at another institution (for transfer students, this number may be lower, depending upon the number of courses transferred upon admission to the university).
- Students wishing to take a course on a Letter of Permission in their final year of study must have approval from their Department Chair and their Faculty Dean. Faculty Dean approval must include a written statement as to how/why the program could not be completed at Lakehead University.
- Letters of Permission take a minimum processing time of three weeks during regular periods. During peak office periods of April-June and August-October, processing time will increase.
- Letter of Permission final decisions will be emailed to your Lakehead University email account. It is the student's responsibility to apply to and register for the approved course at the external institution. Some institutions require a Letter of Permission for admission purposes, so make sure to submit your request well in advance of when it is needed.
- Immediately following completion of the approved external course, it is the student's responsibility to ensure an official transcript is sent directly from the host institution to Enrolment Services. Mailing information is included in the document.
- Deadlines for transcripts to be received for graduation purposes are: May 1st for spring graduation, October 1st for fall graduation.
- Credit will be granted for a course successfully completed with an equivalent grade of 60% or above as indicated on the document.
- Transfer credit will be annotated with "TCR" for the equivalent Lakehead University course.
- Transfer credit has no numeric value and will not be included in average calculations for academic purposes except in the calculation of First Class Standing.
- Converted transfer credit grades will be used in the calculation of the weighted average for entrance scholarship renewal purposes.
- Students are expected to complete the approved course during the term specified in the letter. Any extensions and/or changes to a Letter of Permission will require submission of a new request and new payment.
- Students will not be considered for a Letter of Permission if they already have one on file that is outstanding.
Limited Continuing Power of Attorney
Students can use this form if they want to authorize another eligible person to sign for and negotiate the Ontario portion of their Canada-Ontario Integrated Student Funding Certificate.
MAC OSX Wireless Instructions Pamphlet
Instructions for connecting to LakeheadU wireless via MAC OSX
Material Transfer Questionnaire (MTA) (Receiving)
To be used when a Lakehead researcher is receiving materials from someone else, and is being asked to sign a contract or other paper related to the materials. For agreement creation, please contact Ellen MacKay, Director, Innovation Development in the Office of Innovation, Partnerships and Economic Development,
Material Transfer Questionnaire (MTA) (Supplying)
To be used when a Lakehead researcher is supplying or sending materials to someone outside of the University. For agreement creation, please contact Ellen MacKay, Director, Innovation Development in the Office of Innovation, Partnerships and Economic Development,
Medication Administration Policy
Medication Administration Policy
Membership Nomination Form
Membership Nomination Form (PDF)
Complete this form if you are a Faculty member who wishes to apply for membership to the Faculty of Graduate Studies. Applications are to be submitted to your Graduate Coordinator.
Mileage Claim Form
Mileage claim form for business use of a personal vehicle.
Missing Receipt Form
Use this form as a placeholder for missing receipts, when submitted paper-based travel or hospitality claims and reconciled purchasing card statements. This form must be signed by the traveller/cardholder, as well as their direct supervisor, in addition to the claim form or the statement.
Moneris Mobile Terminal Procedure Manual
Moneris Mobile Terminal Procedure Manual
My Late Timecard Form
My Late Timecard Form
Use this form to submit hours worked that could not be entered to the online myTimecard system.
Nursing Records Check Letter for BScN Students
This letter is to be used when applying for Criminal Records Check with Vulnerable Sector Check. It is a pdf fillable form and you must enter the date and your name once you have downloaded this form. If the date and your name is not entered, the form may could be rejected.
If you are completing your CRC through the Toronto Police Service you will need apply online. Please use this link for more information and to access the online application website. You will need to apply with the Lakehead University School of Nursing agency code which is just below.
For a full list of all OSAP forms including the paper application, visit the OSAP website.
Payroll Direct Deposit Direction Bank Form
Payroll Direct Deposit Direction Bank Form
Payroll Frequently Asked Questions and Troubleshooting
A document of Frequently Asked Questions regarding payroll.
Review this form for payroll's frequently asked questions trouble shooting information.
Pension Member Name or Beneficiary Change Form
This form is for changing your name or your beneficiary for pension purposes.
Performance Evaluation Review (SchII, Technicians, OPSEU, Technical and Contract Staff)
Performance Evaluation Form and Instructions (Word Document)
PHIPA Correction Request Form
Use this form to request correction to your personal Health Record under the Personal Health Information Protection Act.
