Building an EMPOWERed Classroom

Event Date:
Tuesday, February 21, 2023 - 11:00am to 1:30pm EST
Event Location:
Dear Course Instructor,
You are invited to participate in a project titled “Building an EMPOWERed Classroom: Examining the Impact of a Two-Day Virtual Workshop Among Postsecondary Course Instructors." The project is being led by MSc Candidate Delaney Johnson from the School of Kinesiology along with Supervisor Dr. Erin Pearson in the School of Kinesiology.
The purpose of this project is to evaluate the impact of a two-session, education-based virtual workshop for postsecondary course instructors. It is being offered in collaboration with Lakehead Student Health and Wellness and focuses on sharing mental health information and strategies to support students in the classroom through resource provision. You are invited to participate because you are a faculty member/contract lecturer who teaches at Lakehead University. Those who are on sabbatical or have a teaching release are also welcome to participate. Because this workshop is virtual, you will need access to a device and a stable internet connection.
The first of the two online sessions offered in collaboration with Student Health and Wellness will take place in February, over reading week, with the second session taking place eight weeks later in April. These sessions will last approximately 60-90 minutes. To see if the workshops increased mental health literacy and self-efficacy to recommend mental health resources, you will be asked to complete questionnaires prior to and immediately following each session.
Content may increase your knowledge of resources and supports available for both students and you as faculty along with heightened confidence to recommend these services. This new knowledge may also help to offset any burden you as an instructor feel with regard to assisting students in the classroom. Data obtained can help to shape future programming aimed at supporting both students and instructors. Additionally, stigmatizing attitudes may be decreased, which has been shown to foster a more supportive and accepting environment.
To learn more about the study and to register for the workshop, please see the link below: