Physics MSc Thesis Defense (Zoom Event) - presented by D. Michael Frood

Event Date: 
Monday, May 4, 2020 - 3:00pm EDT
Event Location: 
Zoom Event
Event Contact Name: 
Dr. Apichart Linhananta
Event Contact E-mail: 

Department of Physics invites you to attend a Master of Science Thesis Defense
(Zoom event) Presented by:

D. Michael Frood

"Simulated Accelerated Evolution by Modeling the Rapid Fixation of Bacteria
Along an Antibiotic Gradient"

Supervisor: Dr. A. Linhananta
Committee members: Dr. M. Gallagher, Dr. G. Das
External Examiner: Dr. James Polson (Physics, University of Prince Edward Island)
Zoom Event:
Monday, May 4, 2020 at 3:00 pm
 (official start time of the defense will be 3:15 pm)
(for Join Zoom Link, Login & Password email contact as listed)
Apichart Linhananta