Board of Governors

Friday, January 7, 2005 - 12:00am
Friday, January 7, 2005 at 3:30 p.m. in the Senate Chambers
The Board of Governors' Retreat dinner will be held in the Faculty Lounge immediately following the Board meeting. If you are taking the student bus to the Thunderwolves hockey game, please meet outside the Agora doors at 6:25 p.m. If you are not taking the bus, the hockey game commences at 7:30 p.m. at the FortWilliamGardens .
1. Approval of Agenda
2. Declaration of Conflict of Interest
3. Chair's Report
4. Minutes of the Board of Governors' Meeting of November 11, 2004
5. Receipt of Minutes of Board Executive Committee Meeting of July 15, 2004
6. Business Arising from the Minutes (not on the Agenda elsewhere)
7. President's Report
** University Information Session - Dr. Ulf Runesson - Decision Support Systems Based on Remote Sensing Science - the LU Approach"
8. Standing Committee Reports
8.1 Audit Committee (Mr. R. Marostica, Chair)
8.2 Finance & Investment Committee (Mr. H. Cardwell, Chair)
8.3 Governance Committee - Proposed Amendment to the By-Laws (Mr. S.Paivalainen, Chair)
Moved that the Terms of Reference of the Finance and Investment Committee be amended as recommended by the Governance Committee.
8.4 Nominating Committee (Mr. S. Paivalainen, Chair)
8.4.1 Replacement of Member Due to Resignation
Moved that Mr. Carl Goodwin be elected to finish the term of Mr. Tim MacInnes due to his resignation.
8.4.2 Replacement of Member on the Senate Liaison Committee and Senate
Moved that Mr. Carl Goodwin be elected to finish the terms of Mr. Tim MacInnes on the Senate Liaison Committee and Senate.
8.5 Operations Committee (Mr. Bill Bartley, Chair
8.6 Senate Liaison Committee ( Dr. B. Parker, Chair)
8.7 Student Liaison Committee ( Mr. J. Gallant, Chair)
Moved that the Board of Governors approve the Action Plan for 2004/05 as presented by the Student Liaison Committee.
8.8 University Advancement Committee (Mr. B. LaBelle, Chair )
Moved that the Board of Governors approve the Action Plan for 2004/05 as presented by the University Advancement Committee.
9. Report of the Alumni Association (Mr. D. Heald, Alumni Representative)
10. Recommendations for Tenure and Simultaneous Promotion and Renewal of Probationary Appointments (Dr. F. Gilbert)
11. Proposed Schedule for 2005/06 Board of Governors' Meetings
Moved that the proposed schedule for 2005/06 Board of Governors' Meetings be approved as circulated.
Items for Information
12. Report of the Lakehead University Student Union (Mr. G. Strickert)
13. Report from the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre Board (Mr. Bob Main)
14. Items approved (on December 2, 2004) by the Board Executive, on behalf of the Board of Governors
14.1 Senior Management Compensation Committee
14.2 Ratification of the Collective Agreement of the International Union of Operating Engineers (IUOE), Local 865
Mr. Aaron Vallejo - Thesis presentation entitled "The Local Aesthetics of Wind Turbine Placement Surrounding the City of Thunder Bay "
15. In Camera Meeting
Meeting #05-214
Minutes of the Meeting held on Friday, January 7, 2005
1. Approval of Agenda
Moved by Mrs. Balacko, seconded by Mr. Robson that the Agenda be approved as circulated.
Carried unanimously.
2. Declaration of Conflict of Interest
None was declared.
3. Chair's Report
Mrs. Dojack reported that on January 21st, 2005, she would be travelling to Rwanda, Africa to assist in the construction of a school. She stated that a group of Lakehead University alumni are in charge of the work team in Rwanda. She also stated that she would be meeting with Rwanda officials, and discussing a signed letter of intent from Lakehead University which indicates that Lakehead is interested in collaborative ventures with Rwanda's University.
Mrs. Dojack informed members that next week, Dr. Gilbert and she would be meeting with Ms. Pat Lang, President of Confederation College, and Mr. Dick Mannisto, Chair of the Board of Governors at Confederation College, to build on the collaborative ventures the two institutions have in progress and to discuss new initiatives.
4. Approval of Minutes of Board of Governors' Meeting of November 11, 2004
Moved by Mr. Davies, seconded by Mr. Pile that the Minutes of Board of Governors' Meeting of November 11, 2004 be approved as amended.
Carried unanimously.
[Mr. Bartley joined the meeting.]
5. Receipt of Minutes of Board Executive Committee Meeting of July 15, 2004
Copies of the Minutes were circulated with the Agenda.
Moved by Mr. Robson, seconded by Mr. Bartley that the Minutes of Board Executive Committee Meeting of July 15, 2004 be received.
Carried unanimously.
6. Business Arising from the Minutes (not on the Agenda elsewhere)
There was no business arising from the Minutes.
7. President's Report
The President spoke to his report which had been circulated with the Agenda.
Dr. Hayes, Vice-President (Academic) & Provost, introduced the newly appointed Dean of the Faculty of Science and Environmental Studies, Dr. Lesley Lovett-Doust. She further stated that Dr. Lovett-Doust would be commencing work in late April.
[Mssrs. Baxter, Campbell, Cardwell and Gallant, and Ms. Meredith joined the meeting.]
Dr. Bill Parker, Chair of the Senate Liaison Committee, introduced Dr. Lionel Catalan, Department of Chemical Engineering. Dr. Catalan was named a Tier 2 Canada Research Chair. Dr. Catalan delivered a presentation entitled "Research in Industrial Waste Management and Site Remediation - A Partial Overview".
8. Standing Committee Reports
8.1 Audit Committee
Mr. Marostica, Chair of the Audit Committee, reported that the Audit Committee had not met since the last meeting of the Board.
8.2 Finance & Investment Committee
Mr. Cardwell, Chair of the Finance & Investment Committee reported that there had been no meeting of the Committee since the last Board meeting.
8.3 Governance Committee - Proposed Amendment to the By-Laws
Mr. Paivalainen, Chair of the Governance Committee, reviewed the report of the Committee which had been circulated with the Agenda.
Mr. Paivalainen reminded Governors to arrive at Old Fort William Historical Park on Saturday, January 8th at 8:30 a.m. for the Board of Governors' Retreat, noting that the shuttle service would be leaving the parking lot promptly at 8:30 a.m.
Moved by Mr. Paivalainen, seconded by Mr. Marostica that the Terms of Reference of the Finance and Investment Committee be amended as recommended by the Governance Committee.
Carried unanimously.
Moved by Mr. Paivalainen, seconded by Mr. Hannaford that the report of the Governance Committee be accepted.
Carried unanimously.
8.4 Nominating Committee
Mr. Paivalainen reported that Mr. Tim MacInnes has resigned from Lakehead University, therefore, has submitted his resignation to the Board of Governors.
8.4.1 Replacement of Member Due to Resignation
Moved by Mr. Paivalainen, seconded by Mr. Davies that Mr. Carl Goodwin be elected to finish the term of Mr. Tim MacInnes due to his resignation.
Carried unanimously.
8.4.2 Replacement of Member on the Senate Liaison Committee and Senate
Moved by Mr. Paivalainen, seconded by Mrs. Balacko that Mr. Carl Goodwin be elected to finish the terms of Mr. Tim MacInnes on the Senate Liaison Committee and Senate.
Carried unanimously.
Moved by Mr. Paivalainen, seconded by Ms. Bradford that the verbal report of the Nominating Committee be accepted.
Carried unanimously.
8.5 Operations Committee
Mr. Bartley reported that the report of the Operations Committee had been circulated with the Agenda.
Moved by Mr. Bartley, seconded by Mr. Gallant that the report of the Operations Committee be accepted.
A question regarding the University pension plan arose. Mrs. Dojack reported that the pension plan would be discussed at the Board of Governors' Retreat on Saturday.
Carried unanimously.
8.6 Senate Liaison Committee
Dr. Bill Parker, Chair of the Senate Liaison Committee, reported that the Committee had not met since the last Board meeting. Dr. Parker reported that Mr. Bartley, Chair of the Operations Committee had given a presentation to the October Senate Meeting, and that Mr. LaBelle, Chair of the University Advancement Committee would be asked to present in the near future.
Moved by Dr. Parker, seconded by Mr. Heald that the verbal report of the Senate Liaison Committee be accepted.
Carried unanimously.
8.7 Student Liaison Committee
Mr. Gallant, Chair of the Student Liaison Committe, elaborated on the Committee's report which had been circulated at the beginning of the meeting. He reviewed the Action Plan for 2004/05 which had been circulated with the Agenda.
Moved by Mr. Gallant, seconded by Mr. Pile that the Board of Governors approve the Action Plan for 2004/05 as presented by the Student Liaison Committee.
Carried unanimously.
Moved by Mr. Gallant, seconded by Mr. Hannaford that the report of the Student Liaison Committee be accepted.
Carried unanimously.
8.8 University Advancement Committee
Mr. LaBelle, Chair of the University Advancement Committee, reported on the Retreat which took place prior to the Board meeting, noting that the 2004/05 Action Plan had not been completed. He stated that the beginnings of an Action Plan had emerged, noting that another meeting would be required to complete the Plan and that the Committee would submit it to the March Board meeting. He reviewed the report of the University Advancement Committee which had been circulated with the Agenda.
Moved by Mr. LaBelle, seconded by Mr. Cardwell that the report of the University Advancement Committee be accepted.
Carried unanimously.
9. Report of the Alumni Association
Mr. Heald presented the report of the Alumni Association.
Moved by Mr. Heald, seconded by Mr. Tuchenhagen that the report of the Alumni Association be accepted.
Carried unanimously.
10. Recommendations for Tenure and Simultaneous Promotion and Renewal of Probationary Appointments
Moved by Dr. Gilbert, seconded by Mr Parker that the recommendations of the President concerning tenure and promotion as well as renewal of probationary appointments effective July 1, 2005 be approved with the change of Dr. B. Liao, Civil Engineering to Chemical Engineering.
Dr. C. Mihai, Business Administration
Dr. N. Sayed, Business Administration
Dr. B. Liao, Chemical Engineering
Dr. T. Tikka, Civil Engineering
Dr. P. Brady, Education
Dr. A. Lawson, Education
Dr. C. Christoffersen, Electrical Engineering
Dr. L. Hutchison, Forestry and the Forest Environment
Dr. T. Randall, Geography
Dr. M.N. Rinne, Languages
Dr. A. Linhananta, Physics
Dr. R. Ariss, Sociology
Dr. K. Yu, Economics
Dr. K. Oinonen, Psychology
Dr. J. Fiaidhi, Computer Science
Dr. S. Mohammed, Computer Science
Dr. A. Chen, Chemistry
Dr. C. Russell, Education
Dr. P. Hollings, Geology
Dr. B. Strang, History
Professor K. Poole, Nursing
Dr. T. O'Connell, Outdoor Recreation, Parks and Tourism
Dr. A. Lariviere, Philosophy
Dr. H. de Guise, Physics
Carried unanimously.
11. Proposed Schedule for 2005/06 Board of Governors' Meetings
Moved by Mr. Paivalainen, seconded by Mr. Davies that the proposed schedule for 2005/06 Board of Governors' Meetings be approved as circulated.
Carried unanimously.
Items for Information
12. Report of the Lakehead University Student Union
Mr. Strickert, President of LUSU, reviewed the report which had been circulated with the Agenda.
13. Report from the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre Board
Mr. Bob Main informed members that the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre Board report had been circulated with the Agenda.
14. Items approved (on December 2, 2004) by the Board Executive, on behalf of the Board of Governors
The Chair noted the following items for information for the Board.
14.1 Senior Management Compensation Committee
14.2 Ratification of the Collective Agreement of the International Union of Operating Engineers (IUOE), Local 865
Mrs. Dojack, Chair, introduced Mr. Aaron Vallejo. Mr. Vallejo delivered a thesis presentation entitled "The Local Aesthetics of Wind Turbine Placement Surrounding the City of Thunder Bay".
Mr. Cleghorn announced that on January 13th, 2005, an Old Timers Hockey Challenge would be held with some of the proceeds going to the new Louis Passador Memorial Bursary at Lakehead. He concluded by asking Board members to attend, as well as to post bulletins at their place of employment.
15. In Camera Meeting
The meeting, which begun at 3:35 p.m., was adjourned at 4:55 p.m., on a motion by Mr. Robson, and seconded by Mr. Hannaford. The meeting moved in camera.
Carried unanimously.
Rae Review
The Report from the Rae Review now is scheduled to be released in mid-February. While Mr. Rae has given hints to content, it is expected that he will be sharing some of his preliminary recommendations with College and University presidents at separate meetings early this month.  The COU Executive Heads have a meeting with him next Wednesday and I will participate by teleconference.
Vice President Research
Dr. Rui Wang has joined the administrative team on campus after his leave at John Hopkins University.
Other Business
I will use the in camera Board Retreat session with the President to outline other areas normally encompassed in this report or in camera.

