Board of Governors
Thursday, June 19, 2008 - 12:00am
1. Welcome to New Member - Mr. Bruce Waite
2. Approval of Agenda
3. Declaration of Conflict of Interest
4. Chair's Report
5. Approval of Minutes of the Board of Governors' Meeting of April 16, 2008
6. Receipt of Minutes of the Board Executive Committee Meeting of December 5, 2007
7. Business Arising from the Minutes (not on the Agenda elsewhere)
** University Information Session - Orillia Campus Consultants **
8. Standing Committee Reports
8.1 Audit & Risk Management Committee (Mr. D. Heroux, Chair)
8.2 Finance & Investment Committee (Ms. A. Dumyn, Chair)
8.2.1 Approval of Proposed Operating Budget for 2008/09
Moved that the Board of Governors approve the 2008/09 operating budget aggregating $94.033 million of income and $96.953 million of expenditures.
8.3 Governance Committee (Mr. K. Cleghorn, Chair)
8.4 Nominating Committee (Mrs. J. Dojack, Chair)
8.5 NOSM Committee (Mr. G. Labine)
8.6 Operations Committee (Mr. H. Cardwell, Chair)
8.7 Senate Liaison Committee (Dr. M. McPherson, Chair)
8.8 Student Liaison Committee (Ms. K. Kempton, Chair)
8.9 University Advancement Committee (Mr. A. Crooks, Chair)
9. Report of the Alumni Association (Mr. D. Heroux, Alumni Association Representative)
10. Ratification of Adjunct Professors (Dr. F. Gilbert)
Movedthat Dr. Deborah McGregor be ratified as an Adjunct Professor in the Faculty of Education, retroactive to January 1, 2008 to December 31, 2012, as recommended by Senate on April 25, 2008.
Movedthat Dr. Brent Cuthbertson be ratified as an Internal Adjunct Professor in the Faculty of Education, retroactive to January 1, 2008 to December 31, 2012, as recommended by Senate on April 25, 2008.
Movedthat Dr. Clara Sacchetti-Dufresne be ratified as an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Philosophy, effective July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2012, as recommended by Senate on April 25, 2008.
Movedthat Mr. Peter Globensky be ratified as an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Political Science, effective July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2012, as recommended by Senate on May 20, 2008.
Movedthat Dr. Fridolin Ting be ratified as an Internal Adjunct Professor in the Department of Physics, effective July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2012, as recommended by Senate on May 20, 2008.
Movedthat Dr. Brian Palik be ratified as an Adjunct Professor in the Faculty of Forest and Forest Environment, effective July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2012, as recommended by Senate on May 20, 2008.
11. Appointment of Board of Governors' Member to the Lakehead University Professional Plan Pension Board
Moved that _______ be appointed to the Lakehead University Professional Plan Pension Board for a three-year period commencing July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2011.
12. Approval of Board of Governors' Representative to Decanal Search Committees (Dr. L. Hayes)
12.1 Search Committee for the Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences & Humanities
Moved that _______ be appointed as the Board of Governors' Representative to the Search Committee for the Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences & Humanities.
12.2 Search Committee for the Dean of the Faculty of Health & Behavioural Sciences
Moved that _______ be appointed as the Board of Governors' Representative to the Search Committee for the Dean of the Faculty of Health & Behavioural Sciences.
13. Ratification of the Establishment of an Advanced Institute for Globalization and Culture (AIG&C) (Dr. F. Gilbert)
Moved that the Establishment of an Advanced Institute for Globalization and Culture (AIG&C) be ratified, as recommended by Senate on May 20, 2008.
14. Approval of Chair Re-Appointment (Dr. F. Gilbert)
Items for Information
14. Report from the Pension Board re: Pension Plan for Professional Staff (Ms. A. Dumyn / Mr. J. Dennison)
16. Report of the Northern Ontario School of Medicine (Dr. J. Lanphear)
17. Report from the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre Board (Mr. G. Labine)
18. Report of the Board of Governors' Representative to Senate (Mr. K. Dahl)
19. Items approved (on June 5, 2008) by the Board Executive, on behalf of the Board of Governors
19.1 Financial Update (Information only)
19.2 Approval of Department Chairs
19.3 Review of Board Policies
20. In Camera Meeting
Moved that Mr. Michael Pawlowski and Mr. John Singer remain for the In Camera Meeting.
1. Welcome to New Member
Mr. Campbell welcomed Mr. Bruce Waite, Lieutenant Governor-in-Council appointee, to the Board of Governors. He also welcomed Mr. Andrew Dean, Dean of Sciences and Environmental Studies and Mr. John Singer, Vice-President (University Advancement).
2.Approval of Agenda
Moved by Mr. Marostica, seconded by Mr. Pile that the Agenda be approved with the following amendments and additions: item #6 should read "Receipt of Minutes"; new item #14 - "Approval of Chair Re-appointment"; remove item #15 - "Report from the Lakehead University Student Union"; and item #20, motion should read "Moved that Mr. Michael Pawlowski and Mr. John Singer remain for the In Camera Meeting."
Carried unanimously.
3.Declaration of Conflict of Interest
None were declared.
4. Chair's Report
Mr. Campbell acknowledged Lakehead's faculty and staff for their hard work and dedication during the May 2008 Convocation. He also thanked all Governors who attended the Convocation ceremonies.
Mrs. Dojack invited Governors to attend the 2008 Lakehead Celebrates which will be held on Thursday, October 16, 2008 in the Hangar, noting that this function was aligned with the Board of Governors' Annual Meeting on Friday, October 17, 2008. She noted that Ms. Merriman will be emailing the table reservation forms next week and encouraged Governors to purchase a table of 8.
Mr. Campbell invited Governors to attend a reception in honour of Dr. Ian Newhouse, Dean of the Faculty of Professional Schools. He stated that Dr. Newhouse will be stepping down as Dean and rejoining the School of Kinesiology on July 1, 2008.The reception will be held in Braun Building 1072 A on Monday, June 23, between 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.
Mr. Campbell was pleased to announce that Dr. Peter Hollings, Associate Professor of Geology, is the recipient of the 2008 William Harvey Gross Award. The award - a major honour in the field of geology - was presented by the Mineral Deposits Division (MDD) of the Geological Association of Canada at an annual luncheon held in Quebec City in May.
Mr. Campbell also acknowledged Dr. Josephine Tan, Director of Clinical Training in Psychology and Associate Psychology Professor, for receiving the Canadian Council of Professional Psychology Programs Award for Excellence in Professional Training (Academic). This honour recognizes Dr. Tan's exemplary efforts and leadership in developing excellence in the science and practice of Psychology among students enrolled in Lakehead's Clinical Psychology program. The nomination was secretly initiated by Psychology graduate students and supported by the Psychology faculty.
Finally, Mr. Campbell reported that Dr. Lori Chambers, Associate Professor of Women's Studies, has received the Alison Prentice award for her most recent book entitledMisconceptions: Unmarried Mothers and the Ontario Children of Unmarried Parents Act, 1921-1969. This award is a major honour and is presented every three years to the best book in Canadian women's history (published during the three-year period). Contending books are judged by a panel of experts in the field. Dr. Chambers has now won this award twice, for this work and for her first book entitledMarried Women's Property Law in Victorian Ontario. She is the first person to receive this two-time honour!
5. Approval of Minutes of the Board of Governors' Meeting of April 16, 2008
The Minutes were circulated with the Agenda.
Moved by Mr. Robson, seconded by Ms. Kempton that the Minutes of the Board of Governors' Meeting of April 16, 2008 be approved as circulated.
Mr. Cleghorn noted that on page 7 of the Minutes "Bay" should be added to the first sentence.
Carried with correction.
