Call for concept notes: Scaling up Women and Youth’s Participation in the Labour Force in Jordan

How to Apply: 

The call aims to support organizations registered in Canada or in Jordan to develop innovative models to promote women and youth’s economic empowerment by:

  • Addressing policies and norms that inhibit participation in the workforce;
  • Promoting environmentally sustainable economic growth, with a focus on green jobs;
  • Reducing income and power inequality and promoting inclusive growth.

Under this call, your proposed project must contribute to the achievement of the following ultimate outcome: Improved economic well-being for women and youth in Jordan, particularly for marginalized groups such as refugees and those living with disabilities or in remote areas

Your proposed project must also contribute to at least one of the following intermediate outcomes:

  • Increased labour force participation in decent jobs, of vulnerable female and youth, with an emphasis on green jobs.
  • Enhanced competitiveness and sustainability of women-owned and women-led enterprises, with emphasis on those contributing to Jordan’s transition to a low-carbon and climate resilient economy.
  • Reduced gender-specific barriers to women's entrepreneurship and participation in the labour market.
As organizations may only submit one application to this call, interested applicants are asked to contact Jill Sherman ( to indicate their interest in applying to this opportunity.
External Deadline: 
Thursday, September 12, 2024
Funding Source: 
Funding Level: 