Special Senate Meeting
Special Meeting of Senate #6-2013
Tuesday, June 18th, 2013
2:30 p.m. – Senate Chambers
Teleconference: 1-877-668-4493
Access code: 800 030 181
1. |
Approval of Agenda
MOVED that the agenda be approved. |
2. |
Regulation on Timely Feedback – from May 14th, 2013 (Dr. Andrew P. Dean) |
3. |
Reports of Standing Committees on Proposed Calendar Changes |
3.1 |
MOVED that the Senate Academic Committee Report be accepted. |
3.2 |
MOVED that the Senate Budget Committee Report be accepted. |
4. |
Approval of Undergraduate Calendar Changes (Dr. Todd Randall)
MOVED that the following Undergraduate Calendar Changes be approved:
Department of Interdisciplinary Studies (Orillia)
Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences
Faculty of Education
5. |
Approval of Graduate Calendar Changes (Dr. Philip Hicks)
MOVED that the following Graduate Calendar Changes be approved:
Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences
Faculty of Science and Environmental Studies
Faculty of Engineering
Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
6. |
LUSU Recommendations for Student Representatives on the Senate Academic Appeals Committee for 2013-2014:
MOVED that the LUSU recommendations for Student Representatives on the Senate Academic Appeals Committee for 2013-2014 be approved. |
7. |
Senate Teaching and Learning Committee Annual Report (Dr. Jane Nicholas) |
Details to follow.