6. Receipt of Minutes of the Board Executive Committee Meeting of December 5, 2007
The Minutes were circulated with the Agenda.
Moved by Mr. Labine, seconded by Mr. Dudtschak that the Minutes of the Board of Governors' Executive Committee Meeting of December 5, 2008 be received as circulated.
Discussion arose surrounding an inconsistency regarding section b on page 3 and Article 1.31.1 on page 5. Governors requested Administration or the Pension Board to review the minutes.
Moved by Mr. Robson, seconded Mr. Dudtschak that the motion dealing with the receipt of the December 5, 2008 Board Executive Committee Minutes be tabled.
Carried unanimously.
7. Business Arising from the Minutes (not on the Agenda elsewhere)
There was no business arising from the Minutes.
[Ms. Dumyn joined the meeting.]
Mr. Pawlowski, Vice-President (Administration & Finance) introduced Ms. Kirsten Douglas from Diamond & Schmitt Architects, and Mr. David Nesbitt from MHPM Projects Managers Inc. They delivered a presentation on the Orillia Campus.
8. Standing Committee Reports
8.1 Audit & Risk Management Committee
Mr. Heroux informed Board members that the Audit & Risk Management Committee had not met since the last Board meeting, noting that the Committee would be meeting at the end of August.
8.2 Finance & Investment Committee
Ms. Dumyn noted that the Finance & Investment Committee report had been circulated at the beginning of the meeting. She reported that the Committee had met once since the last Board meeting.
8.2.1 Approval of Proposed Operating Budget for 2008/09
Ms. Dumyn reported that 2007/08 updated budget projected an operating surplus of $0.206 million compared to the budgeted deficit of $1.736 million. She noted that this increase in surplus was due primarily to the unanticipated flow of government grants. Ms. Dumyn stated that the projected accumulated surplus at April 30, 2008 is $3.771 million.
Ms. Dumyn advised members that the 2008/09 operating budget was presented showing a deficit of $2.920 million which has been offset by using the accumulated surpluses from previous years which balances the 2008/09 budget. She reported that the budget was based upon revenues related to enrolment of 6,200 full time students; 500 of these students are expected to be at the Orillia campus. Ms. Dumyn mentioned that student applications, as well as the number of confirmed students, indicate that budgeted enrolment is realistic. She concluded her report by informing members that the total revenue for the year is estimated to be $94.033 million and the total expenditures are estimated to be $96.953 million.
Moved by Ms. Dumyn, seconded by Mr. Robson that the Board of Governors approve the 2008/09 operating budget aggregating $94.033 million of income and $96.953 million of expenditures.
Carried unanimously.
Ms. Dumyn continued by reporting that the Finance and Investment Committee reviewed the Statement of Cash Flow and the 07/08 year end balance was $17.409 million. She noted that approximately $3.9 million loan payments were made mid-May 2008 leaving $12.026 million for summer operations.
Ms. Dumyn reported that the Committee received a continuity schedule on the University endowment as at April 30, 2008 showing total contributions to the University endowment, interest attributed to the endowment and interest attributed to university operations.
Finally, Ms. Dumyn reported that the Committee also received information from Administration outlining the three key ratios or numbers which most affect the financial wellbeing of the University - full time enrolment numbers; full time employee numbers; cash position, noting that Administration itemized the source documents and distribution paths of these data.
Moved by Ms. Dumyn, seconded by Mr. Pile that the report of the Finance & Investment Committee be accepted.
Carried unanimously.
8.3 Governance Committee
Mr. Cleghorn advised members that the Governance Committee had not met since the last Board meeting. Mr. Cleghorn drew members' attention to the report on the National Association of University Board Chairs and Secretaries, adding that the report was for information purposes only.
8.4 Nominating Committee
Mrs. Dojack reported that the Nominating Committee continues to meet regularly. She stated that the Committee has interviewed a number of excellent candidates for Board positions. Mrs. Dojack mentioned that the Committee's written report would be circulated at the October Annual Board Meeting.
8.5 NOSM Committee
Mr. Labine reviewed the report of the NOSM Committee which had been circulated with the Agenda, noting that the Committee had met on June 3, 2008. He advised members that the NOSM Board of Directors had approved a 3% tuition increase for the 2008-09 academic year. Mr. Labine reminded Governors that the Board of Governors had informed the NOSM Board of Directors that it was the Board's expectation that a minimum of40% of NOSM senior executives be located at the Lakehead University campus. Mr. Labine was pleased to announce that 5 Associate Deans or 50% of the NOSM senior executive were located at Lakehead's campus.
Moved by Mr. Labine, seconded by Mr. Marostica that the report of the NOSM Committee be accepted.
Carried unanimously.
8.6 Operations Committee
Mr. Cardwell highlighted elements of the report of the Operations Committee which had been circulated at the beginning of the meeting. Mr. Cardwell referred members to the discussion held on the Orillia Campus, Fieldhouse pool, Graduate Studies Building, and Human Resources updates. Mr. Cardwell also reported that the University had received a special, one-time Campus Renewal Program grant of $6M to be used to address deferred maintenance issues and refurbish our facilities. He noted that numerous projects have been prioritized and include; replacement of the emergency generator; replacement of the fire suppression system in the Data Centre; installation of a new sanitary sewer for the C.J. Sanders Building ;elevator repairs; roof replacements; Agora entrance repairs; PACI deferred maintenance issues; and mechanical upgrades in the 1294 Balmoral building. Mr. Cardwell concluded his report by advising members that the work will take place over the next 24 months.
Moved by Mr. Cardwell, seconded by Mr. Bruce that the report of the Operations Committee be accepted.
Carried unanimously.
8.7 Senate Liaison Committee
Dr. McPherson reported that the Committee had met once since the last meeting to review the Committee's Annual Report which will be presented to the Board at the Annual Meeting in October.
8.8 Student Liaison Committee
Ms. Kempton reported that the Committee had not met since the last Board meeting.
8.9 University Advancement Committee
Mr. Crooks reviewed the report of the University Advancement Committee which had been circulated at the beginning of the meeting. Mr. Crooks reported that the Committee will be recommending to the Governance Committee changes to its Membership, as well as its Terms of Reference.
Mr. Crooks reviewed the report of the University Advancement Committee which had been circulated at the beginning of the meeting. Mr. Crooks reported that the Committee will be recommending to the Governance Committee changes to its Membership, as well as its Terms of Reference.
Moved by Mr. Crooks, seconded by Mr. Heroux that the report of the University Advancement Committee be accepted.
Carried unanimously.
9. Report of the Alumni Association
Mr. Heroux reviewed the report which had been circulated with the Agenda. Mr. Heroux reminded members that the Alumni golf tournament is scheduled for August 12, 2008 at Whitewater Gold Club. He encouraged Board members to attend the tournament.
Moved by Mr. Heroux, seconded by Ms. Kempton that the report of the Alumni Association be accepted.
Carried unanimously.
10. Ratification of Adjunct Professors
Movedby Dr. Gilbert, seconded by Ms. Dumyn that Dr. Deborah McGregor be ratified as an Adjunct Professor in the Faculty of Education, retroactive to January 1, 2008 to December 31, 2012, as recommended by Senate on April 25, 2008.
Carried unanimously.
Movedby Dr. Gilbert, seconded by Dr. McPherson that Dr. Brent Cuthbertson be ratified as an Internal Adjunct Professor in the Faculty of Education, retroactive to January 1, 2008 to December 31, 2012, as recommended by Senate on April 25, 2008.
Carried unanimously.
Movedby Dr. Gilbert, seconded by Ms. Kempton that Dr. Clara Sachetti-Dufresne be ratified as an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Philosophy, effective July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2012, as recommended by Senate on April 25, 2008.
Carried unanimously.
