Dr. Moira McPherson
Some of the many noteworthy Lakehead University accomplishments during Dr. McPherson’s time leading Lakehead University:
Strategic Priorities, Planning and Achievements
President McPherson led the implementation of Lakehead’s 2018-2023 Strategic Plan and the achievement of its signature set of priorities and strategies. Having previously led the development of Lakehead’s integrated planning and budgeting process, Dr. McPherson, as President, oversaw the process across all portfolios to support the realization of the 2018-2023 strategic goals while also managing the tightly constrained provincial grants and a challenging post-secondary fiscal environment. The careful and rigorous integrated planning and budgeting process allowed Lakehead to meet its goals and was recognized as “best practice” by the Society of College and University Planners, a benchmark sought by many of our sister institutions.
Lakehead’s Reputation and Profile
Throughout her tenure as President, Dr. McPherson championed measurement of the societal impact of the University through the lens of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Our University has been globally recognized for our commitment to sustainability. Supporting these efforts, Lakehead University launched its inaugural Sustainability Plan in 2019. This comprehensive plan provided a roadmap for the sustainability of the institution’s academics, operations, and engagement. Lakehead was recognized among the top 5-10% of universities, and as the highest ranked university in the world with fewer than 10,000 students for our impact on society. Lakehead was also ranked among Canada's top research institutions by Research InfoSource and was consistently ranked among Maclean's top 10 Canadian undergraduate universities.
Social Responsibility, Access, and Making a Difference to Indigenous Learners
President McPherson expanded access and collaboratively led the University’s response to better meet the needs and aspirations of Indigenous learners — focusing on Indigenous knowledge, culture, and values, and highlighting the profile and success of Indigenous learners and colleagues at the University. Supported by outstanding staff, members of the President's Council on Truth and Reconciliation and the Ogimaawin Indigenous Education Council, numerous partnerships, including securing global experience and internship opportunities for Indigenous learners, have been established. The Niijii Indigenous Mentorship Program delivered educational programming, hands-on experience, and pathway guidance to more than 5,500 Indigenous youth throughout Northwestern Ontario over the last year. During Dr. McPherson’s tenure, Lakehead created the Youth In Care Tuition Waiver, and extended the regional reach and support for the Achievement Program – now with nearly 300 active student participants. Faculty, staff, and students advanced critical projects in partnership with community and with Indigenous organizations to improve access to health care, address language preservation and revitalization, and many other areas.
Program Innovation and Learning Delivery
In 2018, Dr. McPherson opened the Teaching Commons, building on foundational work she had led during her tenure as Provost to cultivate and support teaching excellence at Lakehead. The Commons played a timely and critical role in helping faculty and instructors to pivot so quickly to online learning during the pandemic and served to respond to the evolving pedagogical needs of faculty, instructors and of our graduate student instructors.
Throughout her Presidency, Dr. McPherson oversaw the creation and expansion of academic programs with innovative learning opportunities and the integration of research throughout the undergraduate curriculum. She forged new pathways with Lakehead’s partners, Confederation College and Georgian College, to expand student access and success. In collaboration with the University of Guelph, she initiated the development of a new Collaborative Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Program in Rural and Northern Community Practice program designed to meet urgent veterinary needs in the north. In early 2023, the Ministry of Colleges and Universities committed to support this important program along with overwhelming support from the City of Thunder Bay, the Community Economic Development Commission, external donors, and organizations.
Internationalization and Global Partnerships
During Dr. McPherson’s term, international learning experiences were deepened on both campuses, with the expansion of international recruitment and student supports, and efforts to intensified to support special international programming, global skills development, exchanges, and partnerships that have enriched the experience of both our domestic students and community. In 2022, Lakehead’s first two international dual degree program agreements with business schools in universities in France and the United Kingdom were signed.
Expanded Research, Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Over the past five years, the number of Lakehead graduate students increased, more research-based learning experiences for undergraduates were offered, and many Lakehead researchers were recognized internationally. Lakehead significantly advanced its total research funding and reputation through new high impact research centres, such as the Biorefining Research Institute, EPID@Work, and the Anishinaabe Kendaasiwin Institute. The President’s Advisory Council on Economic Development (PACED) leveraged Simcoe County’s strengths and ambitions to advance partnerships with communities, organizations, and local industry. Fueled by the President’s work with PACED, the Orillia and Thunder Bay Memoranda of Understanding, and local economic consultations, Lakehead pursued the ‘Economic Prosperity’ designation through the University Economic and Development Association of America.
Growth and Diversification of Lakehead University
Throughout President McPherson’s tenure, Lakehead University continued to diversify its enrolment. During the 2022-2023 academic year, over 1,500 international students enrolled in undergraduate and graduate programs, representing 18% of the total student population — the largest international student body at Lakehead to date. During that time, Lakehead also surpassed 2,100 students in its Simcoe County programs, including over 100 international students. Dr. McPherson led Lakehead’s efforts toward setting the stage for a major capital and program expansion on the Orillia campus. The Lakehead Orillia campus expansion will be a catalyst for enrolment and program growth for Lakehead and Simcoe County and drive future partnerships and economic impact throughout the County. In support of an innovative academic environment, Dr. McPherson led the development of the University’s ambitious Lakehead Institutional Campaign. This is Lakehead’s biggest campaign in its history and will serve to advance the reach, reputation, and impact of Lakehead!