#36ClimateActions Campaign

The Year of Climate Action is about, you guessed it, action.

While Departments, offices, faculty, and students across the University are initiating climate actions as part of the Year of Climate Action, we also invite all of us, as individuals, to commit to climate actions in our personal lives. #36ClimateActions to be exact.

#36ClimateActions is the social media campaign of the Year of Climate Action. It is our invitation to you to listen, learn, engage, and act on climate change. 

Starting September 20, over the following 36 weeks, we challenge you to accomplish one climate action each week. Why? Because when we work together we amplify change. Thirty-six actions accomplished across a community amounts to thousands of actions. This is not the panacea to the climate crisis, we know. There will be more work to do--but we all have to start somewhere.

How does the 36 Climate Actions campaign work?

Every Monday afternoon, we will post a specific climate action challenge along with resources and inspiration to support you in taking action. Log your actions throughout the year by posting with our hashtag #36ClimateActions or by using our tracking sheet. If you log 18 actions or more, you will be entered into a grand prize draw at the end of the 36 weeks.

Your first challenge? Sign up for the #36ClimateActions challenge by:

  1. Following @lakeheadsustainability on Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn, and posting a photo that includes the hashtag #36ClimateActions, as well as “I commit to #36ClimateActions” in the caption or on the photo.
  2. Not on social media? No problem. You can participate by filling out this form and downloading our tracking sheet. By filling out the form, you can share your email with us and be emailed the challenge each week.
  3. Once you have entered, participate by posting about your progress each week on social media using the hashtag, or by commenting on our posts, or tracking progress on your sheet.

36 Climate Actions Campaign