Applying to OSAP & Next Steps

OSAP can assist you with your education costs. Get the help you need and apply!

The following steps can help you prepare to apply for OSAP and what follows after you have applied:

Get Ready to Apply

The 2023-24 application for full-time students is open.

If you’re returning to school and received OSAP last year, you still have to fill out an OSAP application for this academic year. 

Prepare & Submit Your Application

Step 1: 
You can start your application and come back to it if you need extra time to complete it. Just remember to submit your application by the deadline. Apply here. It's easy and there's no fee!

  • If this is your first time applying to OSAP, you will need your Social Insurance Number. Create your online account. Within 24 hours of registering you will be provided an OSAP Access Number (OAN). Keep this number stored as it is unique to you.

You are encouraged to apply for OSAP as early as possible! If you plan to pay for your tuition using OSAP funds, submit your application by the end of June so you will know the amount of assistance you're entitled to by mid-August. 

Step 2:
Submit any Supporting Documentation. 
Once you have completed and submitted your application, OSAP will automatically start to review your file. If you need to provide documents for your application, such as the declaration and signature pages, OSAP will let you know through your OSAP account.

Once you have the documents, you can submit them through the "Upload Documents" function in your OSAP account.  This includes your signature pages (student) and any other required documents. You can find a listing of required supporting documentation in your OSAP account under “Required Documentation”. 

Step 3:
OSAP will also inform you if you need a Master Student Financial Assistance Agreement (MSFAA) and how to complete it.

The MSFAA is one of the supporting documents you must submit in order to receive funding for your student loan.You will find this in your OSAP portal. This document is the terms and conditions of your OSAP agreement. The MSFAA must be completed online, and a link to begin the process can be found on your OSAP portal.

Your Amount of Funding

The Ministry will mail or e-mail you a "Notice of Assessment". This document will indicate the amount of your entitlement to loan/grant funding.

If you receive a "Processing Status Notice", this means that additional information is needed to complete the application process. You can send this information to Student Central at Lakehead University (not to the Student Financial Assistance Branch at the Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Development). 

Register for Classes

Before your OSAP or other government funding is released, you must be registered for all of your classes.  This means that you need to register in at least a 60% course load in the fall semester and 60% course load in the winter semester.

Receipt of Funding

Before you can receive your first installment of OSAP funds, we will need to verify that you are registered in the course load you indicated on your OSAP application.   If it is different or you are not registered this could affect the amount or timing of your funding.

*When completing your OSAP application, you can choose to have us "assign" the first instalment of your fees. Once received, your funds will be applied to your Lakehead University Statement of Account. 

Note: It is a Ministry requirement that you advise Student Central if there are any changes (financial or other) to your situation during the school year. As these changes may affect your amount of assistance, you are encouraged to check the OSAP website in mid-October to see if the total amount of your OSAP has altered.  If you do not, implications such as: having grants converted to loans, reduction of future funding, and/or restriction from OSAP could occur.

Remaining Eligible for OSAP

Once you receive OSAP, you must maintain a 60% course load (40% for students with permanent disabilities) in each term, and pass your year with at least a 60% average, in order to remain eligible for this assistance. 

Please carefully review to see if any of the following applies to your particular situation.