Movedby Dr. Gilbert, seconded by Mr. Robson that Mr. Peter Globensky be ratified as an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Political Science, effective July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2012, as recommended by Senate on May 20, 2008.
Carried unanimously.
Movedby Dr. Gilbert, seconded by Ms. Phipps that Dr. Fridolin Ting be ratified as an Internal Adjunct Professor in the Department of Physics, effective July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2012, as recommended by Senate on May 20, 2008.
Carried unanimously.
Movedby Dr. Gilbert, seconded by Mr. McKinnon that Dr. Brian Palik be ratified as an Adjunct Professor in the Faculty of Forest and Forest Environment, effective July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2012, as recommended by Senate on May 20, 2008.
Carried unanimously.
11. Appointment of Board of Governors' Member to the Lakehead University Professional Plan Pension Board
Moved by Mr. Marostica, seconded by Mr. Dennison that Ms. Ann Dumyn be re-appointed to the Lakehead University Professional Plan Pension Board for a three-year period commencing July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2011.
Carried unanimously.
12. Approval of Board of Governors' Representative to Decanal Search Committees
12.1 Search Committee for the Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences & Humanities
Moved by Mr. Marostica, seconded by Mr. Crooks that Mr. Colin Bruce be appointed as the Board of Governors' Representative to the Search Committee for the Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences & Humanities.
Carried unanimously.
12.2 Search Committee for the Dean of the Faculty of Health & Behavioural Sciences
Moved by Mr. Robson, seconded by Mr. Bruce that Mr. Marostica be appointed as the Board of Governors' Representative to the Search Committee for the Dean of the Faculty of Health & Behavioural Sciences.
Carried unanimously.
13. Ratification of the Establishment of an Advanced Institute for Globalization and Culture (AIG&C)
Moved by Dr. Gilbert, seconded by Dr. Leggatt that the Establishment of an Advanced Institute for Globalization and Culture (AIG&C) be ratified, as recommended by Senate on May 20, 2008.
Carried unanimously.
14. Approval of Chair Re-appointment
Moved by Dr. Gilbert, seconded by Ms. Kempton that Dr. Bakhtiar Moazzami be re-appointed Chair of the Department of Economics for a one-year period, effective July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009.
Carried unanimously.
Items for Information
15. Report from the Pension Board re: Pension Plan for Professional Staff
Ms. Dumyn reviewed the report of the Pension Board which had been circulated with the Agenda. Ms. Dumyn acknowledged Professor Jerry Phillips, Chair, for his dedication to the Pension Board.
16. Report of the Lakehead University Student Union
Mr. Longtin was not in attendance.
17. Report of the Northern Ontario School of Medicine
Mr. Campbell informed members that the report of the Northern Ontario School of Medicine had been circulated with the Agenda.
18. Report from the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre Board
Mr. Labine reviewed the report from the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre Board which had been circulated with the Agenda.
19. Report of the Board of Governors' Representative to Senate
Mr. Dahl, Board of Governors' Representative to Senate, updated members on the April and May Senate meetings, adding that Senate Agendas, Minutes and backup documentation can be found on the Senate website.
20. Items approved (on June 5, 2008) by the Board Executive, on behalf of the Board of Governors
Mr. Campbell noted that the following items had been addressed at the June 5, 2008 Board Executive Committee meeting, noting that the backup documentation on these items had been circulated with the Agenda.
20.1 Financial Update (Information only)
20.2 Approval of Department Chairs
20.3 Review of Board Policies
21. In Camera Meeting
Moved by Mr. Labine, seconded by Mr. Marostica that Mr. Michael Pawlowski and Mr. John Singer remain for the In Camera Meeting.
Carried unanimously.
The meeting, which began at 4:05 p.m., was adjourned at 5:20 p.m., on a motion by Mr. Robson, and seconded by Mr. Cleghorn.
There President's Report was not an item on the June 19, 2008 Board of Governors' agenda.