Emergency Loans
Emergencies happen...
Undergraduate (Domestic) Emergency Loans
If you are experiencing unexpected financial difficulty, Lakehead University may help with a small, temporary emergency loan. These loans are for unexpected expenses that sometimes occur during the course of your studies at Lakehead University. You must be able to demonstrate that you can repay these loans within the school year through an additional source of funding (e.g. government student loans). These are not a replacement for other funding options such as government student loans (e.g. OSAP).
To submit an Emergency Loan application, please contact Student Central to discuss your situation with a Student Central Professional and to obtain the Emergency Loan Application Form. After submitting your application, a Student Central representative will review and assess your request. Please be sure to submit any forms of supporting documentation (e.g. rental agreements, copy of your bank statement, copy of your monthly bills, etc.) with your application.
International Student Emergency Loans
The Emergency Loan fund can provide interest free loans to Lakehead University International students for specific reasons. Loans can provide short-term assistance to students who will be receiving funds in the near future and can be awarded for the following reasons:
- Students whose funds have been delayed by governments or banks abroad where currency controls do not allow students to bring the required amount of money in one initial expense.
- Students who have emergency needs that they will be able to repay at a later time.
- Emergency travel funds for an immediate family member seriously ill or who has passed away. Immediate family includes Father, Mother, Sister, Brother, Spouse, child. These funds may be in the form of a grant and not a loan
- Medical emergencies
- Food and living related expenses
Each emergency loan will be examined on a case-by-case basis. Students are required to complete the Emergency Loan application form and submit that to Lakehead University International which will, after consultation and examination of the request, make the determination.
At no time are loans or bursaries from Lakehead University International, granted for the following:
- Travel expenses related to conducting or presenting research
- Personal reasons such as sending money to family members
- Non-emergency medical costs
- Travel expenses to return home for vacation