The Importance of Sleep During University

As Thunderwolves return to classes, it appears that we as a pack are not getting as much sleep as we all got during summer months. Although sleep may be at the bottom of your to-do list, it is an essential part of healthy development and academic success. 

Here are our top tips for fixing your sleep schedule during the academic year. 

1. Have a Consistent Sleep Schedule

Having a solid bedtime routine will not only allow you to slow down your evenings and relax, but it will also allow you to ensure you go to bed at or around the same every night. Providing yourself enough time each night to wind down before getting into bed every night will help you feel much more tired and make falling asleep easier. 

2. Limit screen time. 

As University students, we are glued to our phones — whether it be for completing an assignment or catching up on social media— technology tends to take up a majority of our day to day lives. Rather than scrolling through Tiktok before bed, try taking up a simple craft such as colouring or reading a chapter or two of a book to relax your mind before drifting off to sleep. 

3. Create a cozy environment. 

Even if this September has been on the warmer side, creating a cozy environment to end your day can make all the difference when getting a beneficial sleep. You don’t need to go to the store and buy a million fluffy pillows (you totally can though) but rather use things you already have at home to create a cozy atmosphere. This can look like dimming the lights, putting on a pair of cozy pajamas, drinking a warm beverage, cuddling up with a pet, or anything else that personally helps you feel warm and cozy inside. 

4. Separating Academics and Sleep

As nice as it is to do a Zoom class from the comfort of your bed, it is actually doing more harm than good. Your brain should associate your bed with only sleep and relaxation, however, if we complete other activities in this environment, it can throw off our associations which only leads to having issues falling asleep. Separating our places of work and relaxation can have a positive effect on sleeping habits and ensure we are getting the most out of our sleep. 


If you are looking for more supports, Student Health and Wellness is here to support you. Click here to see all of the ways Student Health and Wellness can help you! 


- Makayla Foster, Peer Wellness Educator Lead