New long acting birth control available at LU Student Health and Wellness

Nexplanon is now available through the Thunder Bay Student Health and Wellness clinic.
Nexplanon is a long-acting, reversible form of birth control that gives protection from pregnancy for 3 years.  It releases progesterone (a hormone) from a small plastic rod that is inserted under the skin of the upper arm.  After three years (or sooner if desired) the rod is removed from under the skin. It is very effective and easily reversible and is an alternative to an IUD for women interested in long-acting contraception.
If you are interested in this (or any other birth control) or just want to have a discussion about your options please make an appointment with one of our physicians. Call 807-343-8361 or email to book.
More information on Nexplanon can be found at
Text: New long acting birth control available at Student Health and Wellness Image: Hand holding birth control implant in figures