Dr. Michael Hoechsmann
+1 (705) 330-4010ext. 2640
Academic Qualifications:
PhD, OISE/ University of Toronto, 1998
Research Interests:
Recent publications:
(2021) The Handbook of Media Education Research (Eds. with D. Frau-Meigs, S. Kotilainen, M. Pathak-Shelat and S. Poyntz). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley/IAMCR.
(2021) Education for Democracy 2.0: Changing Frames of Media Literacy (Eds. with G. Thesee and P.R. Carr). Rotterdam: Brill/Sense.
(2019) "Pedagogy, Precarity, and Persuasion: The Case for Re/mix Literacies." International Journal of Critical Media Literacy 1(1), 93-101. <https://brill.com/view/journals/jcml/1/1/article-p93_93.xml>
(2019) “Tan lejos pero tan cerca: The missing link between media literacy and educomunicación.” In (Eds.) Mateus, J.C, Andrada, P. & Quiroz, M.T. Media Education in Latin America. London: Routledge, 259-267.