Dr. Dwight Mazmanian, C.Psych.
- M.A., Ph.D. (University of Western Ontario); C. Psych. (Ontario)
I am a full-time faculty member in the Department of Psychology and a registered clinical psychologist (Ontario). I consider myself a scientist-practitioner with a cognitive-behavioural/biological orientation. My main clinical research interests are in adult assessment and psychopathology, with a particular focuses on mood disorders, anxiety disorders, chronic pain, and addictions (particularly problem gambling). Other interests include the biological bases of human social behaviour, evolutionary psychology, and psychopharmacology. Much of our research is conducted in the Health, Hormones, and Behaviour Lab. We are very pleased to have recently established the Northern Ontario Gambling Research Hub, which is funded by Gambling Research Exchange Ontario. Currently I teach Psychology 3201 (Introduction to Psychometric Theory), Psychology 3911 (Introduction to Research Processes), Psychology 5075 (Mood Disorders), and Psychology 6411 (Clinical Psychopharmacology). More information about my students, my courses, the gambling research hub activities, and our other research projects can be found using the navigation tabs on this website.
I usually take on one or two new graduate students each year, depending on how far along my other students are and other factors affecting availability. We have a very busy and very productive lab group. In the interests of accurate public disclosure, I must state that if you love research, if you are willing to start your thesis right away, if you are willing to make your thesis your top priority, if you are willing to get involved in additional research projects, and if you are considering a career as an academic or a clinician who is actively involved in research, then we will work together very well, and we will both be happy. Otherwise, you are better off seeking thesis supervision elsewhere.
I am particularily interested in exceptional Clinical Psychology and Psychological Science Applicants interested in research in the following areas:
- Mood Disorders
- Gambling and Gaming
- Women's Mental Health
- Evolutionary Psychology
- Anxiety and Anxiety-related Disorders
In addition, I invite applications from outstanding potential graduate students interested in persuing research related to any of the other research areas described above.
As well, Undergraduate Psychology Students with a remarkable academic history and who are interested in working in the Health, Hormones, and Behaviour Lab under my supervision should email me a copy of their CV/Resume and unofficial transcript as well as a concise description of their research interests and why they would like to work in our lab. Applications will be considered for:
- Honors Thesis Students
- Research Opportunity Students
- Volunteer Research Assistants