Faculty Meeting Friday, October 20, 2006

Friday, October 20, 2006 - 12:00am
ATAC 5035
There will be a meeting of the Council of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
1.        LUSU student representatives - F. Dawood, M.Granville
2.       Approval of Agenda.
3.       HBEd (Aboriginal Education) Presentation - J. O'Sullivan, E. Gardner.
4.       Approval of the September 15th Minutes.  
5.       Business Arising from the Minutes.
6.        Course Evaluations doc. 1 and doc. 1(a)
7.       Dean's Report.
8.       Departmental Reports.
English (calendar changes and Ph.D. program proposal - approval in principle) doc. 2 and doc. 2(a)
Sociology (calendar changes) doc. 3 and doc. 3(a)
Visual Arts (calendar changes) doc. 4
9.       Other Business.
10.       Adjournment.
Chair, Social Sciences and Humanities Faculty Council.
A meeting of the Faculty Council was held on Friday, September 15, 2006 at 1:30 p.m. in the ATAC Board Room 5035.
B. Strang called the meeting to order and called for nominations for the Chair of the Faculty Council.
T. Dufresne nominated V. Smith.  V. Smith accepted the nomination.
It was moved by T. Dufresne and seconded by J. Leggatt that V. Smith assume the role of Chair of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities Council.
1.   Approval of Agenda
It was moved by G. Hayes and seconded by M. Richardson that the agenda be approved.
2.   Presentation - Science and Environmental Studies Changes to Entrance Requirements.  (Dr. Lesley Lovett-Doust). (Attachment)
V. Smith welcomed L. Lovett-Doust to Council.
L. Lovett-Doust distributed a summary of her presentation to members. She went on to explain the rationale behind the changes to the entrance requirements that were passed at the last Senate meeting (SEE ATTACHED DOCUMENT).
It was moved by G. Hayman and seconded by M. MacLean that the Social Sciences and Humanities Faculty Council approve the entrance requirement changes passed by Senate at its last meeting on the condition that they are also passed by the Department of Psychology.
3.   Approval of the Minutes
It was moved by S.D. Stone and seconded by M. Richardson that the minutes of September 15th be approved with the following correction:
Under Attendance, "J. Sidall" should be changes to "G. Siddall."
4.  Business Arising from the Minutes.
There was none.
5.         Introduction of New Colleagues.
B. Strang welcomed Emily Auger from the Visual Arts Department. 
6.         Faculty Council Meeting Schedule.
Council noted the schedule for meetings with no objections.
7.         SS&H Key Dates 2006-07.
Council noted the key dates.
B. Strang pointed to the following:
.the drop/add dates for this year.  According to a recent e-mail from the Registrar's Office, these dates would be more strictly enforced.  Those students on waiting lists may have to reconsider their choices.
.the PTR date of September 30th.
.the merit applications are due in the middle of October once again this year. The Merit Committee process has changed and members of the committee will be selected from the pool of merit applicants.
8.         Dean's Report
B. Strang reported.
Decanal Search
B. Strang's term as Acting Dean will end on December 31st.  He will not apply for the post of full-time dean.
External applications for the position have been received and reviewed.  Internal candidates are encouraged to apply to ensure that there is broad range of choice for the position.
Enrolment numbers are good.  They seem to be up by a few hundred over last year's figures.
Our faculty has increased its first year student enrolment to 790.  Last year at this time it was 750.
This year the university is in a better position for BIUs.  The distribution is better and there are more students moving up in the programs.
Graduate enrolment is down by 10.  It is expected that numbers will increase. An expansion of graduate programs is being encouraged as more government funding has become available for graduate programs. 
Growth Positions
This year the university does not recognize replacement positions.  Departments will have to provide strong arguments for new faculty.  Because of the provincial funding policy, growth positions appear to be linked to graduate programs.  The money from the province is directed towards the expansion of existing graduate programs and the creation of new ones.   An increase in graduate enrolment will provide more money.
Modular Degree
L. Lovett-Doust and B. Strang are working towards developing a new set of calendar changes for combined majors.  It is hoped that a new template will be created within the faculty to provide students with more options.  This falls within the Academic Plan.  A discussion followed.
Senate Teaching and Learning Committee Draft Report
G. Siddall informed Council that the report will be presented at the next Senate meeting with a number of recommended changes.  B. Strang encouraged members to attend the next meeting of Senate and take an active role.
