2015 Math Kangaroo Contest Winners - Thunder Bay

Winners of the 2015 Kangaroo Math Contest

 Kevin Genereux, Sam Prezio, Kevin Bai, Adam Tassone, Benjamin Ponka, Eric Tian, Andrew Tassone

2015 Math Kangaroo Contest

Logo of Canadian Kangaroo Contest (Maple Leaf with Kangaroo ontop)

The Department of Mathematical Sciences is happy to be a regional host of the Canadian Math Kangaroo Contest.
The contest will take place on March 29, 2015 (Sunday) between 11:00 a.m and 3:00 p.m. at Lakehead University in the Ryan Building (room number TBA).

The Thunder Bay contest will be open to students in grades 1-12. Registration is online, at mathkangaroo.ca, between January 5, 2015 and March 15, 2015. The registration fee is $17. 

Online training is available, with registration online as well. The schedule of dates is as follows:

  • In English for grades 1-8: February 28, repeated on March 7 and March 14, 2015
  • In English for grades 9-12: March 14, 2015
  • In French: March 15, 2015

The schedule for online training is available on the website: mathkangaroo.ca. The registration is done online from the participant's account. There is a fee of $10 per student, payable at the moment of registration.

For local Thunder Bay information send an e-mail to milie@lakeheadu.ca.

The contest will take place in the Ryan Building; it is listed as RB in the map below:

Parking is free on Sundays.

Please call Dr. M. Ilie at 346-7224 if you have any questions about the contest in Thunder Bay.  All other questions should be directed through the Canadian Math Kangaroo Contest website.

Some photos of a previous contest are below: