Living in Residence

Residence Community Standards

Residence Community Standards outlines the standards of appropriate conduct expected by those who reside in Lakehead University Residence.  These standards complement municipal, provincial and federal legislation and University policies.

The objective of these standards is to enhance the academic experience.  The accountability for behaviour is emphasized and individual choice warrants individual effects.  A reasonable effort is made to investigate all Residence Community Standards infractions in a timely and effective manner.  Full cooperation with staff is expected.

Level 1

Actions by an individual(s) which interfere with the rights of other individual(s) to the enjoyment of his/her space or time in residence.  Any and all items deemed inappropriate will be confiscated and/or disposed of and the appropriate authorities will be contacted. 

Click here for Level 1 infractions

Level 2

Actions by an individual(s), which creates a significant disturbance to an individual or community in Residence.  Any and all items deemed inappropriate will be confiscated and/or disposed of and the appropriate authorities will be contacted.

Click here for Level 2 infractions

Level 3

Actions by an individual(s) which endanger the safety and security of themselves or other individual(s); and/or compromise personal or university property; compromise the integrity of an individual(s) and/or contravene the laws of the land.  Any and all items deemed inappropriate will be confiscated and/or disposed of and the appropriate authorities will be contacted.

Click here for Level 3 infractions

Consequences for Accumulated Demerit Points
 Demerit PointsAction 
1 - 2Letter of Warning
3-5Meeting with a Residence Life Member
6-8Probation and/or Behavioural Contract

Community Standards and Appeals

Rights and Responsibilities

The issue of rights and responsibilities is particularly important in Residence. Being placed in a House or, for that matter, in a room with a complete stranger can be a very difficult adjustment in some cases. The establishment of a residence community also involves the question of rights and responsibilities. Uppermost in your mind should be respect for, and responsibility to, the community and its members. You are offered a unique experience in Residence. Take advantage of it.

Your Rights         

You have the right to:

  • A safe and secure residence environment
  • A reasonable peaceful and quiet place in which to study and sleep
  • Reasonable privacy and the proportionate use of your room/living space, both in terms of space and time
  • Choose your means of recreation and relaxation
  • Have the assistance of your Resident Assistant (RA) and other Residence and University Staff when you require help
  • Know what is OK and NOT OK in Residence

Your Responsibilities

You have the responsibility to:

  • Respect the rights of others
  • Keep your room/bedroom door and apartment doors locked, and to:
    • Not give out your long distance authorization code
    • Not prop doors open or let strangers in
  • Keep your stereo and your voice at a reasonable volume, and to remind others that you expect the same from them
  • Let your roommate(s) and others know of your wishes and preferences for hours of sleep, study and visitation
  • Work through any disagreements you may have in a peaceful manner as established by the Guidelines of the Department of Residence and Conference Services
  • Know and abide by the laws of Ontario and Canada, including those pertaining to alcoholic beverages and illegal drugs
  • Notify a staff member of any problem(s) you experience in a timely manner, and to cooperate with him or her as he or she works with you to solve the issue(s)
  • Read the information sent to you by the Department of Residence, especially your:
    • Residence Contract (which you sign) and,
    • The information posted on the Residence website

Residence Community Standards outline the standards of appropriate conduct expected by those who reside in Lakehead University Residence. These standards complement municipal, provincial and federal legislation and university policies.

The objective of these standards is to enhance the academic experience. The accountability for behaviour is emphasized and individual choices warrant individual effects. A reasonable effort is made to investigate all community standards infractions in a timely and effective manner. Full cooperation with staff is expected.

Unacceptable Behaviour

Unacceptable behaviour is defined as those which are inconsistent with the Residence Community Standards set forth.

Ignorance, anger, alcohol or substance abuse will not be accepted as an excuse, reason or rationale for such behaviour. Residents are responsible for all inappropriate behaviour and/or damages that occur in their residence space.

You must observe the terms of the Residence Community Standards at all times. It is expected that each student is to make every attempt to prevent a problem from occurring, from escalating or to remove themselves from any situation which contravenes the Residence Community Standards. Students should also make every attempt to inform Residence Life Staff that an infraction is taking place. Being present during any infraction could result in disciplinary action being taken against all parties present.

Enforcement of Community Standards

These are examples of what might reasonably occur if a student is involved in an infraction. This does not limit the possibility of other actions.

All financial costs associated with a breach of the Residence Community Standards will be placed on the student's University Account expediently.

Behavioural Contract
A formal document that requires a resident to meet specific behavioural standards.  The contract will outline consequences for failing to adhere to the conditions of the contract, and will accompany other sanctions such as fines or loss of privileges or room relocation.
Community and Educational Sanctions
These sanctions include but are not limited to:  community restitution, community service, creating an educational program for the community and/or reflection paper describing what the student has learned from an incident or series of incidents.
Demerit Points

Demerit Points are assigned to all breaches of the Residence Community Standards.  Level 1 violations are assigned 1 demerit point for each breach, Level 2 violations 2 demerit points, and Level 3 violations 3 demerit points.