Durables Budget
Ideas about changes in the physical plan for the University such as labs for students, physical change to the university or alternative ways of using durables should be forwarded to the Dean.  The application deadline for this money is October 2nd
Law School
A proposal to create a school of legal studies which would serve the northern region is well underway.  It is expected that the formal proposal will be finalized this year.  Discussion followed.
The budget process will not be the same as last year. There will be new criteria for allocating funds.  There will be no decisions regarding budget before November 1st.  It will be after November 14th that hiring or replacement decisions will be made. 
Faculty chairs are currently meeting to discuss budget issues before putting their requests forward.  There is currently no university policy in place with regard to replacements.  Departments should be thinking about their request for growth positions now to assist with preparation for the budget process in mid-October.
9.         Departmental Reports
i)   Sociology Calendar Changes
It was moved by S.D. Stone and seconded by G. Hayman that the Sociology changes be approved.
ii)  Sociology Adjunct Professors
It was moved by S.D. Stone and seconded by G. Munro that Dr. Gary Boire, Dr. Jane Crossman, Dr. Harvey Lemelin and Dr. Raija Warkentin be approved as Adjunct Professors in the Department of Sociology.
10.       Other Business
Graduate Student Representative for the Graduate Studies Council
A faculty graduate student representative is required on the Graduate Studies Council. B. Strang asked Departments to provide names of student volunteers willing to serve.  The Dean's office will coordinate a vote if necessary.  The name of the chosen student will then be forwarded to Lynn Gollat of Graduate Studies.
Leadership Conference
B. Strang distributed a Lakehead University Leader Conferences publication.  He noted that the Vice-President (Academic) has arranged for these presentations over the next five weeks on Tuesdays for approximately an hour and a half commencing at 12:30 p.m.  Registration for those wishing to attend is required and can be done through Maria Dufresne at mdufresn@lakeheadu.ca.   Refreshments will be served.  Those interested are encouraged to attend.
The meeting adjourned at   3:03 p.m.
E. Auger
A. Carastathis
T. Dufresne
E. Epp
G. Hayman
S. Islam
D. Ivison
J. Leggatt
M. MacLean
G. Munro
J.M. Richardson
K. Santerre
M. Shannon
G. Siddall
S.D. Stone
V. Smith
B. Strang
M. Granville
Covering notes on changes to admission requirements for Science and Environmental Studies and BSc/HBSc programs.
Lesley Lovett-Doust, Dean Science and Environmental Studies
1. Attached are some minor changes to the admissions requirements that will be used for the new issue of our view book and Info! magazine (for Fall 2007), as well as posted in the Lakehead University Calendar. These changes have been discussed in SES council and reviewed by the Department chairs.
2. The rationale for most of these changes is that we would like to be in line with the other universities in the province. Our entrance requirements are presently more specific than the others. For the most part we have moved to a pattern of "2 required, 2 from a list, 2 "open choice" U or M courses".
3. The entry requirements for the BA/HBA in Geography and in Anthropology are stated separately from offerings in the faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, so that students are aware of the BA option in these departments (the view book does make this clear, but the University Calendar does not at present).
4. Similarly the requirements for the BSc/HBSc in Psychology are listed separately from the other BSc/HBSc programs, again, to let these programs stand out from the other programs in the faculty of Science and Environmental Studies.
Points 3 and 4, above, provide greater visibility to programs that may in different universities be listed either in "Social Science" or "Science" categories or faculties.
In the attached material we first reprint the information that is presently on the University Calendar website. That is followed by an annotated edit using the "Track Changes" feature of MSWord.
Note: Grade 12U English is a requirement in all of our programs. For the present we are retaining requirements for Grade 12U calculus in most programs, but note that the High School Mathematics curriculum is in a state of flux, and it may be necessary to adjust the mathematics requirements should a final decision be made.
The First set of information is the present documentation available on our Website and in the Course Calendar. Below the current version we present the revised document, with changes indicated as "track changes" in MSWord.

