October 26, 2015
Thunder Bay Location: SENATE CHAMBERS
Orillia Location: OA 2005
Click here for a PDF of the Senate Agenda
Teleconference: 1-866-652-8664 Access Code: 0154572#
Contribution to Teaching Awards – Dr. Moira McPherson, Provost & Vice President (Academic)
1. |
Approval of Agenda |
2. |
Approval of Minutes |
MOVED that the Minutes of Senate Meeting #7-2015 of September 21, 2015 be approved. |
3. |
Business Arising from the Minutes (not included elsewhere on the agenda) |
4. |
Graduands |
4.1 |
Undergraduate Degrees and Diplomas (Ms. Andrea Tarsitano)
4.2 |
Graduate Degrees (Dr. Christine Gottardo)
MOVED that the proposed list of individuals to receive graduate degrees be approved as presented. |
5. |
Calendar Changes for Referral Senators may view details of the proposed calendar changes on the Curriculum Navigator website. A link to the website along with login information and instructions has been emailed to all Senators. |
5.1 |
Proposed Undergraduate Calendar Changes for Referral (Dr. Michael Stevenson)
MOVED that the proposed Undergraduate Calendar Changes be referred to the appropriate committees:
Faculty of Science and Environmental Studies
Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
5.2 |
Proposed Graduate Calendar Changes for Referral (Dr. Christine Gottardo)
MOVED that the proposed Graduate Calendar Changes be referred to the appropriate committees:
Faculty of Science and Environmental Studies
Faculty of Natural Resources Management
6. |
Reports of Senate Standing Committees |
6.1 |
Senate Academic Committee Report (Dr. Douglas Ivison) |
2012-17 Academic Plan Review and Refresh Presentation (Dr. Moira McPherson) |
6.1.1 |
MOVED that Senate approves the revised Action Plans of the 2012-17 Academic Plan. |
6.1.2 |
MOVED that Senate approves the Definitions Report and adopts the Implementation Plan. |
6.1.3 |
MOVED that the Senate Academic Committee Report be accepted. |
6.2 |
Senate Undergraduate Studies Committee Report (Dr. Michael Stevenson) |
MOVED that the Senate Undergraduate Studies Committee Report be accepted. |
6.3 |
Senate Organization Committee (Dr. Mark Gallagher) |
MOVED that Article VI, paragraph 8(b) of the Senate Bylaws be amended to delete the reference to the “Dean & Vice-Provost of the Orillia Campus” and insert “Principal, Orillia Campus.” |
6.4 |
Senate Research Committee Report (Dr. Elaine Wiersma) |
MOVED that the Senate Research Committee Report be accepted. |
6.5 |
Senate Library Committee Report (Dr. Daniel Hannah) |
6.5.1 |
6.5.2 |
MOVED that the Senate Library Committee Report be accepted. |
6.6 |
Senate Budget Committee Report (Dr. Donald Kerr) |
MOVED that the Senate Budget Committee Report be accepted. |
6.7 |
Senate Teaching and Learning Committee Report (Dr. Christopher Murray) |
MOVED that the Senate Teaching and Learning Committee Report be accepted. |
7. |
Calendar Change Approvals |
7.1 |
Approval of Undergraduate Calendar Changes (Dr. Michael Stevenson)
MOVED that the following Undergraduate Calendar Change be approved: Faculty of Education
7.2 |
Approval of Graduate Calendar Changes (Dr. Christine Gottardo)
MOVED that the following Graduate Calendar Change be approved: Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
8. |
Lakehead University Student Union (LUSU) Recommendations for Student Members on Senate Standing Committees for 2015-2016 (Mr. Matt Quick) |
MOVED that the LUSU recommendations for student members on Senate Standing Committees for 2015-2016 be approved. |
9. |
Approval of Adjunct Professors |
9.1 |
MOVED that the following Adjunct Professors for the Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences be approved:
9.2 |
MOVED that the following Adjunct Professors for the Faculty of Science and Environmental Studies be approved:
10. |
Honorary Degree Nominations |
The Senate Honorary Degrees Committee is seeking Honorary Degree nominations. Nomination forms are available through the following link:
11. |
Adjunct Professor Renewals (Information Only) |
Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences
Faculty of Science and Environmental Studies
12. |
Senate Appointments and Elections |
13. |
COU Academic Colleague Report (Dr. Mary Louise Hill) |
14. |
President’s Report (Dr. Brian Stevenson) |
15. |
Provost & Vice-President (Academic) Report (Dr. Moira McPherson) |
16. |
Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) Report (Dr. Penny Moody-Corbett) |
17. |
Senator on the Board of Governors Report (Dr. Mary Louise Hill) |
18. |
MOVED that the meeting be adjourned. |