Faculty Council Meeting

Thursday, March 3, 2016 - 10:00am
ATAC 5035 / OA 2005


Date: March 3, 2016

To: Members, Council of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities



 There will be a meeting of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities Faculty Council on:

THURSDAY, MARCH 3rd,  2016 FROM 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM IN ATAC 5035 / OA 2005.


 1. Approval of Agenda.

 2. Approval of the following Minutes:   December 11, 2015; January 5, 2016 (Please click on link) ; January 12, 2016 (Please click on link.)

 3. Business Arising from the Minutes.

 4. Dean’s Report.

 5. Assistant Dean’s Report.

 6. Departmental/School Reports.

  i)  Interdisciplinary Studies:  Concentrations:  HBASC.EVPC; HBASCBED.ENCP.PJ  (for discussion only)

 7. Other Business.

   i)  Formation of the Nomination’s Committee for Chair and Vice-Chair for the Faculty of Social Sciences and    Humanities Faculty Council.

  ii) Executive Committee for Social Sciences and Humanities.

 8. Next Faculty Council Meeting:  Friday, April 22, 2016 at 10:00 am

 9. Adjournment.






 December 11th, 2015


 A meeting of the Faculty Council was held on Friday, December 11th, 2015 at 1:00 pm in ATAC Board Room 5035/OA 3007.


Approval of Agenda

It was moved by J. Roth and seconded by K. Holmes that the revised agenda be approved.



Approval of the Minutes

 It was moved by J. Roth and seconded by D. Ivison that the minutes from November 6th, 2015 meeting be approved.



Business Arising from Minutes



Dean’s Report

 Faculty Council Dean’s Report

Friday, December 11, 2015

 Budget 2016/17

The budget exercise is well underway with the deadline for budget submission of December 23. I have completed all individual discussions with Chairs/Director with a group consultation having taken place on Wednesday, December 9, 2015. At this stage, I hope to be able to maintain the same level of funding for academic delivery as was in place for the 2015/16 budget. However, further consultation may be necessary as additional cost savings may need to be identified in order to meet the 3.65% reduction mandated across all units.

 Faculty-based Philanthropic Priorities

On the topic of fundraising projects for our faculty, I would like to remind departments to forward suggestions for philanthropic support to my attention. Items may include funds for student scholarships, bursaries and awards; visiting scholars in residence; or specific equipment needs. I will be happy to continue to receive suggestions over the next week or so.

 Audit Course Enrolments for Winter 2016

Once again, I would like to remind Chairs/Director that they should be reviewing their winter course enrollments a view to close under-enrolled sections and, where necessary, open new or additional sections for over-subscribed courses.

 Grade 12 Preview Day

 I would like to express my sincerest thanks to all faculty and Chairs/Director who participated in the Grade 12 Preview Day activities on Tuesday, December 8th, 2015. I am told that this event is one of the most effective ways to reach out to prospective students in the Thunder Bay region, a catchment from which we typically receive 58-60% of our enrolments.

 Support For International Graduate RI-ships

In conjunction with the Dean of Graduate Studies, I am happy to announce that the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities will be able to offer two $10,000 entrance scholarships renewable in the second year, commencing in the 2016/17 academic year. I will be calling a meeting between the Chairs and Graduate Coordinators for departments with graduate students to establish a protocol for distribution.


Please be sure to review the email distributed by finance concerning “Compulsory Ancillary Fees 2016/17” and Andrea Tarsitano’s “Prospective Student Follow-Up” email concerning the next steps in the prospect to conversion process.


Assistant Dean’s Report

1. Recruitment:  eNewsletters for prospective students have gone out to Chairs/Director and they were asked to flag any revisions ASAP.  Some departmental newsletters are still in development but watch for the drafts soon.

2. Newsletter:  Thanks to everyone who sent in books.  Please let me know if that would there are any stories about your department in the community or alumni that you think would be worth featuring.

3. Research and Innovation Week:  The graduate conference will no longer be competitive (Monday and Tuesday, March 7 and 8).  The undergraduate conference will still be competitive (Wednesday, March 9).  There will be an opportunity to publish in The Post.  Social Justice Day will be held on Monday with a roundtable discussion on the Syrian refugee crisis and on TRC.  There will also be a faculty research display.  There will be a lunch with Ted Hewitt, SSHRC President, on Monday, March 7 which faculty and students are encouraged to attend.


Departmental/School Reports

 i)  Women’s Studies

 It was moved by J. Roth and seconded by I. Lemée that the following calendar changes for Women’s Studies be approved: 2015-SOC-5245; 2015-SOC-5318; 2015-SOC-5363; 2015-SOC-5368.  A minor change was made to the request rationales in 2015-SOC-5363.


 ii)  Music

 It was moved by A. Carastathis and seconded by J. Roth that the following calendar changes for Music be approved:  2015-SOC-5340; 2015-SOC-5388.


 iii)  English

 It was moved by D. Ivison and seconded by I. Lemée that the following calendar changes for English be approved:  2015-SOC-5309; 2015-SOC-5311; 2015-SOC-5371.


 iv)  History

 It was moved by M. Stevenson and seconded by R. Maundrell that the following calendar changes for History be approved:  2015-SOC-5228;; 2015-SOC-5279; 2015-SOC-5327; 2015-SOC-5372, and that the following calendar changes be deferred to the next Council meeting for clarification:  2015-SOC-5235; 2015-SOC-5300.


 v)  Interdisciplinary Studies

 It was moved by L. Fiddick and seconded by C. Lousley that the following calendar change for Interdisciplinary Studies be approved:  2015-SOC-5322; 2015-SOC-5323; 2015-SOC-5324; 2015-SOC-5376; 2015-SOC-5383; 2015-SOC-5384; 2015-SOC-5385; 2015-SOC-5386; 2015-SOC-5387.


 vi)  Political Science

 It was moved by P. Cain and seconded by T. Puddephatt that the following calendar change for Political Science be approved:  2015-SOC-5317.


 vii)  Sociology

 It was moved by T. Puddehpatt and seconded by D. Ivison that the following calendar change for Sociology be approved:  2015-SOC-5346.  The following calendar change for Sociology was relegated back to T. Puddephatt for further revision:  2015-SOC-5326.


viii) Visual Arts

The following calendar change for Visual Arts was relegated back to K. Holmes for further revision:  2015-SOC-5317.



Other Business

 1. University Regulation Timely Feedback

D. Jobin-Bevans reminded everyone that we have a responsibility about timely feedback to students regarding marks to coincide with the drop dates for courses.  Part marks must be given before these dates to allow students time to drop them if they wish.

 2. Environmental Community Concentrations

 C. Lousley outlined the difficulties that had been experienced in  developing new IS concentrations, ie. Environment and Community.  It has been stated that the word, “environment” belongs to the Faculty of Science and Environmental Studies.  There are, however, many “environmental” classes already being offered in the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities.  D. Jobin-Bevans stated that there is a new committee, OPCC, that has had two meetings so far to discuss the issues with what is to be offered.  He suggested that a meeting should be held to clarify the changes so they can go forward in January.



 It was moved by A. den Otter and seconded by P. Cain that the meeting be adjourned at 2:38 pm.



 Thunder Bay Campus

 D. Ivison

D. Jobin-Bevans

I. Lemée

B. Vernier

J. Roth

D. McPherson

R. Maundrell

P. Cain

T. Puddephatt

K. Holmes

A. Carastathis

L. Fiddick

Orillia Campus

 A. den Otter

M. Stevenson

C. Lousely


M. Beaulieu

R. Koster

G. Colton