Admission Requirements

General Requirements:
Completion of the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), or equivalent. A minimum of 6 Grade 12 U or M courses, or equivalent, including program specific prerequisite courses with a minimum 70% overall average.

Degree Program

Grade 12 Requirements

Bachelor of Arts
Honours Bachelor of Arts
(see also Music, and Visual Arts below)
- 1 credit each in Gr. 12 U English and Math; 4 additional Gr. 12 U or M credits
- 1 credit each in Gr. 12 U English and French; 4 additional Gr. 12 U or M credits
- 1 credit in Gr. 12 U English; 5 additional Gr. 12 U or M credits (Gr. 12 U Canadian History or World History recommended)
- 1 credit each in Gr. 12 U English and Adv. Functions & Intro Calculus; 1 credit chosen from Gr. 12 U Geometry & Discrete Math or Math of Data Mgmt; and 3 additional Gr. 12 U or M credits (Gr. 12 U Geometry & Discrete Math. recommended)
- 1 credit in Gr. 12 U English; 5 additional Gr. 12 U or M credits; an audition and theory entrance test are required
Visual Arts:
- 1 credit in Gr. 12 U English; 5 additional Gr. 12 U or M credits; a portfolio is required
All Other Majors:
- 1 credit in Gr. 12 U English; 5 additional Gr. 12 U or M credits
Bachelor of Environmental Science
Honours Bachelor of Environmental Studies
Environmental Studies & Biology:
- 1 credit each in Gr. 12 U English and Advanced Functions & Intro Calculus; 4 additional Gr. 12 U or M credits (Gr. 12 U Biology and Chemistry recommended)
Environmental Studies & Earth Science:
- 1 credit each in Gr. 12 U English, Advanced Functions & Introductory Calculus, Chemistry; 3 additional Gr. 12 U or M credits (Gr. 12 U Physics recommended)
HBESc Environmental Studies & Geography:
- 1 credit each in Gr. 12 U English and Advanced Functions & Intro Calculus; 4 additional Gr. 12 U or M credits (Gr. 12 U Biology and Canadian & World Issues: A Geographic Analysis OR Gr. 12 U World Geography: Human Patterns & Interactions recommended)
HBES Environmental Studies & Geography:
- 1 credit in Gr. 12 U English; 5 additional Gr. 12 U or M credits (Gr. 12 U Biology and Canadian & World Issues: A Geographic Analysis OR Gr. 12 U World Geography: Human Patterns & Interactions recommended)
Bachelor of Science
Honours Bachelor of Science
Anthropology, Applied Bio-Molecular Science, Biology, Geography, Geology, Physics, Psychology:
- 1 credit each in Gr. 12 U English and Advanced Functions & Intro Calculus; 3 credits Gr. 12 U from: Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Geometry & Discrete Math, Math of Data Management; 1 additional Gr. 12 U or M credit
- 1 credit each in Gr. 12 U English, Advanced Functions & Intro Calculus, Chemistry; 2 credits Gr. 12 U from: Biology, Physics, Geometry & Discrete Math, Math of Data Management; 1 additional Gr. 12 U or M credit
Computer Science:
- 1 credit each in Gr. 12 English and Advanced Functions & Intro Calculus; 1 credit Gr. 12 U from: Geometry & Discrete Math, Math of Data Management; 2 credits from: Gr. 12 U Geometry & Discrete Math, Gr. 12 U Math of Data Management, Gr. 12 U Physics, Gr. 12 U Chemistry, Gr. 12 U Biology, Gr. 12 M Computer & Info Science, Gr. 12 M Computer Engineering; 1 additional Gr. 12 U or M credit (Gr. 12 U Geometry & Discrete Math and Gr. 12 M Computer & Info Sciences recommended)
General Program, Geoarchaeology, Earth Science, Natural Science:
- 1 credit in Gr. 12 U English; 2 credits in Gr. 12 U Math or Science or both; 3 additional Gr. 12 U or M credits
- 1 credit each in Gr. 12 English and Advanced Functions & Intro Calculus; 1 credit Gr. 12 U from: Geometry & Discrete Math, Math of Data Management; 2 credits from: Gr. 12 U Geometry & Discrete Math, Gr. 12 U Math of Data Management, Gr. 12 U Physics, Gr. 12 U Chemistry, Gr. 12 U Biology; 1 additional Gr. 12 U or M credit (Gr. 12 U Geometry & Discrete Math recommended)
Water Resource Science:
- 1 credit Gr. 12 U English, 1 credit Gr. 12 U Biology, 1 credit Gr. 12 U Chemistry; 3 additional Gr. 12 U or M credits
The text with the proposed changes: shown as "track changes" in MS-Word:

