Dr. Lida Fan

Associate Professor
+1 (807) 343-8010ext. 8969
RC 3015
Mon-Fri 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Academic Qualifications: 


Previous Teaching/Work: 

Currently is an Associate Professor in the School of Social Work at Lakehead University.

Research Interests: 
  • Evaluation of Social Programs and Projects
  • Theories and Methods for Policy Analysis and Evaluation
  • Political Philosopohy
  • Poverty and Inequality in Canada
  • Public Health (preventive health care, baby birth weight and maternal healthcare)
  • Social and Economic Determinants of Utilization of Health Care
  • Determinants and Consequences of Internal Migration
  • Migration of Canadian Aboriginal Peoples to the City

Selected Research Grants (since 2012):

  • Impact of global crisis on changes in public attribution of poverty: A multilevel analysis of 28 transitional countries, SSHRC Insight Grant, (Co-Investigator) (Principle Investigator: Nazim Habibov) (2017)
  • Institutional trust and welfare state support, SSHRC Insight Development Grant, (Co-Investigator) (2015)
  • Migration of Aboriginal people to cities and its policy implications: A tale of two cities, SSHRC Insight Development Grant, (Principal Investigator) (Co-Investigators: Keith Brownlee, Nazim Habibov and Raymond Neckoway (2012) 
  • Working but still poor: Understanding working poverty through multi-year multi-country study of Canada, US, UK, Germany, and Switzerland, SSHRC Insight Development Grant, (Co-Investigator) (Principle Investigator: N. Habibov) (2012)

Selected Publications:

  • Fan, L., Brownlee, K., Habibov, N., & Neckoway, R. (2017). Returns to education and occupations for Canadian Aboriginal people. International Journal of Social Economics, 44(12), 2224-2237
  • Habibov, Nazim; Cheung, Alex; Auchynnikava, Alena; and Fan, Lida (2017). Explaining Support for Structural Attribution of Poverty in Post-Communist Countries: Multilevel Analysis of Repeated Cross-Sectional Data," The Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare, 44(3)
  • Habibov, N., & Fan, L., Campbell, D., & Cheung, C. H. (2017). Effect of prenatal care frequency, timing, and quality on child birthweight in Tajikistan. World Medical & Health Policy, 9(1), 89-102
  • Habibov, N. & Fan. L., Liang, Y., & Cheung, C. H. (2016). Revisiting welfare states performance in reducing poverty through longitudinal multinational comparison. Journal of Policy Practice, 16(3), 205-220
  • Fan, L., Liu, J., & Habibov, N. (2015). A multilevel logit estimation on the determinants of utilization of preventive healthcare and healthy lifestyle practice in China. World Medical & Health Policy, 7(4), 309-328.(Published in November 2015)
  • Habibov, N., & Fan. L. (2014). The effect of maternal healthcare on the probability of child survival in Azerbaijan. BioMed Research International.  (Received 15 February 2014; Revised 23 June 2014; Accepted 23 June 2014; Published 10 July 2014)
In the News:

October 29, 2021

Lakehead University professors receiving $470k...

Seven professors at Lakehead University are receiving a total of more than $470,000 from the Social...