Board of Governors

Friday, November 11, 2005 - 12:00am
Friday, November 11, 2005 at 4:00 p.m. in the Senate Chambers
1. Welcome to New Members
- Dr. Qing-Lai Dang, Senate Representative
- Ms. Angie Gollat, LUSU Graduate Representative
- Mr. John K. Lagadin, Elected Member
- Ms. Heather-Lea Peacock, LUSU Undergraduate Representative
- Mr. Russell Dudley, LUSU Undergraduate Representative
2. Approval of Agenda
3. Declaration of Conflict of Interest
4. Chair's Report
**Presentation of gift to Ms. Rebecca Maki, retiring Board member. **
5. Minutes of the Board of Governors' Meeting of September 29, 2005
6. Business Arising from the Minutes (not on the Agenda elsewhere)
7. President's Report
8. Standing Committee Reports
8.1 Audit Committee (Mr. B. Baxter, Chair)
Moved that the Board of Governors approve the Action Plan for 2005/06 as presented by the Audit Committee.

8.2 Finance & Investment Committee (Mr. H. Cardwell, Chair)
8.2.1 2005/06 Action Plan
Moved that the Board of Governors approve the Action Plan for 2005/06 as presented by the Finance & Investment Committee.
8.2.2 2006/07 Operating Budget Guidelines
Moved that the Board of Governors approve the 2006/07 Operating Budget Guidelines as presented by the Finance & Investment Committee.
8.3 Compensation Committee (Mr. Paivalainen, Chair)
Moved that the Board of Governors approve the Action Plan for 2005/06 as presented by the Compensation Committee.
8.4 Governance Committee (Mrs. J. Dojack, Chair)
8.4.1 2005/06 Action Plan
Moved that the Board of Governors approve the Action Plan for 2005/06 as presented by the Governance Committee.
8.4.2 Proposed Amendments to the By-Laws
Moved that the Governance Committee recommends to the Board of Governors that the Governance Committee Terms of Reference be approved as amended.
8.5 Nominating Committee (Mr. S. Paivalainen, Chair).
8.5.1 2005/06 Action Plan
Moved that the Board of Governors approve the Action Plan for 2005/06 as presented by the Nominating Committee.
8.5.2 Request for Nominations for Award of Lakehead University Fellow
8.5.3 Replacement for Mr. Vince Isber
Moved that _____ be elected to replace Mr. Vince Isber effective immediately to September 2006, due to Mr. Isber's resignation.
Moved that _____ be elected to the Finance & Investment Committee and the Operations Committee to finish the term of Mr. Vince Isber.
8.5.4 Lieutenant Governor-In-Council (LGIC) Appointment
Moved that Mr. Harvey Cardwell be re-appointed as the LGIC representative for a three year term, December 2, 2005 to December 1, 2008.
8.5.5 Nomination of Elected Member
Moved that ____ be elected to the Board of Governors for a three year term, effective immediately to September 2008.
Moved that _____ be elected to the University Advancement Committee for a three year term, effective immediately to September 2008.
8.6 Operations Committee (Mr. Ron Dysievick, on behalf of the Chair)
8.6.1 2005/06 Action Plan
Moved that the Board of Governors approve the Action Plan for 2005/06 as presented by the Operations Committee.
8.6.2 Semi-Annual Report on Occupational Health and Safety
8.7 Senate Liaison Committee (Dr. M. McPherson, Chair)
Moved that the Board of Governors approve the Action Plan for 2005/06 as presented by the Senate Liaison Committee.
8.8 Student Liaison Committee (Ms. A. Gollat, Chair)
Moved that the Board of Governors approve the Action Plan for 2005/06 as presented by the Student Liaison Committee.
8.9 University Advancement Committee (Mr. R. Marostica, Chair)
Moved that the Board of Governors approve the Action Plan for 2005/06 as presented by the University Advancement Committee.
9. Report of the Alumni Association (Mr. D. Heald, Alumni Representative)
10. Annual Report of the Lakehead University Pension Investment Fund (Mr. M. Pawlowski)
11. Approval of Adjunct Professors
Moved that the following be ratified as Adjunct Professors in the Faculty of Science and Environmental Studies effective immediately to June 30, 2008, as recommended by Senate on October 28, 2005:
Dr. Eldon Molto - Department of Anthropology
Dr. Ryan Parr - Department of Anthropology
Dr. Gabriel Dakubo - Department of Anthropology
Dr. Ingeborg Zhebe - Department of Biology
Dr. Marina Ulanova - Department of Chemistry
Dr. Neelam Khaper - Department of Chemistry
Dr. Patrick Rapley - Department of Chemistry
Dr. Patrick Rapley - Department of Physics
12. Appointment of One Board of Governors' Member to the Lakehead University Professional Plan Pension Board
Moved that __________be appointed as a representative of the Board of Governors to the Lakehead University Professional Plan Pension Board effective immediately to June 30, 2008, to replace Mr. Bruce LaBelle.
Items for Information
13. Report of the Lakehead University Student Union (Mr. A. Krupper)
14. Report from the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre Board (Mr. G. Labine)
15. In Camera
1. Welcome to New Members
The Chair introduced Dr. Qing-Lai Dang, Mr. Russell Dudley, Ms. Angie Gollat, Mr. John Lagadin (on teleconference), and Ms. Heather-Lea Peacock and welcomed them as incoming members of the Board.
2. Approval of Agenda
Moved by Mr. Campbell, seconded by Mr. Marostica that the Agenda be approved with the following additions: remove item #8.5.3 - Replacement for Mr. Vincent Isber, remove item #8.5.5 - Nomination of Elected Member, remove Approval of University Advancement Committee Action Plan under item #8.9, add new item #11 - Approval of Revised Adjunct Professor Policy (Dr. F. Gilbert), renumber old 11 to new 12, old 12 to new 13, change new item 12 - Approval of Adjunct Professors - motion should read "effective immediately to June 30, 2009, pending ratification of Senate", add new item #14 - Approval of Amendments to the Lakehead University Employee Pension Plan (Mr. M. Pawlowski), and renumber remaining Items for Information.
Carried unanimously.
3. Declaration of Conflict of Interest
None were declared.
4. Chair's Report
Mrs. Dojack thanked Board members who supported and attended the Annual Board of Governors' Fundraising Dinner on September 29, 2005. She informed members that the planning committee will be meeting in the next couple of weeks to begin preparation for the next year's fundraising dinner.
Mrs. Dojack advised members that the Development Office would like all Board members to sell one book of the Lakehead University 40th Anniversary Celebration Raffle tickets; therefore, tickets had been distributed at the beginning of the meeting.
Mrs. Dojack reported that the LUSU Food Bank was holding a raffle in the LU Bookstore and encouraged members to support the Food Bank.
Mrs. Dojack concluded by informing members that Ms. Rebecca Maki's Lieutenant Governor-In-Council appointment expires on November 20th, 2005. She reported that Ms. Maki was not seeking another three-year term. Mrs. Dojack thanked Ms. Maki for her support to the Board over the past three years.
5. Approval of Minutes of Board of Governors' Meeting of September 29, 2005
The minutes were circulated with the Agenda.
Moved by Mr. Robson, seconded by Mrs. Balacko that the Minutes of the Board of Governors' Meeting of September 29, 2005 be approved as amended.
Carried unanimously.
6. Business Arising from the Minutes (not on the Agenda elsewhere)
There was no business arising from the Minutes.
7. President's Report
The President responded to questions to his report which had been circulated at the beginning of the meeting.
8. Standing Committee Reports
8.1 Audit Committee
Mr. Baxter, Chair of the Audit Committee, reviewed the report and the Action Plan which were circulated with the Agenda. He noted that the Committee had reviewed its Terms of Reference and will be recommending amendments to the Governance Committee. He concluded by inviting all Board members to attend an Audit Committee Orientation Session which will be held at BDO Dunwoody on Monday, November 21, 2005.
Moved by Mr. Baxter, seconded by Mr. Davies that the Board of Governors approve the Action Plan for 2005/06 as presented by the Audit Committee.
Mr. Campbell encouraged all Board members to attend the BDO Dunwoody Orientation Session, noting that it is an extremely informative session.
Carried unanimously.
Moved by Mr. Baxter, seconded by Mr. Cardwell that the report of the Audit Committee be accepted.
Carried unanimously.
8.2 Finance & Investment Committee
Mr. Cardwell reviewed the report which had been circulated with the Agenda, noting that the Committee had met twice since the last Board meeting.
8.2.1 2005/06 Action Plan
Mr. Cardwell reviewed the Action Plan of the Finance and Investment Committee, noting that there was a new section in the Plan regarding the debenture issue.
Moved by Mr. Cardwell, seconded by Mr. Marostica that the Board of Governors approve the Action Plan for 2005/06 as presented by the Finance & Investment Committee.
Carried unanimously.
8.2.2 2006/07 Operating Budget Guidelines
Mr. Cardwell reported that the Committee had reviewed the Operating Budget Guidelines and recommends that the ultimate goal is to ensure that the total expenditures of the University do not exceed the anticipated revenues and that the University eliminate its accumulated deficit of approximately $660k in 2006/07.
Moved by Mr. Cardwell, seconded by Mr. Baxter that the Board of Governors approve the 2006/07 Operating Budget Guidelines as circulated.
Mr. Robson noted that in the first paragraph of the Operating Budget Guidelines that the word "debt" should be changed to "deficit".
Carried unanimously with correction.
Moved by Mr. Cardwell, seconded by Mr. Campbell that the report of the Finance & Investment Committee be accepted.
Carried unanimously.
Mr. Cardwell noted that the documents distributed to Board members at the beginning of the meeting were the Rating Agency Presentation and a report from Moody's Investors Service. Mrs. Dojack informed teleconference Board members that copies would be mailed to them next week.
8.3 Compensation Committee
Mr. Paivalainen reviewed the 2005/06 Action Plan of the Compensation Committee which had been circulated with the Agenda. He reported that the Committee is new to the Board and that developing a Compensation Committee to review the compensation of the President ensures that the process is accountable.
Moved by Mr. Paivalainen, seconded by Mr. Cardwell that the Board of Governors approve the Action Plan for 2005/06 as presented by the Compensation Committee
Carried unanimously.
Moved by Mr. Paivalainen, seconded by Mr. Robson that the oral report of the Compensation Committee be accepted.
Carried unanimously.
8.4 Governance Committee
Mrs. Dojack reviewed the Governance Committee's Action Plan which had been circulated with the Agenda.
8.4.1 2005/06 Action Plan
Moved by Ms. Peacock, seconded by Mr. Cleghorn that the Board of Governors approve the Action Plan for 2005/06 as presented by the Governance Committee.
Carried unanimously.
8.4.2 Proposed Amendments to the By-Laws
Mrs. Dojack informed members that the Governance Committee review its current Terms of Reference and are proposing the attached amendments.
Moved by Dr. Brown, seconded by Mr. Davies that the Governance Committee recommends to the Board of Governors that the Governance Committee Terms of Reference be approved as attached.
Carried unanimously.
Moved by Mr. Dudley, seconded by Mr. Cardwell that the oral report of the Governance Committee be accepted.
Carried unanimously.
8.5 Nominating Committee
Mr. Paivalainen reviewed the Action Plan of the Nominating Committee which had been circulated at the beginning of the meeting.
8.5.1 2005/06 Action Plan
Moved by Mr. Paivalainen, seconded by Mr. Marostica that the Board of Governors approve the Action Plan for 2005/06 as presented by the Nominating Committee.
Carried unanimously.
8.5.2 Request for Nominations for Award of LakeheadUniversity Fellow
Mr. Paivalainen explained to Board members that the Award of the Fellow is the highest honour that the Board can bestow upon an individual. He advised members that on November 2, 2005 they had received a letter which included the criteria for nominating a Fellow and a nomination form so that if they had a worthy candidate they should nominate him/her.
8.5.3 Lieutenant Governor-In-Council (LGIC) Appointment
Moved by Mr. Paivalainen, seconded by Mr. Campbell that Mr. Harvey Cardwell be re-appointed as the LGIC representative for a three-year term, December 2, 2005 to December 1, 2008.
