Far From Home for the Holidays

Whatever the reason, If you aren’t headed home for the winter break, it can feel lonely. While you can’t fix that feeling there are coping strategies to help you make it through. 

Make the Most of Technology

Thankfully, technology has friends, loved ones and family only a few clicks away. It’s a hectic time for many so make plans in advance for when and how you will connect over the break. If time differences cause obstacles for real time communication, make a group chat and post photos and videos throughout the day to keep up with what your loved ones are up to. You can also get creative with how you connect- play games together virtually, stream a classic movie together, or bake alongside one another. 

Give Back

It can be easier to wallow in your solitude but volunteering with community organizations can benefit both those in need and yourself! Giving back to others can help you to find friends, connect with the community and learn new skills. It also has mental health benefits as it has been found to reduce stress, combat depression and boost self-esteem. 

Find Volunteer opportunities:

Thunder Bay


Treat Yourself

You’ve just wrapped up one semester and are about to dive into another- the break is the perfect opportunity to practice self-care! Self-care looks different for everyone- so whether it’s a netflix binge of cheesy holiday films, sleeping in until noon or playing video games all day- do it without guilt! There is no shame in spending the day doing whatever you want. 

If you ever grow tired of relaxing and are looking for a more productive project- cross off some items that have been lingering on your to-do list: re-organize that closet and clean out that fridge. As long as it make you feel better, it’s the thing you are supposed to be doing.

Finally, make plans for fun! Find time for things your enjoy that you might not have time for the rest of the year.

Host Yourself

Just because you aren’t back home, doesn’t mean you are relegated to delivery apps and microwave meals. Prepare meals for one and re-create traditional recipes if you are missing them- there are recipe converters that can help scale down large recipes so you aren’t left with a week's worth of leftovers (if you are down for that, that is okay too).

Acknowledge your feelings

No matter how much you plan or prepare to fly solo over the break- there are still going to be some feelings of sadness or jealousy. Those feelings, or any other feelings you may have about being far from home over the break, are valid. Allow yourself to feel those feelings and express them healthily.

Reach out for Support

You might feel lonely but you are not alone in this- let loved ones know how you are feeling or reach out to more formal support:

  • If you are in crisis- call or text 9-8-8

  • TalkCampus is a global, student peer support app available 24/7. Use your Lakehead email to sign up.

  • Good2Talk is a 24/7 helpline available to post-secondary students in Ontario and can provide service in 100+ languages.

  • Use the WellUKey to check in on your mental health and see a wide range of supports and resources available to you as a Lakehead student.

-Lindsey Wachter, Health Promoter

Out of focus string of lights

Tips for Body Positivity during the Holidays

Going home for the holidays can be a good time to relax and take your mind off your studies. However, it may also mean that you are going to be spending time with family and friends that you may not have seen in a few months. Maintaining a good sense of your own body image can be a difficult task, especially with judgmental comments from family members. Here are 4 tips for promoting body positivity during the holidays.

1. Realize Your Self-Worth

During the holiday season, it is important to remember that we are worth so much more than our bodies. We have many talents, strengths, and goals that we want to pursue. Make sure to take time this holiday break to do things that you want to do, regardless of what your family or other members of society may think. 

2. Set Boundaries

Setting boundaries with loved ones can be a very scary and intimidating thing to do. However, it can be incredibly beneficial to your mental health and overall wellbeing. In order to set healthy boundaries so that everyone can feel comfortable taking part in holiday festivities, it is important to have conversations with family members about avoiding certain topics of discussion. Some of these may include the discussion of physical appearance, weight gain or weight loss, or comments on eating habits. By having these conversations, it becomes easier to feel comfortable in your own environment and allows you to enjoy your holiday break. 

3. Indulge in Your Favourite Foods

Being at home for the holidays means you may have access to the cooking of family members or have more access to your favourite restaurants. Although you may experience negative comments from family, which may lead to negative self-talk, it is important to treat yourself. A practice that can be helpful during this time is intuitive/mindful eating. Ensure that you are eating when you feel hungry, rather than ignoring your body’s hunger cues. Remember that there are no “good” or “bad” foods—food is fuel. 

