Faculty Council Meeting
Date: February 6th, 2105
To: Members, Council of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
There will be a meeting of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities Faculty Council on:
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6th, 2015 FROM 10:00 AM TO 11:30 AM IN ATAC 3004 / OA 3041.
1. Approval of Agenda.
2. Approval of the January 5and January 19, 2015 Minutes.
3. Business Arising from the Minutes.
4. Dean’s Report.
5. Assistant Dean’s Report.
6. Departmental/School Reports.
7. Other Business.
i) Accelerated Degree Concept - Update
ii) Request for Proposals - Use of TelePresence Rooms 2015-2016
iii) 2015 Spring Recruitment Activities
iv) Procedures for Academic Approval
v) Update from Lakehead International - Tony Williams
8. Adjournment.