A question arose regarding the process for appointing LGIC representatives. Mrs. Dojack stated that the Board Nominating Committee recommends individuals for LGIC positions to the President who in turn submits these individual's names to the Lieutenant Governor-In-Council for approval and then the names are returned to the Board for acceptance.
Carried unanimously.
Moved by Mr. Paivalainen, seconded by Mr. Robson that the oral report of the Nominating Committee be accepted.
Carried unanimously.
8.6 Operations Committee
Mr. Dysievick, on behalf of the Chair, reviewed the report and Action Plan of the Operations Committee. Mr. Dysievick reported that the Operations Committee had reviewed its Terms of Reference and will be recommending amendments to the Governance Committee.
8.6.1 2005/06 Action Plan
Moved by Mr. Dysievick, seconded by Mr. Goodwin that the Board of Governors approve the Action Plan for 2005/06 as presented by the Operations Committee.
Carried unanimously.
Moved by Mr. Dysievick, seconded by Mr. Cardwell that the report of the Operations Committee be accepted.
Carried unanimously.
8.6.2 Semi-Annual Report on Occupational Health and Safety
Mr. Dysievick advised members that the Semi-Annual Report on Occupational Health and Safety had been circulated with the Agenda.
Discussion arose regarding the number of medical aid and lost time incidents. Mr. Cleghorn questioned one of the lost time incidents regarding a pin becoming loose in a chair. Mr. Cleghorn suggested that a University bulletin be sent out notifying staff of the particular model of chair which may be defective. Dr. Gilbert agreed that a bulletin should be circulated.
Moved by Mr. Dysievick, seconded by Mr. Wallace that the Board of Governors accept the Semi-Annual Report on Occupational Health and Safety as presented by the Operations Committee.
Carried unanimously.
8.7 Senate Liaison Committee
Dr. McPherson reviewed the Senate Liaison Committee's 2005/06 Action Plan which had been circulated at the beginning of the meeting. Dr. McPherson reported that the Committee had met on November 7, 2005 and is recommending to the Governance Committee amendments to the Committee's Terms of Reference. She also wished to thank Mr. Harvey Cardwell, Chair of the Finance & Investment Committee, for an excellent and informative debenture presentation at the October Senate Meeting.
Moved by Dr. McPherson, seconded by Mrs. Balacko that the Board of Governors approve the Action Plan for 2005/06 as presented by the Senate Liaison Committee.
Carried unanimously.
8.8 Student Liaison Committee
Ms. Gollat reviewed the 2005/06 Action Plan of the Student Liaison Committee which had been circulated with the Agenda. She reported that the Committee had met twice and one of the recommendations from the Committee was to hold a joint Board of Governors, Alumni Board, and LUSU Board of Directors dinner following the November 11, 2005 dinner; therefore, it will be held following the January 20, 2006 Board meeting.
Mrs. Dojack reported that since it is the Committee's preference to hold the dinner annually in November, it will be included on future Board of Governors' meeting schedules.
Moved by Ms. Gollat, seconded by Mr. Heald that the Board of Governors approve the Action Plan for 2005/06 as presented by the Student Liaison Committee.
Carried unanimously.
Moved by Ms. Gollat, seconded by Mr. Cardwell that the oral report of the Operations Committee be accepted.
Carried unanimously.
8.9 University Advancement Committee
Mr. Marostica reported that the Committee has not met to draft a 2005/06 Action Plan but the Plan would be brought to the January Board meeting. Mr. Marostica spoke to the University Advancement Committee's report which had been circulated at the beginning of the meeting.
Moved by Mr. Marostica, seconded by Mr. Heald that he report of the University Advancement Committee be accepted.
Carried unanimously.
Mrs. Dojack congratulated all who were involved in the preparations for the 40th Anniversary Weekend Celebration.
9. Report of the Alumni Association
Mr. Heald, Alumni Representative, reviewed the report of the Alumni Association which had been circulated with the Agenda. Mr. Heald commended Ms. Bonnie Moore, Director of Development, for the great partnership that has developed between the Alumni Office and the Development Office.
Moved by Mr. Heald, seconded by Mr. Marostica that the report of the Alumni Association be accepted.
Carried unanimously.
10. Annual Report of the LakeheadUniversity Pension Investment Fund
Mr. Pawlowski, Vice-President (Administration and Finance), reported that the Lakehead University Pension Investment Fund comprises two pension plans - the Professional Staff Plan and the Lakehead University Employee Pension Plan. Mr. Pawlowski reviewed the Annual Report of the Lakehead University Pension Investment Fund which had been circulated with the Agenda. Mr. Pawlowski stated that the Plan is doing extremely well; noting that during 2004, the rate credited to members of the Professional Staff Plan was 11.66% and 11.27% to members of the Lakehead University Employee Pension Plan.
A question arose regarding how the pension plan shortfall $2,641,000.00 would be paid out. Mr. Pawlowski noted that paying back the shortfall would require the University to make monthly payments of $51,000 effective January 2005 for the five subsequent years or until the shortfall is eliminated. He also stated that the shortfall could be paid out in one lump sum by utilizing money from the debenture which may be more inexpensive to the University.
Moved by Mr. Cardwell, seconded by Mr. Campbell that the Annual Report of the Pension Investment Fund be accepted.
Carried unanimously.
11. Approval of Revised Adjunct Professor Policy
Dr. Gilbert informed members that the current Adjunct Professor Policy stated that the duration of an Adjunct appointment was up to 3 years. He explained that when Adjunct Professors apply for research grants (eg. NSERC, CIHR) they require Adjunct terms to be 3 years or greater to qualify for the grants.
Moved by Dr. Gilbert, seconded by Mr. Cardwell that the revised Adjunct Professor Policy be approved for a term of up to four years.
Carried unanimously.
12. Approval of Adjunct Professors
Moved by Dr. Gilbert, seconded by Mr. Marostica that the following be ratified as Adjunct Professors in the Faculty of Science and Environmental Studies effective immediately to June 30, 2009, pending ratification by Senate:
Dr. Eldon Molto - Department of Anthropology
Dr. Ryan Parr - Department of Anthropology
Dr. Gabriel Dakubo - Department of Anthropology
Dr. Ingeborg Zhebe - Department of Biology
Dr. Marina Ulanova - Department of Chemistry
Dr. Neelam Khaper - Department of Chemistry
Dr. Patrick Rapley - Department of Chemistry
Dr. Patrick Rapley - Department of Physics
Carried unanimously.
13. Appointment of One Board of Governors' Member to the LakeheadUniversityProfessional Plan Pension Board
Mrs. Dojack informed members that Mr. Bruce LaBelle had been a member of the Pension Board until his resignation from the Board. She reported that Ms. Ann Dumyn had agreed to let her name stand for nomination to the Pension Board to replace Mr. LaBelle. Mrs. Dojack called for further nominations. There were none.
Moved by Mr. Robson, seconded by Mr. Dudley that Ms. Ann Dumyn be appointed as a representative of the Board of Governors to the Lakehead University Professional Plan Pension Board effective immediately to June 30, 2008, to replace Mr. Bruce LaBelle.
Carried unanimously.
14. Approval of the Amendments to the LakeheadUniversity Employees Pension Plan
Mr. Pawlowski reviewed the amendments to the Lakehead University Employees Pension Plan which were circulated with the Agenda, noting that the amendments were housekeeping changes brought forward by Eckler Partners Ltd., the Actuary for the Pension Plan.
Moved by Mr. Wallace, seconded by Mr. Goodwin that
WHEREAS Lakehead University (hereinafter referred to as the "University") has established the Lakehead University Employee Pension Plan (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan") effective September 1, 1966;
AND WHEREAS the Plan provides that it may be amended by the University;
AND WHEREAS the University wishes to amend the Plan;
1. Section 2.36 is hereby amended by changing the year reference in the final sentence from "2004" to "2005"
2. Section 2.36(b) is hereby amended by adding the year "2205" and its corresponding dollar limit of "18,000" to the dollar limit table.
3. Section 9.02 is hereby amended by adding the following:
"With effect from July 31, 1992, the Basic Pension shall be such amount of pension as results from the purchase of a life annuity, in the Normal Form of payment, from an Insurer, using the Member's Required Contributions and the vested portion of Matching University Contributions, determined in accordance with the vesting conditions of Article 15.02, accumulated with Credited Interest up to the date at which the Member retires."
4. Section 9.07 is hereby amended by inserting "9.02", immediately after the word "Articles".
Carried unanimously.
Items for Information
15. Report of the LakeheadUniversity Student Union
Mr. Krupper, President of LUSU, highlighted the report which had been circulated with the Agenda. Mr. Krupper thanked Administration for inviting the LUSU Executive to participate in a Risk Management Seminar which took place earlier in the month.
16. Report from the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre Board
Mr. Labine informed members that the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre (TBRHSC) Board report had been circulated with the Agenda. Mr. Labine advised members that if there were any specific issues which Governors would like included in future reports, that they should bring them to his attention. He concluded by stating that the collaboration between the TBRHSC Board and the Lakehead University Board of Governors was an extremely important one and the he was enthusiastic that he could foster that relationship.
17. In Camera Meeting
The meeting, which began at 4:05 p.m., was adjourned at 5:35 p.m., on a motion by Mr. Robson, and seconded by Mr. Campbell. The meeting moved in camera.
Although funding for 2005-06 is still to be finalized, we have provided the Ministry with the “stories” as requested related to the impact on quality of the unfunded BIUs and our potential use of the quality funding.  We do know that money for the unfunded BIUs will be delivered over a 3-year period (1/3 each year).
Orillia Campus
The University is proceeding with the finalization of temporary facilities for the campus in the Heritage Place in downtown Orillia.  We continue to urge that the Huronia Regional Centre be declared surplus so the City of Orillia can acquire part of the site for the permanent campus.
The academic programs to be offered in Orillia include new degrees which are currently under review in Senate.  Marketing of the campus is under way and an entry in the OUAC guide will be available.
The $100M debenture issue has been fully subscribed and the deal with be finalized November 15.
Research Building
A submission to CFI regarding notice of intent to file an application next year for support of the proposed research building is being prepared and will be submitted this month.
Lakehead maintained its #1 position in the Value Added category and moved up slightly in the rankings from 17th to 16th.  We continue to question the validity of some of the data and of course the connection between input data and quality but we are aware that unless changes are made to the categories and/or the analysis process it will be difficult to move up substantially in the rankings.
Campus Improvements
New entrance doors have been installed in the Centennial Building, new window glass is being installed and new chairs and tables have been placed in the main cafeteria.  Phase II of the Johnson Controls initiative is under way and demonstrations of the new lighting have been set up.
The University continues to advocate that a multiplex is important to meet convention and entertainment needs of the city.  We are considering supporting a public survey and a plebiscite on the issue.
Alumni Relations
I met with a group of alumni/ae in Calgary last month to update them on developments at the University.  A similar meeting will be held in Vancouver next week.

