Faculty Meeting Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Wednesday, February 26, 2014 - 1:30pm
ATAC 3004/OA 3041
Date:        February 26th, 2014
To:            Members, Council of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
Subject:     COUNCIL MEETING         


There will be a meeting of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities on:

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26th, 2014 FROM 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM IN ATAC 3004/OA 3041.

Presentation:   First Year Seminars

  Dr. Craig McKinnon - Assistant Dean, (Undergraduate Initiatives)
                                       Science and Environmental Studies            


 1.    Approval of Agenda.

 2.    Approval of the January 13th, 2014 Minutes.   
 3.    Business Arising from the Minutes.

 4.    Registrar's Report.
 5.    Dean's Report.

 6.    Departmental/School Reports.

     i)  Languages - Calendar Changes - New Versions - Oral French I and Oral French II
                       (Tracking Number 2014-SOC-3076)

     ii) Visual Arts - Calendar Change - New Version - Introduction to Figure Drawing
                         (Tracking Number 2014-SOC-3056)

    iii) Women's Studies - Clarification of List of Core Courses
 7.    Orillia Report.

 8.    Other Business.

 9.    Adjournment.    

 January 13th, 2014

A meeting of the Faculty Council was held on Monday, January 13th, 2014 at 1:00 pm in ATAC Board Room 3004.

Approval of Agenda
It was moved by G. Siddall and seconded by A. Carastathis that the agenda be approved.
Secret Ballot - Election of Acting Chair of Faculty Council

A secret ballot was held and Dr. Patrick Cain was elected as Acting Chair of Faculty Council.
Approval of the Minutes
It was moved by R. Koster and seconded by R. Martin that the minutes of December 11th, 2013 be approved.
Business Arising from Notes

1.  R. Berg raised questions about Motions Two and Three regarding Orillia specialization.  A short discussion followed.

Registrar's Report


Dean's Report for Faculty Council

January 13, 2014

1.    There are a number of issues on which I would like to get your feedback:
€    Role of the Dean of Graduate Studies
€    PTR process
€    Merit process
2.    Telepresence room is now finished.  28-seat capacity.  Room in Orillia will be finished at end of January.  No process yet in place for requests for using the room.
3.    SMA
4.    Hiring--no word yet of requests for replacement positions.  Should be hearing very shortly.
5.    Lecture Series
6.    Research and Innovation Week
7.    Chairs' Retreat

Faculty-based Funding Projects

D. Jobin-Bevans gave an update on his work with the Philanthropy Team.  He is in the process of collecting information from the Deans in preparation for the Capitol Campaign. He also outlined the process and gave suggestions as to what each faculty and department/school should do to enhance their involvement.  A short discussion followed.

Departmental/School Reports

i)  English

It was moved by D. Ivison and seconded by I. Lemee that the calendar changes for English, be approved.  (Tracking Number 2013-SOC-2954).

ii)  Languages

It was moved by I. Lemee and seconded by R. Berg that the calendar changes for Languages, Change Lab Descriptions, be approved.  (Tracking Number 2013-SOC-2951).

It was moved by I. Lemee and seconded by R. Koster that the calendar changes for Languages, Program-HBA.PHILFREN Changes, be approved.  (Tracking Number 2013-SOC-2990).


iii) Outdoor Recreation

It was moved by R. Koster and seconded by R. Martin that the calendar changes for Outdoor Recreation, OUTD 1010 and OUTD 1150, be approved.  (Tracking Number 2014-SOC-3010).


It was moved by R. Koster and seconded by D. Jobin-Bevans that the calendar changes for Outdoor Recreation, OUTD 1930/1010, be approved.  (Tracking Number 2014-SOC-3011).


iv)  Philosophy

It was moved by R. Berg and seconded by I. Lemee that the calendar changes for Philosophy, New Course - New Version 2611, be approved.  (Tracking Number 2014-SOC-3004).

 v)  Sociology

It was moved by S. Stone and seconded by R. Berg that the Proposal Brief - BA and HBA Sociology at Orillia Campus, be approved.  (Tracking Number 2014-SOC-3004).                             
vi)  Visual Arts

It was moved by R. Martin and seconded by D. Jobin-Bevans that the calendar changes for Visual Arts, Discontinued Course, be approved.  (Tracking Number 2014-SOC-3004).


It was moved by R. Martin and seconded by D. Jobin-Bevans that the calendar changes for Visual Arts, New Course, be approved.  (Tracking Number 2014-SOC-3060).


vii)  Education

It was moved by G. Siddall and seconded by R. Berg that the BA/Bed (General Program) P/J 2014/2015 and the BA/Bed (General Program) P/J 2015/2016 be approved.


vii)  It was moved by G. Siddall and seconded by R. Berg that the BA/Bed (General Program) P/J 2014/2015 and the BA/Bed (General Program) P/J 2015/2016 be approved.


Orillia Report

L. Fiddick was introduced as the new Chair of Interdisciplinary Studies.  
A. den Otter presented the new General Program BA College Transfer Pathway.  She also mentioned that there was a review committee struck to review the transfer courses.  G. Siddall stated that we were a leader in the province for transfer students, and that the quality of education was quite high.  A lengthy discussion followed.

It was moved by A. den Otter and seconded by D. Ivison that the proposal for the General Program BA College Transfer Pathway be approved.


Other Business


The meeting adjourned at 3:00 pm, moved by R. Koster and I. Lemee.

Thunder Bay Campus

P. Cain
R. Maundrell
D. Jobin-Bevans
R. Koster
A. Carastathis
R. Martin
D. Ivison
I. Lem©e
R. Berg
D. McPherson
S.D. Stone

Orillia Campus

A. den Otter
M. Stevenson
S.S. Islam
P. Carr
L. Fiddick
C. Fogel


G. Colton
R. Harpelle