Department: Risk Management and Access to Information
Professional Expenses Claim Form: Sessionals
Professional Expenses Claim Form for Sessionals/Contract Lecturers (PDF)
Project Intake Form for Research Ethics between SJCG and Lakehead
The completion of this Form enables the St. Joseph's Care Group (SJCG) REB and LU REB to proceed through a Board of Record review process (if the project is applicable) such that the LU REB accepts the REB approval of the SJCG REB.
Project Intake Form for Research Ethics between TBRHSC and Lakehead
The completion of this Form enables the TBRHSC REB and LU REB to proceed through the reciprocity review
process (if the project is applicable) such that each institutional REB accepts the REB approval of the institution deemed the REB of Record.
Provincial TD1 Ontario Personal Tax Credits Return
Provincial TD1 Ontario Personal Tax Credits Return
PT Part-time Bi-Weekly Hourly (non-union, COPE, UUSW) Pay Schedule
PT Part-time Bi-Weekly Hourly (non-union, COPE, UUSW) Pay Schedule)
Purchasing Card Application
Please visit the designated Visa Card Program webpage for more details on the purchasing card program. There you can find the purchasing card Visa application link.
Purchasing Card Procedures Guide
QN - Quaestiones Naturales Magazine
Our annual publication of the QN - Quaestiones Naturales showcases research achievements of undergraduate students in the Faculty of Science and Environmental Studies.
For each issue of our QN Magazine, see the following:
Reading Course/Special Topic Setup
This form should be used when setting up a reading course or special topic course for an individual student. This form will be used to setup the course and to register the student.
Record of Employment (ROE) Information Sheet
Record of Employment (ROE) Information Sheet
Remark Exam Intake Sheet
Intake sheet for the NEW Remark processing system. Form must be emailed to when complete.
Request for External Invoice
Request for External Invoice
Request for External Invoice Multi Vendor
Request for External Invoice Multi Vendor
Request for Payment of Invoices by Bank Transfer
This form should be used for payment of invoices by bank transfer to international vendors (or payment in a currency that is not Canadian Dollars CAD or United States Dollars USD. If a payment needs to be made in CAD or USD, please submit a cheque requisition (or purchase order), including the vendor's bank account details for EFT payments made in CAD.
Request for Release of Funds Prior to Biosafety Approval Form
This form has been developed to enable researchers to request access to their funding prior to obtaining Biosafety approval. Funds may only be accessed to cover expenses to be incurred before hazardous materials are used. This form is only available through the Romeo Research Portal.
Please contact the laboratory and biosafety specialist for more information
Request to Hire - non academic
Required Clinical Placement Documents for the BScN Program Year 1 Students
Checklist to assist students in completing and submitting their required clinical placement documents.
Required Clinical Placement Documents for the BScN Program Year 2-4 Students
Checklist to assist students in completing and submitting their required clinical placement documents.
Research Forms: Visiting Professor / Visiting Research Student / Short-term Visiting Researcher Appointment / Re-Appointment Form
This form should be used when appointing a visiting professor, visiting research student, or short-term visiting researcher.
Research Forms: Postdoctoral Fellow Appointment/Re-Appointment Form
Fill out this form to apply for the appointment/re-appointment of a post-doctoral fellow.
Research Forms: Release Time Request Form (RTRF)
Research Forms: Research Proposal Approval Form (RPAF) - Lakehead University
This form, plus a copy of your proposal, must be submitted to the Office of Research Services at least two weeks prior to the granting agency’s deadline (including applications where Lakehead faculty are co-investigators on applications submitted by another institution). This form alerts the Office of Research Services about whether or not research projects have specific ethics, release time, personnel, space, or other requirements. This shortens the application process for the researcher by making them aware of any internal requirements for the submission of their grant application ahead of time.
Risk Management Planning & Approval for Special Events ON CAMPUS
Use this form if you are planning, on a Lakehead University campus in either Thunder Bay or Orillia, a Special Event, that is, a discrete activity or set of activities that is not a prescribed course component or which falls outside the University's regularly scheduled academic and research activities (all activities bearing significant risk should have risk management, but academic and research units' own risk management forms and procedures should be utilized for the activities that they normally organize and undertake - with Risk Management's Field Trip Planning and Approval Form as a fallback or supplementary resource).
The Risk Management Planning & Approval Form for Special Events On Campus should be completed and submitted to the Office of Food and Conference Services. It is highly recommended that you submit the Form at the same time as you seek approval for hosting your Special Event.
Department: Risk Management and Access to Information
Science and Environmental Science Studies Speaker Series
Date: Monday, November 25, 2024
Time: 1:00pm
UC 1017
To view the poster and register Click Here
Past Speaker Series Events:
For each of our past Speaker Series Events, see the following:
Short Term Account Request Form
This form is to request to move a portion of your pension into the Short Term Account.