Board of Governors

Thursday, September 29, 2005 - 12:00am
Thursday, September 29, 2005 at 3:45 p.m. in the Senate Chambers
1. Approval of Agenda
2. Declaration of Conflict of Interest
3. Chair's Report
**Presentation of Gifts to Retiring Board Members **
4. Minutes of the Board of Governors' Meeting of June 16, 2005
5. Receipt of Minutes of Board Executive Committee Meeting of May 5, 2005
6. Business Arising from the Minutes (not on the Agenda elsewhere)
7. President's Report

8. Annual Reports from the Standing Committees
- The Audit Committee will report under Item 9.
- The Nominating Committee will report under Item 10.
8.1 Finance and Investment Committee (Mr. H. Cardwell, Chair)
8.2 Governance Committee (Mr. S. Paivalainen, Chair)
8.3 Operations Committee (Mr. B. Bartley, Chair)
8.4 Senate Liaison Committee (Dr. B. Parker, Chair)
8.5 Student Liaison Committee (Mr. J. Gallant, Chair)
8.6 University Advancement Committee (Mr. B. LaBelle, Chair)
9. Report of the Audit Committee (Mr. R. Marostica, Chair)
Moved that the Board of Governors accept and approve the 2004/05 Financial Statements of Lakehead University and the Auditors' Report.
Moved that the Board of Governors appoint BDO Dunwoody as University auditors for the 2005/06 fiscal year.
10. Report of the Nominating Committee (Mr. S. Paivalainen, Chair)
- The members of the 2004/05 Nominating Committee were:
Mr. S. Paivalainen, Chair, Mr. B. Bartley, Mr. J. Gallant, Mr. D. Heald, Mr. J. Kalyta, Mr. R. Marostic and Mr. D. Robson.
10.1 Moved that the following be elected/re-elected to the Board of Governors for the terms indicated:
Dr. Qing-Lai Dang 2005-08
Mr. Russell Dudley 2005-06
Ms. Angie Gollat 2005-06
Mr. Carl Goodwin 2005-08
Mr. John K. Lagadin 2005-08
Mr. Ron Marostica 2005-08
Mr. Seppo Paivalainen 2005-06
Ms. Heather-Lea Peacock 2005-06
Mr. Doug Robson 2005-08
10.2 Moved that the following be approved as Officers of the Board for 2005/06:
Mrs. Jackie Dojack Chair
Mr. Seppo PaivalainenPast-Chair
Mr. Don Campbell Vice-Chair
Dr. Fred Gilbert President
Ms. Patti Merriman Secretary
10.3 Moved that the members of the Executive Committee and the members of Standing Committees for 2005/06 be approved as recommended in the report of the Nominating Committee circulated with the Agenda.
11. Report of Alumni Association (Mr. D. Heald, Alumni Representative)
12. Appointment of Board of Governors' Representative to the Aboriginal
Management Council
Moved that be appointed as the representative of the Board of Governors to the Aboriginal Management Council for a one year period, effective immediately to September 2006 Annual Meeting.
13. Faculty Appointments to the Judicial Panel for the Code of Student Behaviour and Disciplinary Procedures (Dr. F. Gilbert)
Moved that the faculty names put forward in the memorandum from Dr. Gilbert be appointed to the Judicial Panel for the Code of Student Behaviour and Disciplinary Procedures for a one-year period, effective immediately to the September 2006 Annual Meeting.
14. Student Appointments to the Judicial Panel for the Code of Student Behaviour and Disciplinary Procedures (Mr. A. Krupper, LUSU President)
Moved that the student names put forward in the memorandum from Mr. Krupper be appointed to the Judicial Panel for the Code of Student Behaviour and Disciplinary Procedures for a one-year period, effective immediately to the September 2006 Annual Meeting.
15. Election of Members (3 required) to the Nominating Committee
16. Investment Resolution
17 Approval of Adjunct Professor (Dr. F. Gilbert)
Moved that Dr. Louise Maxfield be ratified as an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Psychology, effective immediately to June 30, 2008, as recommended by Senate on April 25, 2005.
Items for Information
18. Relationship Agreement Between Lakehead University, Laurentian University and Northern Ontario School of Medicine (Dr. F. Gilbert)
19. Annual Report of the Aboriginal Management Council (Mr. T. Pile)
20. Report of the Lakehead University Student Union (Mr. A. Krupper, LUSU President)
21. Report from the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre Hospital Board (Mr. G. Labine)
22. Meeting Dates for 2005/06
23. In Camera Meeting
23.1 Approval for Non-Board Member to Participate
1. Approval of Agenda
Moved by Mrs. Balacko, seconded by Mr. Cardwell that the Agenda be approved as circulated.
Carried unanimously.
2. Declaration of Conflict of Interest
None were declared.
3. Chair's Report
Mrs. Dojack presented gifts to the retiring board members - Ms. L. Bradford, Dr. L. Chambers, Mr. J. Gallant, Mr. S. Hannaford, Mr. R. Keenberg, Mr. B. LaBelle, Dr. B. Parker. She also presented a gift to Mr. J. Kalyta who was retiring as a non-Governor from the Board Nominating Committee.
Mrs. Dojack welcomed Dr. K. Brown, Senate Representative to the Board of Governors, who replaced Dr. L. Chambers. The Chair also welcomed new Board observers - Ms. C. Calvert, Director of Human Resources, Ms. V. Cheng, President of the Alumni Association, and Mr. G. Labine, Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre Representative.
Mrs. Dojack informed members that next week the Secretary would be mailing Board of Governors' biographies and a current Board of Governors' listing which included addresses, terms, and standing committee information.
Mrs. Dojack reported that on June 28, 2005, the Board Executive Committee met with the Confederation College Board. She stated that the meeting was extremely productive and the two groups met to discuss the collaborative initiatives the University and College are involved in. She also stated that recently, Dr. Gilbert and she met with Ms. Pat Lang and Mrs. Lyn McLeod to discuss current and future collaborative ventures. She concluded by informing members that in June 2006, the Board Executive Committee and the Confederation College Board will meet again to continue discussions.
4. Approval of Minutes of Board of Governors' Meeting of June 16, 2005
The Minutes were circulated with the Agenda.
Moved by Mrs. Balacko, seconded by Mr. Marostica that the Minutes of the Board of Governors' Meeting of June 16, 2005 be approved as circulated.
Carried unanimously.
5. Receipt of Minutes of Board Executive Committee Meeting of May 5, 2005
The Minutes were circulated with the Agenda.
Moved by Dr. Gilbert, seconded by Mr. Marostica that the Minutes of Board of Governors' Executive Committee Meeting of May 5, 2005 be received.
Carried unanimously.
6. Business Arising from the Minutes (not on the Agenda elsewhere)
There was no business arising from the Minutes.
7. President's Report
The President responded to questions to his report which had been circulated at the beginning of the meeting.
