Using the Quiz Tool in D2L Workshops
The quiz tool in D2L can be used for quizzes, tests, or exams. It includes a variety of question types from straightforward, objective questions (e.g. true/false, multiple choice, multi-select, ordering, matching, fill in the blanks) to short-answer and essay-length subjective responses.
The Quiz Tool Workshops will introduce instructors to the variety of testing tools available and demonstrate how to set up questions in the various formats, how to incorporate images or text for in-test analysis, how to preview/pre-take the quizzes in student mode, how to set up automatic marking for those formats that allow it, how to assess subjective questions, and how to release grades and export marks to the Grades tool.
Strategies for maintaining the integrity of the testing process/environment will also be discussed.
WHERE: BB 1066 WHEN: Monday, November 23, from 9:30-11:00 a.m. in BB 1066
REPEATS: Workshop repeating this content will be held Tuesday, November 24.
Please send an email to to register for a session.