Any combination of demerit points or "severity" with Community Standards violations can/may go through the Student Code of Conduct.

When warranted and in the best interest of the Residence Community, a student may be evicted from Residence.  A student who has been evicted, may be removed immediately from Residence.  It is up to the student to make arrangements to move any belongings, and to find alternate accommodations off campus.  Any student who has been evicted from Residence will be banned from all areas in and around Residence, or any Official Residence function for the duration of their studies.

Fines are charged to a student's account if there is a serious breach of the Residence Community Standards.  The amount will vary, but are usually in the sum of $25, $50 or $100.  These fines are placed directly and immediately on a student's University Account.

House/Building Fine

A fine assigned to an area or building when damage has occurred and the parties involved cannot be identified.  This includes but is not limited to vandalism of white boards, tampering with fire equipment, damages to University property, etc.

Letter of Warning
A letter of warning may be issued to a student when there has been a breach in the Residence Community Standards.  This letter may also outline other sanctions received as a result of their behaviour.
Loss of Privileges
A temporary or permanent loss of residence privileges (e.g. guest privileges, building privileges, etc.) as a result of an incident.
Meeting With a Residence Life Staff Member
A formal meeting that a resident is required to attend to discuss unacceptable behaviour.  Consequences for not attending this meeting are outlined in Level 1 Offenses.
A student will be placed on Probation if there is a serious breach of Residence Community Standards, or if their total demerit points reaches six.  If a student is placed on Probation, the student may be allowed to stay in Residence for the duration of the academic year.  Furthermore, their conduct will be monitored and immediate eviction may result if further violations occur.  A student on Probation must meet with the Director of Residence Services at the end of the academic year in order to decide whether or not he/she can come back into Residence the following year.
Residence Ban
A student may be banned from an individual House, Townhouse Unit, Apartment Building, floor, any area or all of Residence if it is deemed that it is in the best interest of the Residence Community.  Students who violate a ban, will have further action taken against them.
Any damage, clean-up or replacement charges resulting from any violation of community standards and policies of Lakehead University and residence will be assessed to the student's/students' account(s).  This may be in addition to fines or other sanctions.
Room Relocation
A permanent move from a room on one residence floor to another or from one building to another as a result of an incident or series of incidents that may have caused a serious disruption to the community and/or an individual.
Report Under Student Code of Conduct
There are instances when actions go beyond the scope of Community Standards of Residence.  Students are reminded to be aware of the Student Code of Conduct and its respective sanctions.  The Student Code of Conduct can be used in place of the Residence Community Standards for any offense.  

Click here to view the Student Code of Conduct
The Community Standards Process
1.  Incident Occurs
2.  Documentation by member of Residence Community
3.  Documentation evaluated by a member of the Residence Life Management team (including meeting with witnesses and offenders if required)
4.  Determination of Offence and Sanction by a member of the Residence Life Management team
5.  Communicate Decision to resident by email (sent to Lakehead University email account)
6.  Resident may appeal to Director of Residence Services within 3 business days
Residence Appeals Process

A student has three (3) business days from the time they are officially informed of their sanction (via email) to submit an appeal.  Please ensure that you outline your grounds for appeal.

The Residence Appeals will only be heard on the following grounds:

  • there is proven lack of procedural fairness, bias, unfair treatment, discrimination or improper investigation, etc.
  • the sanction does not suit the violation or behaviour
  • new information has been discovered which renders the original decision to be unreasonable in light of evidence presented

Reasonable example of reasons for Appeal:

  • A Resident Assistant hears noise coming from the third floor, and does not come up to investigate, but documents random people from the third floor instead.


Safety in Residence

Welcome to the Residence services that work to provide you peace of mind. Whatever the situation, we are here to assist, support and ensure the safety and well-being of everyone in Residence.

Fire Safety in Residence

Fire Alarm Procedures

It is an offense under the Criminal Code of Canada to cause a false fire alarm. This is an indictable offense that is liable to an imprisonment term.

View Criminal Code of Canada Section 437: - "Other interference with Property"

For Bartley, Prettie, Halliday Hall, & the Apartments

Manual fire alarm stations are located throughout Bartley Residence, Prettie Residence, Halliday Hall, and the Apartment Complexes. It is the responsibility of each resident to be familiar with the location of alarm pull stations and fire exits throughout Residence.

The fire alarm is a continuous loud ringing of a bell or a pulsating alarm horn. Upon hearing the alarm, all residents are to leave the building via the nearest safe exit.

Resident Assistants have received special fire safety training and will act as Fire Wardens. All rooms will be checked in the area where the alarm has sounded. Any person(s) found remaining within the affected Residence will be liable to a fine of up to $200.00. Assisted by the University Security staff, the Thunder Bay Fire Department will respond to all fire alarms and their personnel will be in charge of the situation. Once the "all clear" is given, residents will be allowed to return to their rooms.