Admission Requirements

General Requirements:
Completion of the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), or equivalent. A minimum of 6 Grade 12 U or M courses, or equivalent, including program specific prerequisite courses with a minimum 70% overall average.

Degree Program

Grade 12 Requirements

Bachelor of Arts
Honours Bachelor of Arts
(see also Music, and Visual Arts below)
 - 1 credit in Gr.12 U English; 5 additional Gr. 12 U or M  [l1] credits
- 1 credit each in Gr. 12 U English and Math; 4 additional Gr. 12 U or M credits
- 1 credit each in Gr. 12 U English and French; 4 additional Gr. 12 U or M credits
- 1 credit in Gr.12 U English; 5 additional Gr. 12 U or M  [l2] credits 
- 1 credit in Gr. 12 U English; 5 additional Gr. 12 U or M credits (Gr. 12 U Canadian History or World History recommended)
- 1 credit each in Gr. 12 U English and Adv. Functions & Intro Calculus; 1 credit chosen from Gr. 12 U Geometry & Discrete Math or Math of Data Management; and 3 additional Gr. 12 U or M credits (Gr. 12 U Geometry & Discrete Math. recommended)
- 1 credit in Gr. 12 U English; 5 additional Gr. 12 U or M credits; an audition and theory entrance test are required
Visual Arts:
- 1 credit in Gr. 12 U English; 5 additional Gr. 12 U or M credits; a portfolio is required

