Senior Curriculum and Instruction (Senior ABQ) - Health and Physical Education

A course specifically designed for certified teachers in any but the senior division. This course analyzes human development theories, curricular policies and guidelines, and teaching strategies and practices in Health and Physical Education, as they apply to the senior division. Practical activities form an integral part of the course
Credit Weight:
  • 1.0
  • A recognized university degree
  • Students seeking Senior qualifications must have five (5) full courses in an acceptable teaching area (listed on schedule A of regulation 176/10)
  • Students seeking subsequent additional qualifications must have three (3) full courses in an acceptable teaching area
The following are the guidelines for acceptable courses:
  • Courses from the following subject areas:
    • Kinesiology,
    • Physical Education, or
    • Human Kinetics.
  • Activity courses (e.g. basketball, hockey, etc.) do not count.
  • Only one full-year course, or the equivalent, in Anatomy and/or Physiology will count toward the Health & Physical Education teaching subject.
For a comprehensive list of suitable Kinesiology courses, refer to Courses in our Academic Calendar and select Kinesiology (KINE) Courses.

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Course Start-End: 
Monday, October 2, 2023 to Friday, December 15, 2023
Delivery Method: 
Course Code: 
EDUC 4843

Senior Curriculum and Instruction (Senior ABQ) - Geography

A course specifically designed for certified teachers in any but the senior division. This course analyzes human development theories, curricular policies and guidelines, and teaching strategies and practices in Geography, as they apply to the senior division. Practical activities form an integral part of the course.
Credit Weight:
  • 1.0
  • A recognized university degree
  • Students seeking Senior qualifications must have five (5) full courses in an acceptable teaching area (listed on schedule A of regulation 176/10)
  • Students seeking subsequent additional qualifications must have three (3) full courses in an acceptable teaching area
For a comprehensive list of suitable Geography courses, refer to Courses in our Academic Calendar and select Geography (GEOG) Courses.

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Course Start-End: 
Monday, October 2, 2023 to Friday, December 15, 2023
Delivery Method: 
Course Code: 
EDUC 4842

Senior Curriculum and Instruction (Senior ABQ) - English

A course specifically designed for certified teachers in any but the senior division. This course analyzes human development theories, curricular policies and guidelines, and teaching strategies and practices in English, as they apply to the senior division. Practical activities form an integral part of the course
Credit Weight:
  • 1.0
  • A recognized university degree
  • Students seeking Senior qualifications must have five (5) full courses in an acceptable teaching area (listed on schedule A of regulation 176/10)
  • Students seeking subsequent additional qualifications must have three (3) full courses in an acceptable teaching area - English courses (e.g. composition, rhetoric, literary studies, etc.).
For a more comprehensive list of suitable English courses, refer to Courses in our Academic Calendar and select English (ENGL) Courses.

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Course Start-End: 
Monday, October 2, 2023 to Friday, December 15, 2023
Delivery Method: 
Course Code: 
EDUC 4841

Religious Education Specialist

This is an advanced course that examines professional leadership in faith education in a Catholic school environment. Candidates will use the knowledge and skills gained in Religious Education Parts I and II to develop leadership skills with a focus on professional growth, religious literacy, and curriculum leadership of teachers.
Credit Weight:
  • 1.0

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Course Start-End: 
Monday, October 2, 2023 to Friday, December 15, 2023
Delivery Method: 
Course Code: 
EDUC 4769

Religious Education Part 2

This course provides candidates with a further understanding of Scripture and Catholic faith formation as well as the role of sacrament, prayer, and spirituality and their implications for teaching and learning in a Catholic school environment. The course also addresses moral and ethical issues facing Catholic educators today.

Credit Weight:
  • 1.0

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Course Start-End: 
Monday, October 2, 2023 to Friday, December 15, 2023
Delivery Method: 
Course Code: 
EDUC 4768

Religious Education Part 1

This course studies the principles of Christian Education; curriculum planning; teaching methods; and evaluation procedures for the teaching of religion in Ontario Roman Catholic Separate Schools.

Credit Weight:
  • 1.0
  • Certificate of Qualification

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Course Start-End: 
Monday, October 2, 2023 to Friday, December 15, 2023
Delivery Method: 
Course Code: 
EDUC 4767

Reading Specialist

This is an advanced course in reading education designed for educators in curriculum leadership roles. This course examines current issues in linguistic and cognitive development as well as the implications for school-wide and system-wide reading programs. Specialized leadership roles in reading education will be examined through the solving of practical classroom, school, and system-related problems. Change processes and in-service strategies designed to facilitate program development will be investigated. The concept of a school-wide reading program across the subject areas will be developed. The role of literature, in particular novel study, will be a significant part of the school-wide concept. The practical activities form an integral part of this course.


Credit Weight:
  • 1.0

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Course Start-End: 
Monday, October 2, 2023 to Friday, December 15, 2023
Delivery Method: 
Course Code: 
EDUC 4626

Reading Part 2

This course provides an in-depth study of literacy development, K-13. This course emphasizes the perceptual, cognitive, psycholinguistic, and linguistic processes involved in both reading and writing. The course also examines the differentiation of teaching-learning strategies in a developmental reading program to meet the needs of the high- and low-achieving student. Through practical activities, this course explores the relationships between the developmental reading program and reading in the context subjects and literature.
Credit Weight:
  • 1.0

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Course Start-End: 
Monday, October 2, 2023 to Friday, December 15, 2023
Delivery Method: 
Course Code: 
EDUC 4625

Reading Part 1

This course is for the professional development of teachers in reading education. A study of the cognitive and linguistic process involved in reading comprehension and word identification will serve as the basis for the examination of the developmental continuum in reading acquisition, development, and refinement. Application of basic principles to diagnostic classroom instruction will be made through practical activities.
Credit Weight:
  • 1.0
  • Certificate of Qualification

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Course Start-End: 
Monday, October 2, 2023 to Friday, December 15, 2023
Delivery Method: 
Course Code: 
EDUC 4624

Primary Curriculum and Instruction (Primary ABQ)

A course specifically designed for certificated teachers in any but the primary division. This course analyzes human development theories, curricular policies and guidelines, and teaching strategies and practices in major curricular areas, as they apply to the primary division. Meaningful applications are expected in appropriate settings. The practical activities form an integral part of the course.
Credit Weight:
  • 1.0
  • An acceptable University Degree

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Course Start-End: 
Monday, October 2, 2023 to Friday, December 15, 2023
Delivery Method: 
Course Code: 
EDUC 4620
