What type of business qualifies to be included in the Directory? |
A business that is owned or operated by a Lakehead alumnus but is not offering services that are in direct competition with our preferred partners, TD Canada Trust and MBNA. |
Does the business have to be owned by a Lakehead University Alumni to qualify? |
The business being entered into the directory have to be owned or operated (ie. CEO, President, etc. ) by an alumnus of Lakehead University. |
Why aren’t submissions automatically added to the Directory? |
Submissions to the directory have to go through a few steps prior to being added to the directory website. We verify that the business is owned by an alumni. During this process we also ensure that the business aligns with the policies and missions of Lakehead University. |
Is Lakehead University and/or Alumni House providing financial support to businesses on this page? |
No. This is a compiled list of alumni businesses for the benefit of the Lakehead alumni community. Lakehead is not be providing financial support or endorsements of these businesses. |
How can I add my business to the Directory? |
Please fill out the Lakehead University Business Directory form. (linked) |
How will the business information provided be used?
Information provided through the directory will be used to update the information within the University. In addition, there is a possibility that businesses added to the directory could be highlighted on Lakehead University’s social media pages and websites, as well as our alumni magazine, Journey. |
I’d like to add a discount for any Lakehead alumni. How can I share that? |
If you would like to add a discount code you can add this information near the bottom of the form. If at anytime you would like to remove or update the discount, please email alumni@lakeheadu.ca and we will remove and/or update the information. Please keep in mind, that although this page is intended for alumni, the page is not private and can be found publicly. This means that the discount code would be accessible to the public. |