All Other Majors:
- 1 credit in Gr. 12 U English; 5 additional Gr. 12 U or M credits
Bachelor of Environmental Science
Honours Bachelor of Environmental Studies
HBESc Environmental Studies & Biology:
- 1 credit each in Gr. 12 U English and Gr. 12 U Advanced Functions & Intro Calculus; 4 additional Gr. 12 U or M credits (Gr. 12 U Biology and Chemistry recommended)
HBESc Environmental Studies & Earth Science:
- 1 credit in Gr. 12 U English; 1 credit from Grade 12U Advanced Functions & Intro Calculus, Grade 12U Geometry & Discrete Math, Grade 12U Math of Data Management; 4 additional Gr. 12 U or M credits (Grade 12U Chemistry or Physics recommended) 
HBESc Environmental Studies & Geography:
- 1 credit each in Gr. 12 U English and Gr. 12 U Advanced Functions & Intro Calculus; 4 additional Gr. 12 U or M credits (Gr. 12 U Biology, and Gr. 12 U Canadian & World Issues: A Geographic Analysis OR Gr. 12 U World Geography: Human Patterns & Interactions recommended)
HBES Environmental Studies & Geography:
- 1 credit in Gr. 12 U English; 5 additional Gr. 12 U or M credits (Gr. 12 U Biology,  and Gr. 12 U Canadian & World Issues: A Geographic Analysis OR Gr. 12 U World Geography: Human Patterns & Interactions recommended)
Bachelor of Science
Honours Bachelor of Science
Anthropology, Applied Bio-Molecular Science, Biology, Geography, Northern Studies, - 1 credit each in Gr. 12 U English, Gr. 12 U Advanced Functions & Intro Calculus, Gr. 12 U Chemistry; 1 credit from: Gr. 12 U Biology, Gr. 12 U Physics, Gr. 12 U Geometry & Discrete Math, Gr. 12 U Math of Data Management (Gr. 12 U Biology & Physics recommended); 2 additional Gr. 12 U or M credits [l4] 
Computer Science:
- 1 credit each in Gr. 12 U English, Gr. 12 U Advanced Functions & Intro Calculus; 1 credit from: Gr. 12 U Geometry & Discrete Math, Gr. 12 U Math of Data Management, Gr 12M Computer & Info Science;  3 additional Gr. 12 U or M credits (Gr. 12 U Geometry & Discrete Math and Gr. 12 M Computer & Info Science recommended)
General Program, Geoarchaeology, Earth Science, Natural Science:
 - 1 credit in Gr. 12 U English; 2 credits from Gr. 12 U Advanced Functions &  Intro Calculus, Gr. 12 U Chemistry, Gr. 12 U Biology, Gr. 12 U Physics, Gr. 12 U Earth and Space Science, Gr. 12 U Geometry & Discrete Math, Gr. 12 U Math of Data Management, (Gr. 12 U Biology, Chemistry or Physics recommended); 3 additional Gr. 12 U or M credits [l5] 
- 1 credit in Gr. 12 U English; 1 credit from Grade 12U Advanced Functions & Intro Calculus, Grade 12U Geometry & Discrete Math, Grade 12U Math of Data Management; 4 additional Gr. 12 U or M credits 
- 1 credit each in Gr. 12 U English, Gr. 12 U Advanced Functions & Intro Calculus; 1 credit from: Gr. 12 U Geometry & Discrete Math, Gr. 12 U Math of Data Management;  1 credit from Gr. 12 U Geometry & Discrete Math, Gr. 12 U Math of Data Management, Gr. 12 U Physics, Gr. 12 U Chemistry, Gr. 12 U Biology; 2 additional Gr. 12 U or M credits (Gr. 12 U Geometry & Discrete Math recommended)
1 credit each in Gr. 12 U English and Gr. 12 U Advanced Functions & Intro Calculus; 2 credits from: Gr. 12 U Chemistry, Gr. 12 U Biology, Gr. 12 U Physics, Gr. 12 U Geometry & Discrete Math, Gr. 12 U Math of Data Management (one of Gr. 12 U Biology or Chemistry recommended); 2 additional Gr. 12 U or M credits
Water Resource Science:
- 1 credit in Gr. 12 U English; 3 credits from Gr. 12 U Advanced Functions &  Intro Calculus, Gr. 12 U Chemistry, Gr. 12 U Biology, Gr. 12 U Physics, Gr. 12 U Earth and Space Science, Gr. 12 U Geometry & Discrete Math, Gr. 12 U Math of Data Management, (Gr. 12 U Biology, Chemistry and Advanced Functions & Intro Calculus recommended); 2 additional Gr. 12 U or M credits [l6] 

 [l1]Add in specific reference to the requirements for the BA Geography, and BA Anthropology (they are explicit in the view book)
 [l2]Add in specific reference to the requirements for the BA Geography, and BA Anthropology (they are explicit in the view book)
 [l3]Changes parallel those in competing programs elsewhere (4 + 2)
 [l4]Changes parallel those in competing programs elsewhere (4 + 2)
 [l5]Changes parallel those in competing programs elsewhere (4 + 2)
 [l6]Changes parallel those in competing programs elsewhere (4 + 2)