4. Seek out help if you need it.

Despite attempting to have a good outlook on our own bodies, and having difficult discussions with family members, sometimes we still need a bit of extra help. Reaching out to Wellness resources can be very beneficial and having someone to talk to can make a huge difference. In addition to the resources that Student Health and Wellness can provide, you can also reach out to Good2Talk offers free and confidential support to postsecondary students and is available 24/7 365 days a year. 


Although body positivity can be a difficult thing to maintain, Student Health and Wellness is always here to support you and provide you with resources. We are wishing you a safe and happy holidays.

- Makayla Foster, Peer Wellness Educator Lead


Safer Substance Use & Illicit Substances

When it comes to illicit substances, what does safer substance use mean?

The National Harm Reduction Coalition defines safer substance use as “having the ability to use safe and sterile instruments to reduce the risk of infections through recreational drug use”. Quitting use of a substance altogether may not be possible for everyone, but using substances in a safe, secure, and sterile environment can increase safety. In Simcoe County, the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit (SMDHU) offers a variety of resources to help ensure safer substance use including safe injecting and smoking kits, naloxone kits, and needle exchange programs.

Why is safer substance use helpful?

SMDHU explains that safer substance use helps individuals to:

  • Reduce the transmission of HIV, Hepatitis B & C from sharing equipment, keeping people healthier and decreasing healthcare costs,

  • Provide education on the benefits of using new needles, smoking and other drug equipment,

  • Reduce the number of overdoses and deaths from substance use,

  • Provide a supportive safe environment where individuals can access health, counselling

Safe substance use also connects with harm reduction, which is reducing the harm and negativity attached to substance abuse in our society. The main goal of harm reduction is to save lives and decrease the stigma around addiction, high education rates on safe substance use, and connect individuals with social, emotional, and health support options when needed. 

What does harm reduction look like?

  • Free syringe service programs

  • Overdose prevention sites

  • Fentanyl tests

  • Naloxone kits and training 

  • Sterile injection or smoking equipment 

Travis Rider, an associate research professor at the Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics states “Opponents sometimes argue that giving people sterile syringes, clean pipes, naloxone, a space to use drugs under supervision, etc., incentivises drug use or leads to drug use. But people are going to use drugs whether they have these resources or not, and so withholding them doesn’t prevent that use; it just makes it more dangerous. Making an activity more dangerous doesn’t stop people who are committed to engaging in that activity; it just hurts and kills more of them.” Therefore, safe substance education and harm reduction are key in helping individuals with addiction and other health problems. 

For more information about illicit substances and safer substance use, visit the Student Health and Wellness Website.

Needle Exchange Programs in Orillia:

  1. Canadian Mental Health Association – Simcoe County Branch: 50 Nottawasaga Street, Orillia
  2. John Howard Society of Simcoe and Muskoka - Orillia: 17 Colborne Street East, Unit 109, Orilla
  3. Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit - Orillia: 169 Front Street South, Unit 120, Orillia.
  4. Orillia Downtown Dispensary: 188 Mississauga Street East, Orillia


- Tessa Wilkins, Peer Wellness Educator Lead

Home for the Holidays for 2SLGBTQIIA+ students

The holidays can be mentally and emotionally overwhelming, especially when navigating unsure or unsafe spaces. It is important to remember that no matter how your family feels about your identity, you deserve to be loved unconditionally and others' discomfort with who you are says more about them than it does about you. Over the holidays, you might find yourself in a challenging space, it can be helpful to prepare yourself for feeling hurt or overwhelmed.

Prepping for conversations about gender/sexual identity

Consider what you want to share and discuss with your family members ahead of time. Remember that you decide when, how and if you want to come out and you don’t have to tell your entire extended family. 

