Email And Computer Accounts

The Technology Services Centre (TSC) manages and maintains a variety of services for Students, Faculty, and Staff.

Google Workspace services - Email, Calendar, Google Drive, Docs

TSC has partnered with Google to access their Google Workspace services. Google workspace offers the following services to students, staff, and alumni:
Email: Used as our main method of online communication.
Drive: A useful cloud storage tool that can be used to save documents. Students are provided with 100gb of online storage.
Calendar: A calendar tool that syncs with students' course timetables.
Google Docs: A tool used to create word documents, slideshows, spreadsheets, and forms. 


myInfo is our Lakehead University communication and information initiative online. The following is just a short list of some of the services provided by myInfo for students.

Registration (add/drop courses)
Class Schedules
Account Balances/Payments
Financial Aid Information (Scholarships and Bursaries)

AD - Active Directory Account

‘AD’ (Active Directory) accounts provide access to campus computers located in all student labs on campus and throughout the Chancellor Paterson and Education Libraries. These accounts are available to active students and AD access is granted as soon as one is made a student.

Your User ID and Password for AD are the same as what you use to access your myEmail and myInfo accounts.

On Campus Printing

When logged into your AD account, you can check your printing balance by clicking the green ‘P’ icon in the bottom right hand corner of the Windows Taskbar. You must have a positive balance in order to print. For further information see Printing.

Other Accounts

Sleet – A UNIX account that provides access to some compilers and a number of engineering and statistics applications, as well as hosting web pages.

Creating your 'SLEET' Account

Use the application called “Putty“. Check on the desktop or under All Programs for the program.

If it is not available click here and under the heading: For Windows on Intel x86 select “Putty.exe“. Depending on the browser you are you using, the option to either run or save will appear. Choosing run, will open Putty.

When Putty opens, enter the appropriate host name:

**Please note** your responses and the login and password are case sensitive.

For SLEET accounts, use your Lakehead username and password.

If you need SLEET for Webpages

Follow the above setup steps, and then enter this command: chmod g+rx . ./public_html

This command changes the permissions on the home folder (.) and the public_html folder to enable the web server. Note that after the rx there is a space, a period, another space, then period slash public_html

There is no ftp service, but you can use sftp tools to move files around.