FGS Membership Criteria

For each student writing a thesis/dissertation, the program must provide a thesis/dissertation supervisory committee, consisting of a supervisor who must have membership in the graduate program of the student, and at least one additional Faculty of Graduate Studies (FGS) member. It is recommended that the supervisor of students completing a project or portfolio also hold FGS Membership.

Master’s Non-Core Membership

  • Describes individuals providing limited graduate supervision activities for limited time periods.
  • Limited terms of up to three years.

Eligibility Criteria

  • All faculty members, who have an academic appointment at Lakehead University as Assistant Professor or higher or a Limited Term Appointment
    • Nominated by a Lakehead University graduate program
    • Ph.D. degree or equivalent qualification appropriate to the discipline
  • An appointment at Lakehead University as an Adjunct Professor to the discipline (i.e., faculty from another university or individuals affiliated with research institutes)
    • Nominated by a Lakehead University graduate program
    • An appropriate scholarly and/or professional record commensurate with program activities and responsibilities
  • The title of Professor Emeritus of Lakehead University, with continuing evidence of research and scholarly productivity appropriate to the discipline
    • Nominated by a Lakehead University graduate program
    • An appropriate scholarly and/or professional record commensurate with program activities and responsibilities


  • Participation as a member of the Master’s thesis Supervisory Committee
  • Participation as an Internal Examiner for a Master’s thesis
  • Co-supervision of a Master's thesis
  • Supervisor of a Master's project, cognate paper, project or portfolio

Master’s Core Membership

  • Describes individuals authorized to participate in the program supervision on a continuing and substantial basis
  • Renewable terms of up to seven years in line with the program’s IQAP cyclical review

Eligibility Criteria

  • All faculty members, who have an academic appointment at Lakehead University as Assistant Professor or higher
  • Nominated by a Lakehead University graduate program
  • Ph.D. degree or equivalent qualification appropriate to the discipline
  • An appropriate track record of peer-reviewed research publications or other evidence of peer-reviewed scholarly productivity appropriate to the discipline
  • A program of research or performance
  • A record of successful participation in graduate education (such as teaching a graduate course or serving on a thesis committee)
    • An appointment at Lakehead University of Adjunct Professor to the discipline (i.e., faculty from another university or individuals affiliated with research institutes)
    • Nominated by a Lakehead University graduate program
    • An appropriate scholarly and/or professional record commensurate with program activities and responsibilities
      • The title of Professor Emeritus of Lakehead University, with continuing evidence of research and scholarly productivity appropriate to the discipline
      • Nominated by a Lakehead University graduate program
      • An appropriate scholarly and/or professional record commensurate with program activities and responsibilities


  • In addition to the responsibilities listed for Masters Non-Core Membership
  • Participation as a Supervisor, Joint-Supervisor or member of the Supervisory Committee of a Master’s thesis
  • Participation as a member of the Supervisory Committee or Co-Supervisor of the Ph.D. thesis 
  • Chair of a doctoral examination

Normally, Core Members are expected to gain supervisory experience as Master's Non-Core Thesis Members before attempting a sole supervisory role. In certain situations, however, the FGS recognizes that this progression may not always be possible or desirable. In such cases, new Members would proceed directly to Master's Core Thesis Membership upon the recommendation of the unit and approval by the FGS Membership Committee.

Ph.D. Non-Core Membership

  • Describes individuals providing limited graduate educational activities supervision in the Ph.D. and Master’s program for limited time periods. 
  • Limited terms of up to three years.

Eligibility Criteria

  • In addition to the eligibility criteria listed for Masters Core Membership
  • All faculty members, who have a Limited Term Appointment (at least three years)
  • An appointment at Lakehead University as an Adjunct Professor to the discipline (i.e., faculty from another university or individuals affiliated with research institutes)
    • Same as Masters Core Membership
  • The title of Professor Emeritus of Lakehead University, with continuing evidence of research and scholarly productivity appropriate to the discipline
    • Same as Masters Core Membership


  • In addition to the responsibilities listed for Masters Non-Core Membership
  • Participation as a Co-Supervisor or member of the Supervisory Committee of Ph.D. thesis
  • Participation as a Supervisor or Joint Supervisor of a Master’s thesis

Ph.D. Core Membership

  • Describes individuals authorized to participate in Ph.D. and Master’s program supervision on a continuing and substantial basis.
  • Renewable terms of up to seven years in line with the program’s IQAP review

Eligibility Criteria

  • In addition to the eligibility criteria listed for Ph.D. Non-Core Membership
  • All faculty members, who have an academic appointment at Lakehead University as Assistant Professor or higher or a Limited Term Appointment (at least three years)
    • Satisfactory supervision of at least one master's thesis.
  • An appointment at Lakehead University as an Adjunct Professor to the discipline (i.e., faculty from another university or individuals affiliated with research institutes)
    • Same as Ph.D. Non-Core Membership
    • Satisfactory supervision of at least one master's thesis
  • The title of Professor Emeritus of Lakehead University, with continuing evidence of research and scholarly productivity appropriate to the discipline
    • Same as Ph.D. Non-Core Membership
    • Satisfactory supervision of at least one master's thesis


  • In addition to the responsibilities listed for Ph.D. Non-Core Membership
  • Participation as a Supervisor, Joint-Supervisor or member of the Supervisory Committee of Ph.D. or Master’s thesis

Membership Definitions

The faculty member has the appropriate level of core supervisory membership and primary responsibility for overseeing the Graduate thesis/dissertation research. Indicates primary credit for such supervision.

Applicable where two faculty members supervise a Master's Graduate thesis, one of whom has Master's or Doctoral membership, and the other has a Non-Thesis Core Membership. These co-supervisory arrangements allow new faculty members without supervisory membership to gain supervisory experience via a mentoring process of working with more senior established faculty.

Applicable where two faculty members in a program supervise a thesis/dissertation, both of whom have the same level of core supervisory membership, and thus share joint responsibility for the thesis/dissertation. These arrangements allow both faculty members to receive equal credit for supervision. Only one of the Joint Supervisors must be a core member of the program granting the student's degree.