Keep in mind not everyone might be familiar with the terms you are using and some explanation may be required. You have the opportunity to define yourself and be clear on what terms mean to you rather than allowing people to rely on their own understanding. But also remember that you also get to decide how much you want to engage in “heated” conversations, you don’t have to defend or validate your identity to anyone. If something like this comes up, calmly but firmly let your family members know that they don’t have to agree with you, but that you do expect them to treat you with respect. These conversations can be hard, but they are important if you want to be able to include your family in your life going forward.

If you do decide to come out to your family, it can be beneficial for both parties to allow time and space for them to process the new information you've given them. Remember, these conversations don't have to happen all in one sitting. Only answer questions you are comfortable with, and take a break when needed.

Setting Boundaries

First and foremost- your family members may have their own thoughts and opinions on your gender identity and sexuality, but ultimately the only opinion that matters is your own.

Consider what limits you want to set with yourself and others before heading home. A lot of family events come from a sense of tradition and obligation, feel free to politely decline invitations if you think it would be better for your emotional health, you don’t owe anyone your time.  If you do attend gatherings, set clear boundaries around what you are willing to discuss and to what extent. Assert yourself in a calm tone. If tension rises and you are beginning to feel overwhelmed or out of control, separate yourself. Take a walk; get a breath of fresh air. 

If you know that it will be difficult to be at your family’s home for long periods- consider how long you should stay- if your break is 3 weeks but you can only handle 4-5 days, plan your flights accordingly. If your family presses you to be there longer, think of an excuse ahead of time.

Bringing a partner home

If you are planning on bringing your partner to family events, discuss with them in advance what will make you comfortable with respect to sleeping arrangements, displays of affection and navigating conversations about your relationship. Also, give your partner information about your family dynamics and share any issues that are weighing on you ahead of time. 

To avoid confusion and conflict, plan sleeping arrangements with your family in advance. If there are members of your family who will be included in your celebration that you haven’t come out to yet, it’s probably a good idea to talk to them ahead of time, as well- addressing concerns in advance can avoid potentially unsafe and uncomfortable situations. 

No matter the situation, you and your partner should approach it as a team - talk about your concerns and plan ahead for ways to be there for each other during the tough moments.

Have an Exit Strategy

Sometimes family dynamics make it difficult to stand up for ourselves and you may feel like you have to sit through unwanted or disrespectful questions and opinions. If you feel comfortable doing so, go for it, but know that it’s okay to remove yourself from stressful, triggering, or upsetting situations. Excuse yourself and go to the bathroom for a few minutes or take a quick walk around the block. Offer to refresh people’s drinks or run to the store for something. A good trick is to set the expectation ahead of time that you might need to step away suddenly. You can blame a looming deadline or an important call that might come up. You can be vague with your excuse, but if you make it ahead of time, it will be less awkward if you need to take some time away later on. 

If things are feeling unsafe or are just getting to be too much, leave altogether if you need to. If you have a feeling that your stay isn’t going to be supportive, plan to leave early. You need to look after yourself first and foremost and no situation is worth compromising your physical or mental health over. If you don’t have access to your transportation- look at bus/train schedules to see what your options are or see if there is a supportive friend that you can stay with on short notice. 

Not Going Home at All

If going home for the winter break fills you with dread or makes you feel unsafe, it's okay to give yourself permission to not go at all. Surround yourself with those who respect and affirm your identity and give you strength and plan activities that bring you joy. Be prepared for feelings of loss around not being able to adhere to your family traditions and make space for your emotions. Plan new traditions with your chosen family, look for events in your community or try to find local organizations you can support.

Practice self-compassion/ self-care

Different people need different kinds of self-care.  Think about how you can make time for what you need over the break. 

  • Keep in touch with supportive people in your life. Make a point to hang out with them or Facetime them if they are not nearby. If possible let these people know ahead of time that you may need their support over the break and ask what is the best way to connect. If they aren’t available (the break is busy!) make use of online communities.

