It's a Mossy World! A Workshop on Bryophytes in Plain Language

Event Date: 
Wednesday, March 6, 2024 - 1:00pm to 3:30pm EST
Event Location: 
OA 2019
Event Contact Name: 
Office of Research and Innovation
Event Contact E-mail: 

The Bryophyte workshop is a student-led annual gathering of nature enthusiasts, students, and faculty members interested in learning more about these amazing little plants called Bryophytes. It includes research presentations and practical exercises, and everyone is welcome to take part.

Bryophytes are a large group of simple plant forms that never flower and do not have a specialized vascular system like trees, grasses, or shrubs. Instead, they have simpler ways to transport nutrients and water in their tissues and reproduce either by spores or by fragmentation. Because they do not have tough “veins” in their bodies they cannot grow tall and instead they cover the ground in low-lying patches or more continuous layers. While their appearance may be humble and often we unwittingly step on them during our nature walks, these plants are true champions of nature, with an incredible ability to transform our environment and climate. For instance, Sphagnum mosses cover large swaths of land in Canada’s boreal and subarctic regions where they remove enormous quantities of carbon dioxide from the air – a powerful greenhouse gas.

In the broadest sense, Bryophytes comprise three categories of plants: True Mosses, Liverworts, and Hornworts each with their unique biological make-up.

The Climate Baby Dilemma: Film Screening and Research Panel

Event Date: 
Tuesday, March 5, 2024 - 7:00pm to 9:00pm EST
Event Location: 
OA 1022
Event Contact Name: 
Office of Research and Innovation
Event Contact E-mail: 

In Canada and across the world, nearly 40% of young people say they are hesitant to have children because of the climate crisis. In The Climate Baby Dilemma researcher and science communicator Britt Wray explores diverse perspectives on reproductive decision making in a climate altered world. Following the film, Lakehead University researchers will speak about their work investigating the emotional dimensions of climate change and climate justice, including reproductive decision making.


  • Dr. Helle Møller, Associate Professor, Department of Health Sciences
  • Dr. Ellen Field, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education
  • Sidney Howlett, Master of Education student

Lakehead R&I Week Special Feature – IP Issues in Life Sciences and High Tech

Event Date: 
Wednesday, February 28, 2024 - 1:00pm to 2:45pm EST
Event Location: 
Online event

Keeping Your New Year’s Intellectual Property Resolutions for 2024  

Life Sciences • High Tech • Chemistry • AI • Mechanics 
Lakehead University's Innovation, Partnerships and Economic Development office (IPED) invites staff, faculty, students, entrepreneurs and community members in the Thunder Bay region and Simcoe County to learn about the benefits of protecting your Intellectual Property. No IP knowledge level required. Small group sessions.
Wednesday, February 28, 2024
1:00 pm to 1:45 pm (life sciences and chemistry) 
2:00 pm to 2:45 pm (high tech – software, data, AI, electronics) 
• The key role of IP in life sciences and high tech 
• Myths and best practices 
• AI and other emerging technologies
Click here to register.


About the Speakers

Speaker: Noel Courage is a partner in Bereskin & Parr LLP intellectual property law. He is a US and Canadian patent agent and a Canadian lawyer. Noel focuses his practice on IP agreements and protecting new inventions with patents.
Speaker: Tony Orsi is a partner in Bereskin & Parr LLP intellectual property law and a US and Canadian patent agent. His practice focuses on protecting high tech inventions, and he will address high tech issues in the February webinar.
Moderator/Host: Ellen MacKay, RTTP, is the Director, Innovation Development at Lakehead University, managing all technology transfer activities and the Office of Innovation, Partnerships and Economic Development.
Webinar instructions will be provided prior to the date of the event.
Questions? Email Kelly Fettes:
Poster for:  How to Develop and Fund Your IP Event

"Webbed Attachments: Psychedelic Lessons from the Multiverse": 2024 McLeod Lecture

Event Date: 
Thursday, February 29, 2024 - 1:00pm to 2:30pm EST
Event Location: 
Online event

About the Event

Dr. Ramzi Fawaz will explore how the animated feature film Spider-Man into the Spider-Verse (2018) and its 2023 sequel, Across the Spider-Verse, present the multiverse as a distinctly psychedelic figure for conceiving differences as an endless web of relations across multiple dimensions rather than rigidly formed identities barred from communion by structural inequality. 


Photo of Dr. Ramzi Fawaz, Professor of English, University of Wisconsin, MadisonAbout the Speaker

Dr. Ramzi Fawaz is a Romnes Professor of English at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. He is the author of two monographs, The New Mutants: Superheroes and the Radical Imagination of American Comics (2016) and Queer Forms (2022), both published by NYU Press. In 2016, The New Mutants won the ASAP Book Prize.


Webinar: Registration Required

Department of English / Department of Gender and Women's Studies

Poster for: Webbed Attachments: Psychedelic Lessons from the Multiverse

Celebrating Lakehead University’s Faculty Authored Monographs

Event Date: 
Thursday, February 29, 2024 - 10:00am to 11:00am EST
Event Location: 
Via Zoom
Zoom Webinar - Registration Required

The library is pleased to host a webinar which will highlight the exciting research conducted by Lakehead University faculty members. Three of our distinguished faculty members and their co-writers/co-editors will be highlighting aspects of their research and published books. The library is proud to host Dr. Kristin Burnett & Dr. Travis Hay, Dr. Michael Stevenson & Dr. Asa McKercher, and Dr. Ann Kajander. This presentation is a glimpse into the extraordinary research and book publishing accomplished here at the university. To explore book titles published by LU faculty and staff, please see this discovery tool which illustrates the rich and diverse nature of their research. Additional information concerning the special collection of Lakehead University Author Monograph’s can be found here. All are welcome. For more information, please click here.

