Dr. R. K. Dewar Medical Research Grant Fund and Other Opportunities

How to Apply: 
Please note that the Thunder Bay Community Foundation (TBCF) call for proposals is now open for its various funding opportunities.

The TBCF offers one specific research grant:  the Dr. R. K. Dewar Medical Research Grant Fund:   As a research grant, applicants applying this opportunity would have their application reviewed by the Office of Research.  As organizations can only apply for one grant per fund per year, if you are interested in applying to the R.K. Dewar Research Grant, you are asked to contact the Office of Research (ahacquo1@lakeheadu.ca) by September 10.

Regarding the TBCF's other programs (please see the attached document), these programs are not research related, but fall more under the purview of the Office of External Relations.  Therefore, if any of the TBCF's other funding opportunities (besides the R.K. Dewar Medical Research Grant) are of interest, please contact the Office of Research Services (ahacquo1@lakeheadu.ca) as soon as possible to indicate your interest in a particular TBCF program.   It can then be confirmed with External Relations that the University is not already submitting an application to the same TBCF program.   In such a case, the Lakehead University External Relations submission could take precedence.  If External Relations was not already applying to a particular fund the Office of Research Services would then review their submission and help to submit it.

If you have any questions, please contact Andrew Hacquoil at ahacquo1@lakeheadu.ca or Meghan Hanbury at mahanbur@lakeheadu.ca.

External Deadline: 
Monday, October 14, 2024
Funding Source: 
Funding Level: 