  • Take time to decompress. Find quiet spaces in your house or neighbourhood where you can be alone, listen to music, read, or do whatever else you need. 

  • Plan activities that bring you joy. 

  • Take care of the basics- during stressful times we can ignore the basics of self-care like resting, eating well, and exercising. 

Be kind to yourself- you are doing the best you can for the situation you are in. Give yourself permission to rest and recharge. 

Mental Health Supports

Whatever you are dealing with over the break- remember that you don’t have to do it alone- supports are available to you. 

  • LGBT YouthLine offers confidential and non-judgemental peer support through rext and chat services. Get in touch with a peer support volunteer from Sunday to Friday, 4:00 PM to 9:30 PM.

  • GOOD2TALK post-secondary crisis line, call 1-866-925-5454 or text GOOD2TALKON to 686868 

  • TrevorSpace- is an affirming international community for LGBTQ young people ages 13-24.

  • Empty Closets- Empty Closets is an LGBTQ website that offers a forum where you can join in on discussions or start your own, a chat room and useful articles and links. 

  • TalkCampus- A global online peer-to-peer support community for students, available 24/7 anywhere in the world

  • National Suicide Crisis Helpline- 9-8-8

  • Suicide Hotlines Across the World 

  • Pride Central’s “Unofficial Pride at Lakehead” Discord Server:  https://discord.gg/eQ8KxrDh 

Sleep Hygiene During Exams

If you have an important upcoming exam, the stress and anxiety leading to the big day may not just impact you mentally. It also can impact you physically. Excessive sweating, feelings of nausea, a racing heart, and trouble breathing are common signs of test anxiety, but that’s not all. Poor sleep is another side effect of stress that can hurt your test score.

Unfortunately for many test takers, quality sleep before exam day is one of those often-overlooked test prep tips that can factor into a solid score. Too often, students sacrifice sleep for more study time, which doesn’t help. If you’re struggling to get some sleep before the test, find out why this is a big deal and what you can do about it.

Why Is Sleep Before an Exam Important?

Think missing a little sleep only hurts your mood and leaves you a little cranky? Think again. Poor sleep directly impacts your ability to perform mental tasks, which is disastrous on test day. Particularly on standardized tests, your mental sharpness is exactly what is being evaluated, so the last thing you want to do is compromise those skills by doing anything that gets in the way of a good night’s rest.

Pulling an all-nighter is not an effective form of test prep. Cramming the day before an exam at the expense of quality sleep more often than not hurts rather than helps you by creating a series of negative impacts:

  • Your memory suffers.

  • Your body is deprived of its chance to recover.

  • You fight your body’s natural desire to rest.

  • Your stress hormone levels are increased.

  • Your concentration and accuracy go down.

  • Your judgement wanes.

How Much Sleep Should You Get Before an Exam?

To feel fully rested, most adults require seven to nine hours of sleep. For adolescents, it’s about an hour more. However, if you’re thinking one good night’s rest before exam day is enough, you’re wrong.

You can run a “sleep debt,” which is the total sleep loss that accumulates in a given period. Even if you get a good eight hours of sleep the night before the big test day, you may not be as rested as you think. If you did not maintain a healthy sleep pattern the week leading up to the exam, you’ll carry all of those missed hours of sleep into the test with you.

Unsure if you’re running a sleep debt that could impact your exam performance? Consider keeping a sleep diary. Note when you went to bed, how much you slept, how rested you feel, and how alert you find yourself in the morning. You will want to note any times that you feel tired throughout the day. All of this information can help discover any problems with your sleep schedule.

How Can You Tackle the Exam Fully Rested?

If sleep loss can accumulate over several days or weeks, the key is to get into a healthy sleep habit well before your exam and stick to it. It may take some adjustment to your routine, but getting on a healthy sleep schedule is possible if you follow a few simple steps:

  • Set aside enough time to sleep.

  • Go to bed and wake up at the same time each day, even on weekends.