If you detect a fire, activate the nearest pull station, call out to persons around you and proceed to the closest safe phone to call (807) 343-8911. Provide Security Services with all the particulars about the emergency.

Evaluate the area and take refuge in the designated safe area for your residence.

For Townhouses

If you detect a fire call (807) 343-8911 from the nearest safe area/place or from the emergency phone located in the laundry room. You can press the "hotline" button on any Nortel phone to reach Security Services directly.

Designated Safe Locations when fire alarm is sounded


Safe Area Location


Bike Shelter #1 in Bartley parking lot


Designated smoking area on the walkway nearest Dan's Diner

Halliday Hall

Designated smoking area in the Avila parking lot


The nearest safe townhouse block


North Residence - Bike shelter #1 in Bartley parking lot

South Residence  - designated smoking area in the Avila parking lot

Fire Drills in Residence

Periodically fire drills will take place throughout the Residence buildings.  There will be no prior notice given for this very important safety activity.  Upon hearing the fire alarm you are required to exit the building immediately and go to the appropriate safe area as specified for your building or alternate bad weather location as directed by Residence Life Staff.  Failure to leave the building goes against Residence Community Standards and actions will be dealt accordingly.

For safe area locations, please see the notice on the back your unit or bedroom door.

Fire Safety Inspections

As Residence is home to approximately 1200 people during the academic year, the University strives to make Residence a safe place to live. As such, Resident Assistants must make regular safety inspections of their respective houses/townhouses/apartments. At this time any inappropriate items will be removed.

 General Safety Tips
 Creating a safe environment starts with you! Here are some tips on how you can prevent becoming a victim of crime in Residence:
  • Ensure your room door is locked whenever you leave your room, even if you are just going down the hall.
  • Do not let anyone you do not know into your residence
  • Do not loan your keys to others
  • Close your curtains at night
  • Do not respond to obscene phone calls. Hang-up immediately
  • Do not leave your wallet, bank cards, or credit cards out in the open
  • Get to know your neighbours

In addition to the above tips, you can also help keep campus safe by becoming actively involved with the "Campus Watch Program".

Standard Safe Practices

For your safety and the safety of others, the following protocols were created. Failure to comply with these and the Residence Community Standards will result in the appropriate disciplinary action.

Please note that the University does not carry insurance on the property of any student. View the "Residence Insurance and Liability" policy. You are strongly encouraged to arrange for coverage of your belongings with an insurance company.

The University is NOT RESPONSIBLE for lost, stolen, or damaged items, however caused.

  • Keep radiators and heaters free from furniture and other belongings, to ensure proper air circulation and to reduce the chance of fire.
  • Do not bring or use hot tubs in Residence. For the well being of all Residence students, hot tubs are not permitted to be used on Residence property.
  • Do not tamper with, remove, relocate or alter Residence property, structures or fixtures.
  • Be careful of how you store food in your room. Improper storage can attract insects and other pests. The storage of empty cans and bottles on window ledges is also not permitted as this can attract insects, create odours, and cause the need for extra cleaning.
  • Ensure that all electrical cords and equipment are CSA (Canadian Standards Association) approved. Frayed cords or defective appliances and equipment are not permitted in Residence.
  • Please exercise care when operating electrical equipment and avoid overloading power outlets by running multiple electric products at once. The use of power bars is strongly recommended.
  • Report all power outages to the Residence Front Desk.
 Campus Safety
Campus Security 

Phone: (807) 343-8569

Lakehead University Security Services are located on the main floor of the University Centre (UC), just down the hall from the Agora. Security operates twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week all year. Your Security department patrols the grounds and responds to service calls and emergencies.

Please contact Security if you have a security related question or are interested in helping with the development and delivery of crime prevention programs.

Medical Assistance

Phone: (807) 343-8911

Please call 343-8911 for any medical emergency.

Walking Safety

Phone: (807) 343-8569

All students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to contact Campus Security at 343-8569 for escorts at anytime to anywhere on campus.

Student Health, Counselling and Wellness
Health & Counselling Services for Students Attending Lakehead Campus 

Phone: (807) 343-8361 or book an appointment.

The team of medical, nursing, and counselling professionals at the Student Health, Counselling & Wellness Centre can support your physical and mental health needs while at University. All services are confidential. We encourage you to call or visit the Centre if you need to see a physician or counsellor or are just unsure where and how to access health care in our community.

If you have a concern such as a sore throat/cough, urinary tract infection, depression or diabetes, or you require birth control information/prescriptions or STI testing - book an appointment with a physician in one of the Centre's medical clinics. Like your family doctor's office, the clinics use provincial (i.e. OHIP) or international health plans for most visits.

The Centre offers free counselling services that can address stressors you may face as you adjust to university life. These stressors can range from minor workload stressors, to family and relationship concerns, to complex mental health issues. Everyone is encouraged to talk to someone sooner rather than later.

Throughout the academic year, the Centre also offer health education events. All students are invited to attend or access information. If you are unable to attend, please visit the Centre website for health information, resources and services.