Dr. Chris Sanders

Associate Professor
+1 (807) 343-8010ext. 8530
RB 2038
My Fall 2023 office hours are Tuesdays 12-1pm and by appointment.
Academic Qualifications: 

Postdoctoral Fellow (Public Health), Medical College of Wisconsin
PhD (Sociology), York University
MA (Sociology), York University
BA (Honors & Distinction, Sociology), University of California, Santa Barbara

Previous Teaching/Work: 

My current undergraduate courses are: Critical Public Health; Sociology of Disaster; Sociology of Healthcare; Sociology of Mental Disorder; Humor & Society; Research Methods

My current graduate seminars are: Sociology of Health & Illness; Global Public Health; Mental Health & Society


Research Interests: 

I'm a medical sociologist who specializes in the fields of public health and mental health. Since coming to LU, I have partnered on several studies examining health care access in Ontario. My current projects examine: beliefs about immunization and vaccine hesitancy in northern communities (CIRN-funded); access to personal identification as a social determinant of health (SSHRC-funded); sex education curricula in Ontario (SSHRC-funded); the social meanings and identities of people diagnosed on the autism spectrum (SSHRC-funded).

Please contact me to learn more or if you are interested in collaboration.

I am affiliated with the Centre for Rural and Northern Health Research. I am a member of the Ontario Working Group on Criminal Law and HIV Exposure (http://clhe.ca) and the Thunder Bay ID Action Group.