  • Avoid anything loud or stimulating for an hour before bed.

  • Don’t eat or drink anything in large quantities at least two hours before bed.

  • Avoid alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine.

  • Participate in physical activity each day, particularly outdoors.

  • Make your bedroom a quiet, dark place without any electronic devices and distractions.

  • Limit daytime nap length to no more than 20 minutes.

The key here is consistency. The longer and more strictly you follow the steps above, the greater your success falling and staying asleep. Ideally, you’ll go into test day after maintaining a strict sleep schedule for several weeks.

Trading Sleep for Studying Does Not Work

For far too many people, sacrificing sleep is their first strategy to fight test anxiety and pack in more study time. This will not help. Studies have shown that students who sleep more perform better than those who stay up to cram.

There’s no shortcut to a great exam score. If you have an important test coming up, you need to remember that it’s about investing as much time and effort into your health and well-being as it is studying the material.

-Logan Ryder, Peer Wellness Educator

Recognizing the Signs of Burnout and How to Cope

As University students, we have come to hear about the term “burnout” in our everyday lives, however, what does it truly mean, and what can we do about it?

What is Burnout?

According to HelpGuide, Burnout has been described as “a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress.” This feeling tends to creep up on a lot of people within the colder months, when it gets darker out earlier, and assignments tend to pile up and seem out of control.

What are the symptoms of burnout?

Some symptoms of burnout include:

  • An overwhelming sense of exhaustion

  • Inconsistencies with sleep and eating routines

  • Feeling unmotivated to complete daily tasks

  • Isolating yourself from peers and others.

Burnout looks different for everyone, and can vary from minor symptoms to severe symptoms. It is always important to check in with yourself, and the WellU key can be a great way to do so. 

How to Cope with Burnout?

There are many ways to cope with burnout, such as:

  • Creating a daily routine that is simple enough for you to follow. 

  • Changing your environment—this can drastically improve your mood and motivation levels. 

  • Making plans with friends and family —this can allow you to take a break from your studies and give your mind a rest. 

  • Speak to a counsellor or medical professional—if you are feeling overwhelmed, seeking support from a professional like a counsellor, nurse practitioner, or doctor can be really helpful. 

Lakehead offers many resources in regards to mental health support. You can find these resources here

How Do Your Peer Wellness Educators Cope with Burnout?

As students themselves, Lakehead’s Peer Wellness Educators have encountered their own issues with burnout. Here are some ways that they cope with it: 

“When encountering burnout, I tend to try and set up my day to include some sort of both physical activity and mental relaxation, no matter how small or large these activities may be.” — Makayla

“I cope with burn out by scheduling in some time for breathing exercises and to relax.” —Logan

“I cope with burn out by setting a goal of myself to sleep 8 hours a night especially on weekends and setting some time aside for some extra self care such as eye masks and face masks.”—Virginie


- Makayla Foster, Peer Wellness Educator Lead


Observing A Substance Free Halloween

 Whether you never drink or if a Halloween bar crawl is just not your vibe this weekend- there are other ways to observe the holiday.  

1. Attend a Haunted House

This is a classic. There is nothing that quite screams Halloween like visiting a haunted house, making your way through the passages in anticipation of every scare. 

2. Carve Pumpkins

What says Halloween more than pumpkin carving? Set up a jack-o’-lantern carving competition is a great way to fuel your competitive spirit while enjoying a fun, laughter-filled evening. You could even roast the seeds for a delicious snack later on.

3. Scary Movie Marathon

Get your friends and roommates together for a scary movie marathon. Make a seasonal charcuterie board, or set up a popcorn and candy board. 

4. Volunteer

Lots of children’s homes, shelters, and other charities hold events on and around Halloween. By volunteering, you won’t only join a group of like-minded people who are enjoying Halloween together, but you get to give back to your community and the people who most need your help.

