Security Services provide emergency Support, Disclose and Report, they also provide safe walk. They will also help you navigate the process for support and create a safety plan for you according to your needs.
Phone: 705-330-4028 (Simcoe Hall)
705-330-4027 (Heritage place)
NOTE: If you are in the Residence you can also use the in-house phone and hit the security
button on your room phone or if you are near by the Emergency Tower please hit the call button
to reach security services.
Student Health and Wellness Center offers health care, counselling and wellness programming
Phone: 705-330-4010 Ext. 2116
The Office of Human Rights & Equity (OHRE) is an arms-length office that is responsible for
overseeing all human rights and equity related issues as well as matters surrounding sexual
violence at Lakehead University as experienced by students, faculty, staff and visitors to both
Thunder Bay and Orillia campuses.
They will provide supports to survivors or witnesses of Sexual and Gender based violence (Please feel safe and supported should you wish to disclose). They will also support if you receive a disclosure of SGBV and need tools, advice or information to support a survivor or yourself, if you wish to receive more education on SGBV prevention and if you are engaged in a complaint of SGBV.
Phone: 807-346-7765
Jonathan Erua
Phone Number: 807-346-7763
For complaints of sexual and gender-based violence:
Phone: 807-343-8010 x 7765
For human rights complaints:
Phone Number: 807-343-8010 x 7763 (Please leave a message with your contact information)
Office: OA 3022, by appointment or T/W/Th 8:30-4:30 if available
The Regional Sexual Assault Treatment Centre , Soldiers Memorial Hospital, Orillia. provides confidential sexual assault care and treatment options.
Phone: 705-327-9155
Toll-free: -877-377-7438
Orillia Ontario Police Provincial Police (OPP) Non-Emergency Department will assist you to inquire anonymously how to navigate the process of reporting an assault/harassment.
Phone: 705-326-3536
Athena’s Sexual Assault Counselling & Advocacy Centre Support for women identified individuals 16 years of age and older who have experienced sexual abuse as children and/or as adults. They also provide 24-hour telephone crisis line.
Phone: 705-737-2008 or 1-800-987-0799
Assaulted Women’s Helpline offer 24h hour crisis phone and chat support in over 200 languages. They do not have a local office in Orillia.
Phone: 1-866-863-0511
Talk4Healing is a culturally-grounded confidential helpline for Indigenous women. You can talk, text or chat online.
Phone: 1-855-554-HEAL
Green Haven Shelter (Community Outreach Services) are available to women and children experiencing violence within the community. Clients do not need to be residents of Green Haven Shelter for Women to connect with services and programs. Community Outreach Team meets with self-identifying women with or without dependent children experiencing violence one on one or in group environments and in a safe location.
Outreach Team Phone: 705-329-2806
24-hour crisis line; Ph. 705-327-7319 or Email:
First Nations & Inuit Hope for Wellness Helpline offers immediate help to all Indigenous peoples across Canada. They available provide services for 24/7.
Experienced and culturally competent Help Line counsellors can help if you:
Individual crisis intervention, counselling if you are in distress, have emotional reactions to present and past trauma
Telephone and online counselling are available in English and French. On request, telephone counselling is also available in: Cree, Ojibwa, and Inuktitut.
Phone: 1-855-242-3310
Online chat is also available at
Support services for male survivors of sexual abuse Provides support for male survivors of sexual violence both recent and historical. It is a 24 hours crisis and referral hotline, individual and group counselling, peer support, phone and online counselling. The also assist with referrals to other appropriate community support services to meet other long-term needs that clients may have.
Phone: 1-866-887-0015
Catholic Family Services of Simcoe County-Barrie Office (Multilingual) Provides counselling and support service for men 16 and over, who experienced sexual abuse and sexual assault. They also provide counseling for family members of male survivors.
Ph. 1-888-726-2503/ 705-726-2503