8. Annual Reports from the Standing Committees
8.1 Finance and Investment Committee
Mr. Cardwell reviewed the Committee's Annual Report which had been circulated with the Agenda.
Moved by Mr. Cardwell, seconded by Mr. Marostica that the Annual Report of the Finance & Investment Committee be accepted.
Carried unanimously.
8.2 Governance Committee
Mr. Paivalainen reviewed the Committee's Annual Report which had been circulated with the Agenda.
Moved by Mr. Paivalainen, seconded by Mr. Hannaford that the Annual Report of the Governance Committee be accepted.
Carried unanimously.
8.3 Operations Committee
Mr. Bartley highlighted the Committee's Annual Report which had been circulated with the Agenda. Mr. Bartley thanked his colleagues on the Operations Committee for their contributions and support over the 2004/05 year.
Moved by Mr. Bartley, seconded by Mr. Davies that the Annual Report of the Operations Committee be accepted.
Carried unanimously.
8.4 Senate Liaison Committee
Dr. Parker reviewed the Committee's Annual Report which had been circulated with the Agenda.
Moved by Dr. Parker, seconded by Ms. Bradford that the Annual Report of the Senate Liaison Committee be accepted.
Carried unanimously.
8.5 Student Liaison Committee
Mr. Gallant referred to the Committee's Annual Report which had been circulated with the Agenda. Mr. Gallant acknowledged the hard work of the Committee.
Moved by Mr. Gallant, seconded by Mr. Bartley that the Annual Report of the Student Liaison Committee be accepted.
Carried unanimously.
8.6 University Advancement Committee
Mr. LaBelle presented the Annual Report of the Committee which had been circulated with the Agenda. Mr. LaBelle complimented the Senate Liaison Committee for organizing the Board of Governors' Information Sessions. He also thanked Committee members and the Development Office for their excellent work throughout his tenure on the Board.
Moved by Mr. LaBelle, seconded by Mr. Robson that the Annual Report of the University Advancement Committee be accepted.
Carried unanimously.
9. Report of the Audit Committee
Mr. Marostica reviewed the Annual Report of the Audit Committee and the Audited Financial Statements which had been circulated with the Agenda.
Moved by Mr. Marostica, seconded by Mr. Davies that the Board of Governors accept and approve the 2004/05 Financial Statements of Lakehead University and the Auditors' Report.
Carried unanimously.
Moved by Mr. Marostica, seconded by Mr. Bartley that the Board of Governors appoint BDO Dunwoody as University auditor for the 2005/06 fiscal year.
Carried unanimously.
Moved by Mr. Marostica, seconded by Mr. Davies that the Annual Report of the Audit Committee be accepted.
Carried unanimously.
10. Report of the Nominating Committee
The members of the 2004/05 Nominating Committee were:
Mr. S. Paivalainen, Chair, Mr. B. Bartley, Mr. J. Gallant, Mr. D. Heald, Mr. J. Kalyta, Mr. R. Marostica and Mr. D. Robson.
Mr. Paivalainen noted that short biographical notes on all new nominees to the Board were enclosed with the Board Nominating Committee Report- Qing-Lai Dang, Russell Dudley, Angie Gollat, John K. Lagadin, and Heather-Lea Peacock, noting that one elected position remains to be filled. Mr. Paivalainen thanked Committee members and the Secretary for their dedication throughout the year.
10.1 Moved by Mr. Paivalainen, seconded by Mr. Hannaford that the following be elected/re-elected to the Board of Governors for the terms indicated:
Dr. Qing-Lai Dang 2005-08
Mr. Russell Dudley 2005-06
Ms. Angie Gollat 2005-06
Mr. Carl Goodwin 2005-08
Mr. John K. Lagadin 2005-08
Mr. Ron Marostica 2005-08
Mr. Seppo Paivalainen 2005-06
Ms. Heather-Lea Peacock 2005-06
Mr. Doug Robson 2005-08
Carried (1 abstention).
10.2 Moved by Mr. Paivalainen, seconded by Mr. Robson that the following be approved as Officers of the Board for 2005/06:
Mrs. Jackie Dojack Chair
Mr. Seppo Paivalainen Past-Chair
Mr. Don Campbell Vice-Chair
Dr. Fred Gilbert President
Ms. Patti Merriman Secretary
Carried unanimously.
10.3 Moved by Mr. Paivalainen, seconded by Mr. Bartley that the members of the Executive Committee and the members of Standing Committees for 2005/06 be approved as recommended in the report of the Nominating Committee circulated with the Agenda.
Carried unanimously.
Moved by Mr. Paivalainen, seconded by Ms. Bradford that the Annual Report of the Nominating Committee be accepted.
Carried unanimously.
11. Report of Alumni Association
Mr. Heald referred to the Alumni Association's report which had been circulated with the Agenda.
Moved by Mr. Heald, seconded by Mr. Pile that the Alumni Association's report be accepted.
Carried unanimously.
12. Appointment of Board of Governors' Representative to the Aboriginal
Management Council
Moved by Dr. Gilbert, seconded by Mr. Marostica that Mr. Carl Goodwin be appointed as the representative of the Board of Governors to the Aboriginal Management Council for a one year period, effective immediately to September 2006 Annual Meeting.
Carried unanimously.
13. Faculty Appointments to the Judicial Panel for the Code of Student Behaviour and Disciplinary Procedures
Dr. Gilbert reviewed the names of the faculty appointments to the Judicial Panel for the Code of Student Behaviour and Disciplinary Procedures which had been circulated with the Agenda.
Moved by Dr. Gilbert, seconded by Mr. Hannaford that the faculty names put forward in the memorandum from Dr. Gilbert be appointed to the Judicial Panel for the Code of Student Behaviour and Disciplinary Procedures for a one-year period, effective immediately to the September 2006 Annual Meeting.
Carried unanimously.
14. Student Appointments to the Judicial Panel for the Code of Student Behaviour and Disciplinary Procedures
Mr. Krupper, President of LUSU, reviewed the student names which were brought forward for the Judicial Panel for the Code of Student Behaviour and Disciplinary Procedures.
Moved by Mr. Krupper, seconded by Mr. Hannaford that the student names put forward in the memorandum from Mr. Krupper be appointed to the Judicial Panel for the Code of Student Behaviour and Disciplinary Procedures for a one-year period, effective immediately to the September 2006 Annual Meeting.
Carried unanimously.
15. Election of Members (3 required) to the Nominating Committee
The Secretary had informed the Board of Governors, by memorandum of September 6, 2005, that Mr. Bill Bartley, Mr. David Heald, and Mr. Ron Marostica were continuing members of the Nominating Committee as well as those who were ineligible for nomination this year. Three members were to be elected, one of whom shall be a student Governor and two could be non-Board members.
The Chair called for nominations to the Nominating Committee.

