Shayna Cummings Master's Thesis Defence
Please join us in Shayna Cummings Master's Thesis Defence on Wednesday September 23rd at 2:00pm. You will notice in the zoom invitation below that the start time is 1:30pm. This extra half hour is for the team to work through any technical difficulties beforehand. Please do not sign in until the 2:00pm start time.
Student: Shayna Cummings
Title: Simultaneous Polysubstance Use, Body Composition, and Trait Affect as Predictors of Cannabis Acute Adverse Reactions
Supervisor: Dr. Dwight Mazmanian
2nd Reader: Dr. Michel Bédard
GSC Representative: Dr. Gordon Hayman
Topic: MSc Thesis Defence for Shayna Cummings - Simultaneous Polysubstance Use, Body Composition, and Trait Affect as Predictors of Cannabis Acute Adverse Reactions
Time: Sep 23, 2020 01:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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