How to Access Academic Accommodations

Accommodations are meant to remove barriers and level the playing field for students with temporary and/or permanent disabilities and/or medical conditions. This is done while meeting the essential requirements and maintaining the academic integrity of your course or program. We do not modify any part of the course, we provide academic accommodations.

Step 1: Collect Your Documentation 

  • Once you have accepted an offer of admission to Lakehead University, gather your documentation of a permanent or temporary disability and/or medical condition. You can email, fax or drop off your documentation, or bring it with you to your appointment with Student Accessibility Services. For more information on documentation please visit our webpage on documentation.

  • If you do not have any documentation, or are unsure if your documentation is sufficient you can skip to Step 2 and connect with SAS to discuss documentation.

Step 2: Connect With SAS

  • Once you have registered in your classes, connect with SAS to schedule an appointment to set up accommodations and start the registration process. (this appointment can take place as early as late June or July)

  • If you are unable to meet in person, email or phone SAS to request a phone or video appointment.

Contact SAS on both campuses via email at or via phone at (807) 343-8047.

Step 3: Activate Your Term Accommodations

  • Prior to the term start date SAS will email you with instructions on how to activate your accommodations for the term. You will need to complete this process each and every term for which you require accommodations. 

  • SAS Staff will process your accommodation request and send your accommodation form(s) to your instructors. You will receive a copy of the email that goes to your instructors in your Lakehead University email inbox. The Accommodation Form will be attached to the email. Save this form to your computer for your future reference. Once you receive these emails your accommodations are active for the term.

Step 4: Participate in SAS Procedures

  • Students requesting or registered with academic accommodations through Student Accessibility Services (SAS) have a duty to participate in the accommodation process by following SAS timeline requests: including but not limited to regularly checking your student email, completing the accommodation request form at the beginning of each term, booking tests, or requesting alternate dates/start times for tests according to the SAS timelines. 

  • SAS will email you periodically throughout the term with deadlines and updates, please pay attention to these emails as you are responsible to know our procedures and deadlines. 

  • If any changes are required please reach out to your SAS Accessibility Advisor as soon as possible.