Mr. Paivalainen nominated Mr. Bruce LaBelle (non-Governor) and Mr. Harvey Cardwell.
Mr. Gallant nominated Ms. Heather-Lea Peacock (Student Governor).
The Chair called for further nominations. There were none. It was proposed that Mr. Cardwell, Mr. LaBelle (non-Governor), and Ms. Peacock (Student Governor) would serve on the Nominating Committee.
Moved by Mr. Robson, seconded by Mr. Bartley that nominations close.
Carried unanimously.
Mr. Cardwell, Mr. LaBelle, and Ms. Peacock were acclaimed members of the Nominating Committee.
16. Investment Resolution
A memorandum from the Secretary had been circulated, indicating that it was a requirement of the By-laws for the Annual Meeting to approve an Investment Resolution.
Moved by Mr. Cardwell, seconded by Mr. Marostica that the President and the Vice-President (Administration & Finance) shall be authorized to manage the investments of the University and to purchase, transfer, exchange, sell or otherwise dispose of or turn to account or realize upon securities, in accordance with the policies established by the Board on the recommendations of the Finance and Investment Committee, in accordance with the terms of reference of the Committee, and the laws and statutes of the Province of Ontario and the Government of Canada. During the absence of either the President or the Vice-President (Administration & Finance) any one of the signing officers shall be authorized as the second signature. During the absence of both the President and the Vice-President (Administration & Finance) any two of the signing authorities shall be authorized to perform the aforementioned activities until the Annual Meeting in 2006.
Carried unanimously.
17 Approval of Adjunct Professor
Moved by Dr. Gilbert, seconded by Mr. Gallant that Dr. Louise Maxfield be ratified as an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Psychology, effective immediately to June 30, 2008, as recommended by Senate on April 25, 2005.
Carried unanimously.
Items for Information
Due to time constraints, Mrs. Dojack informed Board members that the following items of information would not be individually reviewed, but Governors would have the opportunity to ask specific questions.
18. Relationship Agreement Between Lakehead University, Laurentian University and Northern Ontario School of Medicine
The Relationship Agreement Between Lakehead University, Laurentian University and the Northern Ontario School of Medicine was circulated with the Agenda.
19. Annual Report of the Aboriginal Management Council
The Annual Report of the Aboriginal Management Council had been circulated with the Agenda. Mr. Pile thanked the Aboriginal Management Council and Dr. Laurie Gilchrist for their hard work throughout the year.
20. Report of the Lakehead University Student Union
The Report of LUSU had been circulated with the Agenda.
21. Report from the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre Hospital Board
The Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre Hospital Board report had been circulated with the Agenda.
22. Meeting Dates for 2005/06
The Chair referred to the schedule of meeting dates for 2005/06 which had been attached to the Agenda.
23. In Camera Meeting
23.1 Approval for Non-Board Member to Participate
Moved by Mr. Robson, seconded by Ms. Bradford that Mr. Michael Pawlowski remain for the In Camera meeting.
Carried unanimously.
The meeting, which began at 3:45 p.m., was adjourned at 4:22 p.m., on a motion by Mr. Hannaford, and seconded by Mr. Cardwell. The meeting moved in camera.


We have yet to receive this fiscal year’s allocation from MTCU.  The expectation is that we will receive notification before Thanksgiving.  Critical elements yet to be addressed include graduate funding allocation, tuition and accountability criteria.  COU and MTCU are working on establishing processes for each of these.
The University has initiated its fall marketing program.  Transportation and bus shelter posters are up in the GTA.  Movie theatre advertising is running and the Universities Fair in Toronto is being held (September 29 – October 2).  We also have Dr. Hayes at the student fair in Minneapolis.
We still do not have access to the Huronia Regional Centre and are proceeding with examining alternate short-term locations.
NOSM Accreditation
The Medical School opening celebration was well attended at both campuses.  Despite some technical glitches, the event was well received by the attendees.  The first class has excellent northern, rural, francophone and Aboriginal representation.
An accreditation site visit found that all concerns from the previous visit had been adequately addressed.
Current enrolment figures are very close to last year’s and hence below the budget target of 6250 FTE. I expect we will miss the target by 125-150 FTE but can manage this year’s budget without making cuts to operations. Without growth in Orillia next year coupled with increases in government funding we will be looking at possible budget reductions in 2006-07.
Director of Human Resources
Carol Calvert has been appointed as the new Director of Human Resources. Carol comes to Lakehead University with 15 years of HR experience, with a specialty in organizational development. Prior to joining Lakehead, Carol was with Raytheon Canada, where, as HR Director for 5 years, she led the company through significant organizational changes. Carol’s appointment commenced September 1, 2005.



Board of Governors

Thursday, June 16, 2005 - 12:00am
Thursday, June 16, 2005 at 4:00 p.m. in the Senate Chambers
1. Approval of Agenda
2. Declaration of Conflict of Interest
3. Chair's Report
4. Minutes of the Board of Governors' Meeting of April 22, 2005
5. Receipt of Minutes of Board Executive Committee Meeting of February 3, 2005
6. Business Arising from the Minutes (not on the Agenda elsewhere)
7. President's Report
8. Standing Committee Reports
8.1 Audit Committee (Mr. R. Marostica, Chair)
8.2 Finance & Investment Committee - Proposed Operating Budget for 2005/06 (Mr. B. LaBelle, on behalf of the Chair)
Moved that the 2005/06 operating budget aggregating $77.127 million of income and $77.127 of expenditures be approved.
8.3 Governance Committee (Mr. S. Paivalainen, Chair)
8.4 Nominating Committee (Mr. S. Paivalainen, Chair)
8.4.1 Nomination of Replacement Member due to Sabbatical Leave
Moved that Dr. Ken Brown be elected to finish the term as a Senate Representative to the Board of Governors, commencing July 1, 2005 to the Annual Meeting of 2007, due to Dr. Lori Chambers taking a sabbatical leave.
8.4.2 Replacement of Member on Governance Committee
Moved that Dr. Ken Brown be elected to the Governance Committee to finish the term of Dr. Lori Chambers.
8.5 Operations Committee (Mr. Marostica, on behalf of the Chair)
8.6 Senate Liaison Committee (Dr. B. Parker, Chair)
8.7 Student Liaison Committee (Mr. J. Gallant, Chair)
8.8 University Advancement Committee (Mr. B. LaBelle, Chair)
9. Report of the Alumni Association (Mr. D. Heald, Alumni Representative)
10. Semi-Annual Report on Occupational Health and Safety (Mr. Pawlowski)
11. Recommendation for Promotion (Dr. F. Gilbert)
Moved that the following be recommended for Promotion to Professor, effective July 1, 2005, as recommended at the April 2005, Promotion, Tenure and Renewal Committees meeting:
Dr. R. Farrell - Indigenous Learning
Dr. R. Harpelle - History
Dr. R. Warkentin - Anthropology
Dr. R. Wei - Computer Science
Dr. W. Sears - Physics
Dr. K. Liu - Mechanical Engineering
Dr. W. Montelpare - Kinesiology
Dr. C. Nelson - Social Work
Dr. I. Newhouse - Professional Schools
12. Approval of Chair and Director Appointments (Acting Chair Appointment -for information only) (Dr. F. Gilbert)
13. Extension of Faculty Appointments to the Judicial Panel for the Code of Student Behaviour and Disciplinary Procedures (Dr. F. Gilbert)
14. Approval of Adjunct Professors (Dr. F. Gilbert)
Movedthat the following be ratified as Adjunct Professors effective immediately to June 30, 2008, as recommended by Senate on May 12, 2005 and June 6, 2005:
Dr. Jungwee Park - School of Nursing
Dr. William F.E. Brown - School of Nursing
Dr. Len Hunt - School of Outdoor Recreation, Parks & Tourism
Dr. William G. Cole - Faculty of Forestry and the Forest Environment
15. Proposed Change of Dates for Board Meetings (Dr. F. Gilbert)
Moved that the Annual Meeting of September 16, 2005 be moved to Thursday, September 29, 2005 to coincide with Lakehead's 40th Anniversary Weekend.
Moved that the Friday, March 3, 2006 Board of Governors' meeting be moved to Thursday, March 2, 2006 to avoid a conflict with the March 3, 2006 Senate meeting.
16. Approval of Amendments to the Pension Plan for Professional Staff of Lakehead University (Mr. M. Pawlowski)
17. Approval of the Establishment of a Board of Governors' Ad Hoc Committee on Aboriginal Development (Mr. T. Pile)

Items for Information

18. Report of the Lakehead University Student Union (Mr. A. Krupper)
19. Report from the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre Board (Mr. Bob Main)
20. Board Members Retiring in 2005
21. Items approved (on May 5, 2005) by the Board Executive, on behalf of the Board of Governors
21.1 Approval of Proposed Fees for Residence Rates
21.2 Approval of Proposed Fees for Parking Rates
21.3 Approval of Revised Procedures for End-of-Term Review of the President
21.4 Approval of Revised Procedures for Annual Performance Review of the President
21.5 Approval of Chair and Director Appointments
22. In Camera Meeting
TheJune 16,2005 Board of Governors' Minutes will be posted following the September 29, 2005 Annual Board Meeting.


40th Anniversary
There will be a 40th Anniversary Campus Celebration the evening of June 30.   Board of Governors members are invited to join with the rest of the University community in the barbecue, live entertainment and fireworks beginning at 6:00 p.m.
Council of Ontario Universities
COU will hold an Executive Heads retreat on June 22 to deal with budgetary and other issues.  Recommendations to government on the allocation process for new funding will be developed.
I have been appointed as a member of the Government and Community Relations Committee for a two-year period beginning July 1, 2005.
Representatives from Orillia are now fully engaged in the deliberations of the working groups and the Implementation Task Force.  I met with the Beausoleil First Nation June 14 and negotiations with Georgian College continue.
Our consultants have engaged with the City of Orillia’s consultants to work jointly on Orillia campus issues.
Abolishment of Mandatory Retirement
The provincial government has tabled a bill to abolish mandatory retirement.  It is expected that late in 2006 or early 2007 the bill will be implemented (one year following royal assent).  Lakehead University will be developing language for future contracts that will provide options to employees based on the proposed new legislation.
Joint Board Meetings
The Executive Committee of the Board of Governors and the College’s Board will meet June 28 to discuss cooperation between the two institutions.
NOSM Accreditation
At a joint meeting last week, both CACMS and LCME, the Canadian and American accrediting bodies approved continuing provisional accreditation of the Medical School.
It appears that we may be challenged to meet the enrolment target for 2005-06.  Confirmations are lagging behind last year’s and competition from some southern universities continues to be very fierce.  All efforts are being concentrated on the critical next few weeks to maximize confirmations.



