Lessons Learned
Have you ever wished that you could fast forward to the end of university so you could know now what you will learn in the future? Here's your chance to learn about the triumphs and obstacles current 4th year Lakehead University students have faced and gain valuable knowledge about how they approached their student experience with a focus on your wellbeing. Think of this as your wellness cheat sheet!
Lesson Learned #1 Time Management
One of the most common difficulties that students encounter that impacts their wellness is the stress associated with time management. After almost four years of university, what you come to discover is that coordinating your ‘me’ time is just as important as your academic time. We understand that it may be unrealistic to believe that there will be an equal amount of time available for both, which is why we have learned that you’re looking for more of an 80/20 split. If you spend 8 hours a week studying, you have earned 2 hours of time to focus on your passions. Passions don’t have to be a big extravagant hobby either, something as simple as going to see a movie qualifies as a brilliant form of self-care.
Lesson Learned #2 Learning to Self Moderate
One of the biggest challenges of transitioning to a university environment is learning to adapt to being your own best moderator. You get what you put into your Lakehead experience so it is important to be accountable for your actions and study habits. However, being your own moderator doesn’t mean that you’re alone in the process, it just means that you have accepted your role as being the leader. Use your role to access the numerous supports available to you at Lakehead University. Finding the support (counsellor, peer support, academic support, etc) that matches your wellness needs will help you complete your university journey with special respect for your health & wellness.
Lesson Learned #3 Explore all of your Options
Finding your true passion and unlocking your full potential is what university is all about. You don’t have to stay within the realm of what you thought you originally wanted; don’t be afraid to explore new opportunities! Switching your course plan does not EVER mean that you failed or gave up, it means that you have moved onto something new and more suited for your own unique potential. Discovering your true calling is essential to maintaining your wellness.
Lesson Learned #4 Relying on Your Peers
When it comes to facing obstacles in university, one of your best resources is your peers. Developing friendships based on trust and respect will help you to discuss challenges you are facing which gives you a safe space to vent & learn valuable advice. The dynamic relationship between peers is founded on the unique shared experience that you’re both working through.
Do you want the opportunity to connect with your peers? Peer Chat is a program made by students, for students. It takes the pressure off of traditional counselling methods (which are still amazing options for some- everyone is different) by allowing you to discuss obstacles you are facing with other students and offer your own advice to other students looking for guidance. Follow @lupeerwellness on Instagram to learn more about upcoming Peer Chat meetings!
-Samantha Sawyer, 4th year student and Peer Support Lead