Monica Ilie
+1 807-343-8010ext. 7224
RB 2019
Research Areas:
Academic Qualifications:
- Ph.D. University of Alberta
- B.Sc. University of Bucharest
Previous Teaching/Work:
Teaching (2022-2023)
- Math 2111 FA Ordinary differential equations
- Math 3171 FA Complex analysis
- Math 3032 WA Complex functions and PDEs
- Math 3032 WB Complex functions and PDEs
- Math 3032 L
Work experience
- 2015-present Professor, Lakehead University
- 2009-2015 Associate Professor, Lakehead University
- 2005-2009 Assistant Professor, Lakehead University
- 2003-2005 Visiting Professor and NSERC PDF, Texas A&M University
Research Interests:
Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Operator Space Theory
Selected Publications
- R. Anisca, M. Ilie, On the structure of arithmetic sums of Cantor sets associated to series, Results in Mathematics, 78 (2023), paper no. 5, 13pp.
- M. Ilie, J. Roydor, On p-completely contractive homomorphisms of The Figa Talamanca Herz algebras, Archiv der Mathematik, 115 (2020), 89-98.
- M. Ilie, Dual Banach algebras associated to the coset space of a locally compact group, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 467 (2018), 550-569.
- M. Ilie, A note on p-completely bounded homomorphisms of the Herz-Figa-Talamanca algebras, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 419 (2014), 273-284.
- R. Anisca, C. Chlebovec, M. Ilie, The structure of arithmetic sums of affine Cantor sets, Real Analysis Exchange 37 (2012), no. 2, 325-333.
- M. Ilie, R. Stokke, Extension of Fourier algebra homomorphisms to duals of algebras of uniformly continuous functionals, Journal of Functional Analysis, 256 (2009), 2518-2541.
- M. Ilie, R. Stokke, Weak*-continuous homomorphisms of Fourier Stieltjes algebras, Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 145 (2008), 107-120.
- M. Ilie, N. Spronk, The spine of a Fourier-Stieltjes algebra, Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, 94 (2007), 273-301.
- M. Ilie, N. Spronk, Completely bounded homomorphisms of the Fourier Algebra, Journal of Functional Analysis, 225 (2005), 480-499.
- M. Ilie, On Fourier algebra homomorphisms, Journal of Functional Analysis, 213 (2004), 88-110.
- co-organizer of the Canadian Symposium on Abstract Harmonic Analysis, May 2013
- local organizer for the Canadian Math Kangaroo Contest (2014, 2015)