Short Term Renewal Form
Use this form to extend an expiring contract by 30 days or less.
Single/Sole Source Certification Form
Anyone purchasing items with an aggregate value above $5,000 from one supplier without procuring 3 competing bids for the purchase. This form is required by the Broader Public Sector Directive on Procurement.
SM Semi-monthly Salary; faculty (LUFA), staff, contract staff Pay Schedule
Lakehead University Full Time Staff, Contract Staff, and Faculty Pay Schedule
Standard Terms of Use for NSERC Engage Projects
Under the NSERC program terms for Engage awards, any Intellectual Property (IP) arising from the project (“Arising IP”) must belong to the company. To reflect these requirements, Lakehead University has developed an agreement which provides for the assignment of the Arising IP to the company. Consistent with NSERC policies and Lakehead’s policies and practices, this agreement also provides for a license to each of the creators of the Arising IP, and to Lakehead, to use the Arising IP for non-commercial research and academic purposes only.
Student Budget Form
Use this form to complete your budget showing your resources and expenses.
Students Injured or Exposed in Clinical Setting Policy (with form)
Students Injured or Exposed in Clinical Setting Policy (with form)
Successful Candidate for VISU 4019 FDE (zoom) 2021/2022
Posting Date: 3 August 2021
Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Department of Visual Arts
Please find below the successful candidate for the course, VISU 4019, for 2021/22 in the
Department of Visual Arts, Lakehead University. This will be posted for 5 business days
before a contract will be issued. Any questions or concerns can be directed to Department
Chair Dr. Kristy Holmes at
Thunder Bay Campus
VISU 4019 FDE (Zoom) Issues in Contemporary Art
Dr. Leanne Carroll
System Access Form for G/L Security or P.O. Requisition
System Access Form to request access of myBudgets (G/L security) and purchase order requisitions for new users, or updates for current users. Approver access can also be requested along with signing authority. Approver access includes access to myBudgets and to creating and approving purchase requisitions. Signing authority should be included with approver access, since a requisition requires approval by someone who has budget signing authority on the budget code used.
TB Status Declaration Form
This declaration form can be used by any student in the BScN or MN and NP programs who has previously had a positive TB skin test.
Third Party Event Proposal
The Office of University Advancement is pleased to work with various departments and organizations as you plan events in support of Lakehead University. The following Third Party Event Proposal will assist you during the event planning process. This form must be completed and submitted to the Office of University Advancement prior to organizing your event.
Time Extension Requests
Time Extension Requests (PDF Format)
To be considered for a Time Extension a student must be registered.
Timecard and Leave Approval Proxy Designation
Timecard and Leave Approval Proxy Designation instructions for supervisors of employees who enter hours worked to the online timecard system
Timecard Approval Instructions
Timecard Approval Instructions for supervisors of hourly employees who enter time worked to the online timecard system
Timecard Entry Instructions
Timecard Entry Instructions for hourly employees to enter hours worked to the online timecard entry system
Travel Authorization Form
Travel Authorization Form to accompany Travel Expense Statement From.
Full-time employees must submit their travel expenses through Concur.
Travel Expense Statement
Travel Expense Statement for reimbursement of travel expenses, including travel related to research. A Travel Authorization Form must accompany the Travel Expense Statement.
Full-time employees must submit their travel expenses through Concur.
TSC Transfer of Funds Budget Form
When is this form used?
Tuition Waiver Form for Dependant
Tuition Waiver form for Employee or Dependent
Ubuntu Wireless instructions Pamphlet
Instructions for connecting to LakeheadU wireless via Ubuntu for Linux.
Using Marks Management
This document is to be used by faculty and staff who need assistance with using Marks Management
Voices from the Class - Application Form
This year, each of the four Convocation ceremonies will feature a student speaker. If you are graduating this spring and attending your Convocation ceremony, we invite you to submit an application to be the "Voice from the Class of 2018" at your ceremony.
Waiver Template
Waiver Template
Windows 10 Wireless Instructions Pamphlet
Instructions for connecting to LakeheadU wireless using Windows 10
Windows 7 Wireless Instructions Pamphlet
Instructions for connecting to LakeheadU wireless using Windows 7
Windows 8 Wireless Instructions Pamphlet
Instructions for connecting to LakeheadU wireless using Windows 8
Wireless POS Report
Wireless Point Of Sale Terminal Report
WSIB Student Declaration Form
All new and students who are returning to the Nursing program following a leave (who have not previously completed) must complete this form and hand in with their Preclinical Document Package.