5. Hand Out Candy

Another Halloween tradition should have you heading to the grocery store. You may have aged out of trick or treating, but that doesn’t mean you can’t spend your night helping trick-or-treaters load up on their candy.

6. Find Halloween-themed Sports Events

Join a Halloween-themed 5k or mini-marathon. Most of these are costumed, so you’ll get to go out in costume and pretend you’re trick or treating, only minus the candy. Keep an eye out for other sporting events like soccer or basketball being played with a Halloween theme.

7. Bake Spooky Treats

If you’ve got a sweet tooth and a love for baking, getting your supplies out and whipping up some spooky treats like cupcakes and cookies could be a great way to enjoy the holiday without feeling the urge to relapse.

-Lindsey Wachter, RKin, Health Promoter

The benefits of getting outside

Many of the benefits of spending time outdoors come from the opportunities to be physically active but spending time in nature can have benefits to our mental health too! 

Spending time outside can:

  • reduce stress

  • improved mood

  • improve attention and memory

  • Improve sleep quality 

  • Provide opportunities for social connection

Luckily, Lakehead students have a lot of options for hiking trails- check out some of the SHW staff’s favourites! 

Thunder Bay Campus

My go-to fall hike is the Finger Point trail by the Minnesota border, it’s a bit of a drive but the views from the top are spectacular and you can also tack on the High Falls Trail

-Lindsey Wachter, Health Promoter 

I’m not a super hiker, but I love to walk among all the colourful leaves in the fall.  My favourite place to go is Centennial Park towards Trowbridge Falls.  Hiking at Centennial has a lot of options, especially if you don’t have a lot of time.

-Cheryl D’Angelo, Director Student Health and Wellness 

The James Duncan Trail has some spectacular views – especially at this time of year with the changing colours.  

-Irene Pugliese, Manager of Wellness Services

I really enjoy the Mink Mountain trail. It’s extremely beautiful at sunrise and especially fun when going with friends. 

-Virginie Franks, Student Peer Wellness Educator Lead

Orillia Campus

My favourite spot to hike in Orillia is at Scouts Valley. Each season offers something different, from beautiful fall colours, to peaceful winter snowfalls, to new spring wildflowers, and flowing summer rivers. The landscape is breathtaking any time of year. One of the entrances is also within walking distance to Lakehead Orillia Campus, making it a convenient option to get outdoors and connect with nature! 

Another great spot to walk in Orillia is along the Tudhope Park Loop. The trail is paved and great for running, walking, and biking! The route gently curves around the edge of Lake Couchiching, offering gorgeous views, picnic tables, and a sandy beach! Whatever your favourite activity Tudhope Park is sure to get you active and out in nature!

-Brooke Andrews, Student Wellness Associate 

Wooden bridge crossing a ravine, in the woods during fall, leaves coloured orange

Unlocking Your Productivity: Time Management Strategies for a Successful Semester

As students, it’s important to implement effective time management skills early into the semester to empower you to achieve academic success and personal well-being. This is due to the rapid accumulation of coursework, which makes it easy to fall behind if you solely focus on other aspects of your life. Nonetheless, achieving a balance between academics, work and social activities can be achieved by implementing effective time management skills to enable you to succeed both in your studies and in your personal life beyond the classroom.

Therefore, I have compiled a list of tips and tricks to ensure you experience academic success by optimizing your time management skills.