Event Poster for Celebrating Lakehead University’s Faculty Authored Monographs

A Showcase of Lakehead University Researchers

Event Date: 
Wednesday, February 28, 2024 - 10:00am to 11:30am EST
Event Location: 
Lakehead University Faculty Lounge

About the Event

It’s time to shine a spotlight on some of the incredible research being done at Lakehead University! From advances in science and technology to new insights in the social sciences and humanities, join our researchers as they present the highlights of their most innovative and impactful research endeavours.  No matter what your interests, this event will have something for everyone.

A question period will follow the presentations, to allow you to engage with the researchers, ask questions, and delve deeper into their findings. This interactive segment will provide a platform for fruitful discussions and the exchange of ideas.  This event offers an excellent opportunity to gain exposure to the diverse research disciplines at Lakehead and connect with fellow enthusiasts.


Dr. Abigale Sprakes, School of Social Work, "Don't Tell Me to Stop; Help Me to Stay Alive."

Dr. Leila Pakzad, Department of Chemical Engineering, Drug Delivery via the Respiratory Tract

Dr. Nicholas Ravanelli, School of Kinesiology, "It's getting hot out there": Identifying Factors Influencing Heat-vulnerability 

Dr. Abdulsalam Yassine, Department of Software Engineering, Breaking Barriers: AI-Enabled Sustainable Transportation for Northern Communities

Dr. Amanda Maranzan, Department of Psychology, Reducing Mental Illness Stigma on Postsecondary Campuses

Dr. Noah Phillips, Department of Geology, Determining the Physics of Earth Processes through Teeny-Tiny Observations

Dr. Erin Pearson School of Kinesiology, What Moves You? Getting Curious about Physical Activity Coaching

Dr. Adam Algar, Department of Biology, Living on the (Range) Edge

Dr. Paul Cormier, Keewatinase - Department of Indigenous Education, Faculty of Education, Indigenous Community Based Research?

Research and Innovation Week Luncheon with Keynote Speaker Dan Riskin: "How to Thrive in the Brave New World of Artificial Intelligence"

Event Date: 
Monday, February 26, 2024 - 12:00pm to 1:30pm EST
Event Location: 
Lakehead Universiy Faculty Lounge

About the Speaker

Dan Riskin
Biologist | Science Journalist | Author | Television Host

Photo of Dr. Dan RiskinA renowned evolutionary biologist, award-winning television presenter, and bestselling author, Dan Riskin has dedicated his career to igniting curiosity in audiences worldwide. Whether he’s inspiring viewers as the co-host of Discovery Canada's flagship science program, Daily Planet; terrifying them as the host of Animal Planet's docu-horror show, Monsters Inside Me; or covering the latest news as CTV's Science and Technology Specialist, Riskin's passion and curiosity have made him an unparalleled source of science inspiration for all.

Riskin earned his scientific chops studying how bats move — famously putting vampire bats on a treadmill as part of his research. He earned his PhD from Cornell University, then worked as a scientist at Brown University and Boston University. Not only has he published his research in prestigious scientific journals, but he is also the author of the national bestseller Mother Nature is Trying to Kill You, and of the delightful and educational children's book, Fiona the Fruit Bat. Renowned for his infectious humour and charismatic presence, Riskin has been interviewed about science by Anderson Cooper, Gayle King, Lisa LaFlamme, Don Lemon, Jay Leno, Charlie Rose, Peter Sagal, and many others. Craig Ferguson, who had Riskin as a guest on The Late Late Show eight times, once called him "my favourite scientist.”

By stoking a childlike passion, Riskin gives audiences so much more than scientific “wow” facts. His keynotes, like his television shows, help individuals see their own curiosity in a new light, pursue their interests with more vigour, and tap into a deeper sense of inspiration. He will spark your audience's passions, leaving them invigorated to embark on their own journeys of exploration and discovery.

Registration Required: To register, please click here.

Dr. Dan Riskin Event Poster

Research and Innovation Week Opening Ceremonies

Event Date: 
Monday, February 26, 2024 - 11:00am to 11:30am EST
Event Location: 
University Centre - The Agora

Lakehead University's 19th Annual Research & Innovation Week will be celebrated in Thunder Bay from February 24 – March 1, 2024.Dr. Andrew P. Dean, VPRI, Speaks at the R&I Week 2023 Opening Ceremonies

You are cordially invited to attend:

Opening Ceremonies

Join us in launching the 19th Annual Research & Innovation Week with greetings from dignitaries and a proclamation from the City of Thunder Bay.


Guided Art Tour - Guest Curator: Mary Ann Beckwith

Event Date: 
Tuesday, February 27, 2024 - 4:00pm to 5:30pm EST
Event Location: 
CASES Building
Join us for an inspiring tour of Lakehead’s new juried and featured art in the CASES Building! Select exhibitors will be on hand to discuss their works. You are invited to view a wide variety of creative pieces of art, chat with the artists about their creative processes, and learn about how arts and integrated research can engage, provoke and share research through different mediums. You are also very welcome to wander the other exhibition gallery spaces in the Bora Laskin Education Building and Lakehead International!
 Image: ‘Drift’ by Mary Ann Beckwith
Image: ‘Drift’ by Mary Ann Beckwith
Poster for: Guided Art Tour

CIHR-ICR: Research Priority Plan 2024-2029 Launch

Event Date: 
Tuesday, February 6, 2024 - 6:00pm to 7:00pm EST
Event Location: 
Online event

Date/Time/Join Link: February 6, 2024 / 6:00 PM / Join