Board of Governors

Friday, April 22, 2005 - 12:00am
Friday, April 22, 2005 at 4:00 p.m. in the Senate Chambers
1. Approval of Agenda
2. Declaration of Conflict of Interest
3. Chair's Report
4. Minutes of the Board of Governors' Meeting of March 3, 2005
5. Business Arising from the Minutes (not on the Agenda elsewhere)
6. President's Report
** University Information Session - Dr. Steve Kinrade - It's a Silicon World"
7. Standing Committee Reports
7.1 Audit Committee (Mr. R. Marostica, Chair)
7.2 Finance & Investment Committee (Mr. H. Cardwell, Chair)
7.3 Governance Committee - Proposed Amendments to the By-Laws(Mr. S. Paivalainen, Chair)
Moved that the Membership of the Student Liaison Committee be amended as recommended by the Governance Committee.
Moved that the Compensation Committee be approved as a Standing Committee of the Board of Governors as recommended by the Governance Committee.
Moved that the Terms of Reference of the Compensation Committee be approved as recommended by the Governance Committee.
7.4 Nominating Committee (Mr. S. Paivalainen, Chair)
7.5 Operations Committee (Mr. Dysievick, on behalf of the Chair)
7.6 Senate Liaison Committee (Dr. B. Parker, Chair)
7.7 Student Liaison Committee (Mr. J. Gallant, Chair)
7.8 University Advancement Committee (Mr. B. LaBelle, Chair)
8. Report of the Alumni Association (Mr. D. Heald, Alumni Representative)
9. Approval of Adjunct Professors
Movedthat the following be ratified as Adjunct Professors effective immediately to June 30, 2008, as recommended by Senate on April 1, 2005:
Dr. Pierre Ct - School of Nursing
Dr. John Michael Haggarty - Department of Psychology
Dr. David Peerla - Department of Sociology
Prof. Paolo Sanzo - School of Kinesiology
Dr. Dawn Sutherland - Faculty of Education
Items for Information
10. Report of the Lakehead University Student Union (Mr. G. Strickert)
11. Report from the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre Board (Mr. Bob Main)
12. In Camera Meeting
1. Approval of Agenda
Moved by Mr. Marostica, seconded by Mr. Gallant that the Agenda be approved with the addition of #7.8.1 - Approval of University Advancement Committee 2004/05 Action Plan.
Carried unanimously.
2. Declaration of Conflict of Interest
Dr. Parker informed members that if the CAW strike was discussed, he may have a conflict of interest since he is a member of the Lakehead University Faculty Association.
3. Chair's Report
Mrs. Dojack reminded members that Convocation would be taking place on Saturday, May 28th, 2005. She encouraged all Board members to attend the morning and afternoon ceremonies, where they would take part in the platform party. She also stated that the evening of Convocation, the Chancellor's dinner would be taking place, noting that invitations will be mailed in the near future.
Mrs. Dojack asked members to tentatively mark in their calendar September 29th and 30th, 2005. She stated that on the 29th, a Board sponsored fund-raising dinner may be taking place. If the 29th is agreed upon, the September 16th Annual Board meeting will be moved to September 30th. These two functions will coincide with Lakehead University's 40th Anniversary Celebration weekend.
Mrs. Dojack concluded by informing members that Ms. Patti Merriman, Secretary of the Board of Governors, and she would be attending the National Association of Board Chairs and Secretaries Conference in Halifax, Nova Scotia at the end of April.
4. Approval of Minutes of Board of Governors' Meeting of March 3, 2005
Moved by Mr. Robson, seconded by Mr. Pile that the Minutes of Board of Governors' Meeting of March 3, 2005 be approved as amended.
Carried unanimously.
5. Business Arising from the Minutes (not on the Agenda elsewhere)
There was no business arising from the Minutes.
6. President's Report
The President spoke to his report which had been circulated at the beginning of the meeting.
Questions regarding the CAW strike were addressed to Dr. Gilbert. Dr. Gilbert informed members that a CAW strike update would be discussed in the in camera meeting which would take place at the end of the public Board meeting.
Discussion arose regarding the Office of Communications' marketing budget. Board members expressed concern regarding the timing of transit campaigns, and other marketing campaigns. The Chair noted that this matter should be referred to the Operations Committee and the Finance & Investment Committee.
Dr. Bill Parker, Chair of the Senate Liaison Committee, introduced Dr. Steve Kinrade, Department of Chemistry. Dr. Kinrade delivered a presentation entitled "It's a Silicon World".
7. Standing Committee Reports
7.1 Audit Committee
Mr. Marostica, Chair of the Audit Committee, reviewed the report which had been circulated at the beginning of the meeting.
Moved by Mr. Marostica, seconded by Mr. Tuchenhagen that the report of the Audit Committee be accepted.
Carried unanimously.
7.2 Finance & Investment Committee
Dr. Parker, on behalf of the Chair, reported that the Finance & Investment Committee had not met since the last Board meeting.
7.3 Governance Committee
Mr. Paivalainen, Chair of the Governance Committee, reviewed the report which had been circulated with the Agenda.
Moved by Mr. Paivalainen, seconded by Mrs. Balacko that the Membership of the Student Liaison Committee be amended as recommended by the Governance Committee.
Carried unanimously.
Mr. Paivalainen reported that in June 2004, the Board Executive Committee had established an Ad Hoc Committee to Review Senior Management Compensation. Since that time, the Ad Hoc Committee has met and fulfilled its duties. During deliberations, the Ad Hoc Committee expressed a need for the Committee to become a Standing Committee of the Board. In December 2004, the Ad Hoc Committees draft Terms of Reference were reviewed by the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee accepted the Terms of Reference and referred them to the Governance Committee.
Moved by Mr. Paivalainen, seconded by Mr. Robson that the Compensation Committee be approved as a Standing Committee of the Board of Governors as recommended by the Governance Committee.
Carried unanimously.
Moved by Mr. Paivalainen, seconded by Mr. Robson that the Terms of Reference of the Compensation Committee be approved as recommended by the Governance Committee.
Carried unanimously.
Moved by Mr. Paivalainen, seconded by Mr. Gallant that the report of the Governance Committee be accepted.
Carried unanimously.
7.4 Nominating Committee
Mr. Paivalainen reviewed the report which had been circulated at the beginning of the meeting. He was pleased to report that Dr. George Macey and Mr. Rod Shewchuk have agreed to accept the Award of Fellow of the University at the May, 2005 Convocation.
Moved by Mr. Paivalainen, seconded by Mr. Robson that the report of the Nominating Committee be accepted.
Carried unanimously.
7.5 Operations Committee
Mr. Dysievick, on behalf of the Chair, reviewed the Operations Committee report which had been circulated at the beginning of the meeting.
Moved by Mr. Dysievick, seconded by Mr. Marostica that the report of the Operations Committee be accepted.
Mrs. Balacko stated that the International Union of Operating Engineers (IUOE) was given a presentation regarding Johnson Controls. After this presentation, the members of IUOE had spoken to Mrs. Balacko and stated that they had some concerns regarding staffing issues and safety.
Mrs. Balacko also gave her perspective of the strike since she was a union member on campus.
Dr. Gilbert asked Mrs. Balacko to send a letter to Mr. Pawlowski which would include the concerns of the IUOE members regarding Johnson Controls. Dr. Gilbert assured the Board that the University and Johnson Controls are in compliance with the agreement.
[Mrs. Balacko left the meeting.]
Carried unanimously.
7.6 Senate Liaison Committee
Dr. Parker informed Board members that the Senate Liaison Committee will be meeting on Tuesday, April 26, 2005, noting that Mrs. Bonnie Moore, Director of Development, would be attending the meeting to discuss faculty fundraising.
Dr. Parker concluded by thanking Mr. James Gallant, Chair of the Student Liaison Committee, for his presentation which he gave at the last Senate meeting.
Moved by Dr. Parker, seconded by Mr. Marostica that the oral report of the Senate Liaison Committee be accepted.
Carried unanimously.
7.7 Student Liaison Committee
Mr. Gallant, Chair of the Student Liaison Committee, reviewed the Committees' report which had been circulated with the Agenda.
Moved by Mr. Gallant, seconded by Mr. Pile that the report of the Student Liaison Committee be accepted.
Carried unanimously.
7.8 University Advancement Committee
Mr. Wallace, on behalf of the Chair, reviewed the report of the University Advancement Committee.
Moved by Mr. Wallace, seconded by Mr. Heald that the report of the University Advancement Committee be accepted.
Carried unanimously.
7.8.1 Approval of University Advancement Committee 2004/05 Action Plan
Mr. Wallace reviewed the 200/405 Action Plan which had been circulated at the beginning of the meeting.
Moved by Mr. Wallace, seconded by Mr. Robson that the 2004/05 Action Plan be approved.
Carried unanimously.
8. Report of the Alumni Association
Mr. Heald presented the report of the Alumni Association which had been circulated at the beginning of the meeting.
Moved by Mr. Heald, seconded by Mr. Wallace that the report of the Alumni Association be accepted.
Carried unanimously.
9. Approval of Adjunct Professors
Movedby Dr. Gilbert, seconded by Dr. Parker that the following be ratified as Adjunct Professors effective immediately to June 30, 2008, as recommended by Senate on April 1, 2005:
Dr. Pierre Ct - School of Nursing
Dr. John Michael Haggarty - Department of Psychology
Dr. David Peerla - Department of Sociology
Prof. Paolo Sanzo - School of Kinesiology
Dr. Dawn Sutherland - Faculty of Education
Carried unanimously.
Items for Information
10. Report of the Lakehead University Student Union
Mr. Strickert, President of LUSU, informed members that this would be his last meeting and thanked the student body for all their support over the past year. Mr. Strickert gave a brief summary of the successes and events which had taken place over the past year. He concluded by stating that his full report could be viewed on LUSU's website.
Mr. Marostica expressed sincere gratitude to Mr. Strickert for a job well done.
Dr. Gilbert and Mrs. Dojack also thanked Mr. Strickert for an outstanding job.
11. Report from the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre Board
Mrs. Dojack informed members that Mr. Bob Main was not in attendance, but the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre Board report had been circulated with the Agenda.
12. In Camera Meeting
Moved by Mr. Paivalainen, seconded by Mr. Marostica that Mr. Michael Pawlowski remain for the In Camera meeting.
Carried unanimously.