  • Set SMART Goals: At the start of each semester I have found it helpful to set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time-bound (SMART) goals for each class. By doing so, it has enabled me to prioritize tasks and allocate time accordingly based on my goals.
  • Create an Assignment Log: A great way to stay organized is to create a list to track each task you are required to complete and include information such as the due date, and the weight of the assignment. This has enabled me to allot enough time for each assignment, know what’s coming up, and not accidentally forget to complete assignments. Check out my assignment log template here.
  • Keep a Schedule or Day Planner: It is very easy to forget about an upcoming meeting or important dates in the academic calendar, which is why staying organized through an agenda or day planner is essential. Using a way to organize your days is an easy way to stay on top of your tasks. 
  • Avoid Procrastination: Procrastination can be overcome by recognizing triggers such as feeling overwhelmed by a task and developing strategies to overcome them. I have found it effective to break tasks down into smaller steps, and set deadlines for each step, while turning my phone silent to be more productive and free from distractions.Practice Effective Time Blocking: Time blocking is an effective technique used to allocate time to complete specific tasks or assignments. This strategy is effective as it enables you to dedicate your full attention and a specific period of time to a certain task. I have found that using this strategy not only enhances my efficiency, but prevents me from submitting subpar work due to being tired of working on an assignment. 
  • Taking Breaks: Pacing yourself while completing coursework is a great way to practice self-care. It is essential to take regular breaks while studying or completing assignments to enable yourself to recharge and complete work in manageable quantities. Some of my favourite ways to take breaks is to engage in physical activity, spend time with friends, and watch movies. I have found that taking breaks by using Pomodoro timers has improved my focus and overall productivity as I would for 25 minutes, followed by a 5 minute break. Find some great Pomodoro timers here.

Being able to effectively manage your time is an important skill that can significantly impact your academic success. By utilizing these strategies, you will become more productive, organized, and perform better academically. 

Best of luck this semester!

-Madeline Fabiano, Student Health and Wellness Research Assistant 


calendar with pen and post it note

Recipe Inspo

“I saw this TikTok…” is a phrase that comes out of my mouth at least once a day. Most of the information and skills I learn now as a 22-year-old come from posts I see on social media. Whether its TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, or Twitter, lots of people share tips and tricks that they have discovered that make life easier in some way. As a university student on a budget who is somewhat new to cooking, I have been able to find some amazing content creators that have helped me not only learn how to cook, but how to eat healthy, and save money while doing it. Here is a list of the content creators that have been helping me and the platforms you can find them on!

Shreyacookssss: I originally found Shreya on Tiktok under the name ‘Shreyacookssss’ and I immediately was obsessed. Not only does she have vegan and gluten free recipes, but she also has dessert and drink recipes too! After some Googling I was also able to find her Instagram, as well as her website where she uploads all of her recipes. https://shreyaskitchen.com

TheKoreanVegan: My friend is actually the one who introduced me to TheKoreanVegan, she made strawberry mochi for us which she learned how to make from Joanne (TheKoreanVegan). Joanne is on Tiktok, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook, as well as having her own website and her own cookbook. https://thekoreanvegan.com

GoodCheapEats: GoodCheapEats is an Instagram account run by a mom of 6 named Jessica, so she definitely understands how important it is to shop affordably. Jessica also has her own website under the same name (GoodCheapEats) and a cookbook! Jessica teaches how to save money while grocery shopping, as well as how to cook healthy meals. https://goodcheapeats.com

OneDishKitchen: The reason I love Joanie’s (OneDishKitchen) page/website is because she is one of the few people who shows you how to make meals for one person. I live alone and when I’m trying a new recipe for the first time and I’m not sure if I am going to like it, I don’t want to make a huge batch of it and end up with a bunch of wasted leftovers. Joanie’s website has hundreds of all kinds of different recipes for one! https://onedishkitchen.com

JuliaPacheco: Julia is another mom turned content creator who wants to help people with meals. I really like Julia’s content because even though her videos are on YouTube, they’re still short, straight forward, and easy to follow. Plus, the way Julia cooks kind of reminds me of my mom, just simple and filling meals. https://www.juliapacheco.com

StruggleMeals: “We can make creative, nutritious, and inventive dishes that won’t break the bank!” This is the line that Chef Frankie uses to start every episode of StruggleMeals, and as a student it is pretty inspiring. Chef Frankie makes all kinds of recipes all while using affordable ingredients and the bonus, his videos are short, easy to follow, and fun to watch. https://www.youtube.com/@strugglemeals

-Andrew Rowat, Food Resource Centre Assistant 
