Faculty Meeting Friday, September 15, 2006

Friday, September 15, 2006 - 12:00am
ATAC 5035
There will be a meeting of the Council of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
Approval of Agenda.
Presentation - Science and Environmental Studies Changes  to Entrance Requirements.
(Dr. Lesley Lovett-Doust). 
Approval of the May 15th Minutes.   
Business Arising from the Minutes.
 Introduction of New Colleagues.
(CHAIRSPlease invite new colleagues to this meeting and please be prepared
 to introduce and welcome them to our Council.)
Faculty Council Meeting Schedule -2006-07. (doc. 1)
SS&H Key Dates 2006-07. (for information - doc. 2)
Dean's Report.
. Leadership Conference
.Senate Teaching and Learning Committee Draft Report
.Law School
Departmental Reports.
i)   Sociology
.  Calendar Changes (doc. 3)
.  Adjunct Appointments
(Dr. Gary Boire, Dr. Jane Crossman, Dr. Harvey Lemelin and Dr. Raija Warkentin)
Other Business.
i)        Graduate Student Representative for the Graduate Studies Council.
Chair, Social Sciences and Humanities Faculty Council.
MONDAY, MAY 15, 2006
A meeting of the Faculty Council was held on Monday, May 15, 2006 at 2:00 p.m. in the ATAC Board Room 5035.
In the absence of B. Strang, V. Smith called the meeting to order.
1.   Approval of Agenda
It was moved by A. Carastathis and seconded by H. Smith that the agenda be approved.
2.   Approval of the Minutes
It was moved by M. MacLean and seconded by S.D. Stone that the Minutes of April 11th be approved.
3.         Business Arising from the Minutes.
i           Decanal Search Committee
H. Smith, member of the Decanal Search Committee, noted that in addition to the special faculty council meetings scheduled to meet each of the three candidates,
i)          Dr. Gwyn Campbell, 9:00 a.m. on Friday, May 19th in the Senate Chambers
ii)         Dr. Livio Di Matteo, 9:00 a.m. on Thursday, May 25th in ATAC 5035
iii)         Dr. Ronald Hinch, 2:15 p.m. on Monday, May 29th in ATAC 5035,
there were also open meetings for the university community arranged as follows:
i)          Dr. Gwyn Campbell, 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 18th in the Senate Chambers
ii)         Dr. Livio Di Matteo, 1:00 p.m. on Wednesday, May 24th in the Senate Chambers
iii)         Dr. Ronald Hinch, 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, May 30th in the Senate Chambers.
She also noted that CVs are available for viewing on the on-line web site of the Vice-President (Academic).
4.         Graduands
i)           Graduand List
M. Shaw provided Council members with the list of potential graduands.  He noted that there would be additional names coming forward for consideration. 
Chairs at the meeting pointed out names and student numbers of some potential graduands to the Registrar that should be included on the current list of graduands.
M. Shaw noted that graduands not on the current list, but brought forward by May 24th at 4:30 p.m., would still be included in the addendum to the convocation program.
It was moved by H. Smith and seconded by J. Leggatt that the graduand list be approved.
ii)         Dean's Medallists
G. Boire asked for guidance from council members with regard to students nominated to receive the Social Science and Humanities medals.  A discussion followed.  Glenn Alfred Halverson of the three-year program and Rhonda Barlow of the four-year program were selected.
iii)         Enabling Motion
It was moved by R. Berg and seconded by H. Smith that, as standing policy, the Dean of the Faculty, the Chair/Director of the Department/School and the Registrar be empowered to approve graduands who do not appear on the convocation list, but who are found to have completed all of the requirements for their undergraduate degrees and diplomas by the day of convocation and that similarly, the Dean of Graduate Studies, the Chair/Director of the Department/School and the Registrar be empowered to approve graduate degrees and diplomas; and that  such graduands be placed on record by Senate at the next Senate meeting following the meeting at which graduands are normally approved.
5.         Dean's Report
G. Boire reported.
i)          Start-up Money to meet Teaching Requirements
R. Blais does not currently recognize the budget sheets that have been distributed to departments.  G. Boire and L. Hayes will be meeting with R. Blais to clarify the FCEs and stipends for the departments. 
ii)         Candidates for Dean
The short list of decanal candidates,
Livio di Matteo, internal candidate
Gwyn Campbell, Washington and Lee University
Ron Hinch, Ontario Institute of Technology
will be meeting with Faculty Council.
iii)         Teleconference
G. Boire asked for a volunteer to participate in a teleconference on May 16th to answer questions about Lakehead University from prospective students and their parents.
G. Boire had nothing further to report, as there was no Deans' Council last week.  He asked members if they had any questions.
Discussion followed. 
It was noted that the Dean of Science and The Vice-President (Academic) were overseeing Orillia and that appointments would be 9 month contract appointments. 
Council was assured that budgets would not be reduced after talks with R. Blais and L. Hayes.
G. Boire thanked all chairs for their help in the process.
6.         Departmental and Committee Reports
i)          English - Adjunct Professor - Dr. Kim Fedderson
It was moved by J. Leggatt and seconded by J. Siddell that Dr. Kim Fedderson be approved as an Adjunct Professor in the Department of English.
                                                                                    Carried Unanimously.
7.         Other Business
There was none.
8.         Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 2:45 p.m.
R. Berg
G. Boire
A. Carastathis
G. Colton
L. Di Matteo
E. Epp
R. Farrell
G. Hayman
D. Ivison
P. Jasen
J. Leggatt
M. MacLean
G. Munro
A. Nabarra
M. Nisenholt
K. Santerre
G. Siddall
C. Southcott
S.D. Stone
H. Smith
V. Smith
B. Stolar
M. Granville
C. Hartviksen
S. Islam
D. Jobin-Bevans
P. Vervoort
P. Wakewich