The meeting, which began at 4:08 p.m., was adjourned at 5:42 p.m., on a motion by Mr. Gallant, and seconded by Mr. Paivalainen. The meeting moved in camera.
Carried unanimously.
Application Data
While the Ontario system has seen an overall increase of about 2% in applications, Lakehead is one of those universities that has seen a substantive decline in first choice applications (-15%).  Considerable effort is being made to convert these applicants to registrants for the fall.
The provincial budget will be released April 26 or the following Tuesday.  There continue to be indications that post secondary education will receive increased funding but the impact on the university remains unknown at this time.  The university’s budget will be finalized once we have the provincial data.  Without an increase in funding we are facing reductions in spending of about 2%.
CAW Strike
Negotiations with the union are at an impasse.  The university remains committed to having an outsourcing option in the next collective agreement.
Policy development at COU in conjunction with MTCU tends to negatively impact Lakehead University.  The latest example relates to graduate funding where the proposed formula discounts the growth we have seen in the last 3 years and removes our status of capacity building.
I made a presentation at Orillia City Council Chambers that was attended by about 200 townspeople.  I also met with a representative of the Mnjikaning First Nation and the Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner of the OPP.  The Implementation Task Force has been meeting regularly with the first Orillia representatives to be engaged before the next meeting in May.
Director of TSC
Shahzad Jafri is the new Director of the Technology Services Centre.  He joins us from North Carolina where he served as Assistant Vice Chancellor and Chief Architect of Information Technology at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University.  He started work February 1st.

Board of Governors

Thursday, March 3, 2005 - 12:00am
Thursday, March 3, 2005 at 4:00 p.m. in the Senate Chambers
The annual Board photograph will be taken in the Faculty Lounge immediately prior to this meeting. Please arrive in the Faculty Lounge at 3:30 p.m. Thanks.
A joint dinner with the Board of Governors, the LakeheadUniversity Student Union Board of Directors and the Alumni Association Board of Directors will be held in the Outpost immediately following the meeting.
1. Approval of Agenda
2. Declaration of Conflict of Interest
3. Chair's Report
4. Minutes of the Board of Governors' Meeting of January 7, 2005
5. Receipt of Minutes of Board Executive Committee Meeting of December 2, 2004
6. Business Arising from the Minutes (not on the Agenda elsewhere)
7. President's Report
** University Information Session - Dr. Ulf Runesson - Decision Support Systems Based on Remote Sensing Science - the LU Approach"
8. Standing Committee Reports
8.1 Audit Committee (Mr. R. Marostica, Chair)
8.2 Finance & Investment Committee (Mr. H. Cardwell, Chair)
8.3 Governance Committee (Mr. S. Paivalainen, Chair)
8.4 Nominating Committee (Mr. S. Paivalainen, Chair)
8.5 Operations Committee (Mr. Bill Bartley, Chair)
8.6 Senate Liaison Committee (Dr. B. Parker, Chair)
8.7 Student Liaison Committee (Mr. J. Gallant, Chair)
8.8 University Advancement Committee (Mr. B. LaBelle, Chair)
9. Report of the Alumni Association (Mr. D. Heald, Alumni Representative)
Items for Information
10. Report of the Lakehead University Student Union (Mr. G. Strickert)
11. Report from the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre Board (Mr. Bob Main)
12. In Camera Meeting
1. Approval of Agenda
Moved by Mr. Bartley, seconded by Mr. Hannaford that the Agenda be approved as circulated.
Carried unanimously.

2. Declaration of Conflict of Interest
None was declared.
3. Chair's Report
Mrs. Dojack informed the Board that she had just returned from Rwanda, Africa where she assisted in the construction of a school. She stated that she had met with the President of National University of Rwanda, along with the Minister of Science and Technology where they discussed a signed letter of intent from Lakehead University. Mrs. Dojack was pleased to report that Rwanda University also signed the letter of intent and both the university and government are excited about the collaborative ventures with Lakehead.
4. Approval of Minutes of Board of Governors' Meeting of January 7, 2005
Moved by Ms. Dumyn, seconded by Ms. Bradford that the Minutes of Board of Governors' Meeting of January 7, 2005 be approved as circulated.
Carried unanimously.
5. Receipt of Minutes of Board Executive Committee Meeting of December 2, 2004
Copies of the Minutes were circulated with the Agenda.
Moved by Mr. Robson, seconded by Mr. Campbell that the Minutes of Board Executive Committee Meeting of December 2, 2004 be received as amended.
Carried unanimously.
[Mr. Davies joined the meeting.]
6. Business Arising from the Minutes (not on the Agenda elsewhere)
There was no business arising from the Minutes.
7. President's Report
Dr. Gilbert informed members that Lakehead is participating in a COU advocacy initiative intended to increase public and government awareness on increased funding for universities.
Dr. Gilbert reported to the Board the key recommendations from the Rae Report. He recommended that all Board members should be familiar with the Rae Report.
Mrs. Balacko raised a question regarding the new policy entitled "Proper Use of University Assets". She expressed concern that the newly developed policy could be broadly interpreted. After elaborating on the policy, Dr. Gilbert informed the Board that the policy would be referred to the Internal Relations Committee for their interpretation and review.
[Mr. Isber left the meeting.]
Dr. Bill Parker, Chair of the Senate Liaison Committee, introduced Dr. Ulf Runesson, Faculty of Forestry and the Forest Environment. Dr. Runesson delivered a presentation entitled "Decision Support Systems Based on Remote Sensing Science - the LU Approach".
8. Standing Committee Reports
8.1 Audit Committee
Mr. Marostica, Chair of the Audit Committee, reported that the Committee had not met since the last meeting of the Board.
8.2 Finance & Investment Committee
Mr. Cardwell, Chair of the Finance & Investment Committee, stated that the Committee had met twice since the last Board meeting. He reviewed the report of the Finance and Investment Committee which had been circulated at the beginning of the meeting.
Mr. Pawlowski gave a brief pension update, noting that pension recommendations would be coming forward at the April Board meeting.
Moved by Mr. Cardwell, seconded by Mr. Wallace that the report of the Finance and Investment Committee be accepted.
Carried unanimously.
8.3 Governance Committee
Mr. Paivalainen, Chair of the Governance Committee, reported that the Committee had not met since the last meeting of the Board.
8.4 Nominating Committee
Mr. Paivalainen reported that the Committee had met once since the last meeting, noting that the item discussed at the last Nominating meeting would be dealt with at the In Camera Board meeting.
8.5 Operations Committee
Mr. Bartley reviewed the report of the Operations Committee which had been circulated with the Agenda, noting that the Committee had met twice since the last meeting. Mr. Bartley reported that Mr. Bill Bragnalo, Director of Human Resources, had left the University, therefore, Mr. Pawlowski is the Interim Human Resources Director. He further reported that the CAW union is in a legal strike position. Mediation is scheduled for March 11th, 2005 and the Operations Committee will keep the Board apprised.
Moved by Mr. Bartley, seconded by Mr. Heald that the report of the Operations Committee be accepted.
Carried unanimously.
8.6 Senate Liaison Committee
Dr. Bill Parker, Chair of the Senate Liaison Committee, reported that the Committee had met once since the last Board meeting, noting that discussions dealt with current Senate and Senate Standing Committee issues and Board of Governors' information sessions. He also stated that the Senate Liaison Committee discussed the possibility of developing a faculty controlled fundraising committee. Dr. Parker reported that Ms. Moore, Director of Development, would be invited to the next Senate Liaison Committee meeting to discuss this venture.
Moved by Dr. Parker, seconded by Dr. McPherson that the verbal report of the Senate Liaison Committee be accepted.
Carried unanimously.
8.7 Student Liaison Committee
Mr. Gallant, Chair of the Student Liaison Committee, reported that the Committee had met twice since the last meeting. He reviewed the report of the Committee which had been circulated at the beginning of the meeting.
Moved by Mr. Gallant, seconded by Mr. Hannaford that the report of the Student Liaison Committee be accepted.
Carried unanimously.
8.8 University Advancement Committee
Mr. LaBelle, Chair of the University Advancement Committee, was unable to attend the Board meeting; therefore, the Chair referred members to the report which had been circulated with the Agenda.
Moved by Ms. Dumyn, seconded by Dr. McPherson that the report of the University Advancement Committee be accepted.
Carried unanimously.
9. Report of the Alumni Association
Mr. Heald presented the report of the Alumni Association. He extended thanks to Dr. Gilbert and to the Registrar's Office for recognizing the Young Alumni Award at Convocation 2005.
Moved by Mr. Heald, seconded by Mr. Gallant that the report of the Alumni Association be accepted.
Carried unanimously.
10. Proposed Date Change for April 21, 2005 Board Meeting
Moved by Ms. Dumyn, seconded by Mr. Hannaford that the Thursday, April 21, 2005 Board of Governors' meeting be moved to Friday, April 22, 2005 to avoid a conflict with a meeting of the Council of Ontario Universities.
Carried unanimously.
Items for Information
11. Report of the Lakehead University Student Union
Mr. Strickert, President of LUSU, reviewed the report which had been circulated with the Agenda. He also introduced Mr. Adam Krupper who will be the new President of LUSU as of May 1, 2005.
12. Report from the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre Board
Mr. Bob Main was unable to attend the meeting, but had submitted a written report which had been circulated with the Agenda.
13. In Camera Meeting
The meeting, which begun at 4:05 p.m., was adjourned at 5:30 p.m., on a motion by Mr. Davies, and seconded by Mr. Cardwell. The meeting moved in camera.
Carried unanimously.