Offices and Classrooms

Wednesday, September 9, 2020 - 10:30am


Elaine Doiron (COPE)

Cindy Haggerty (COPE)

Ursula MacDonald (Ex-Officio member) 

Leslie Malcolm (Schedule II mgmt.)

Juan Pernia (LUFA)

Sue Viitala (Schedule II)


  1. Approval of Agenda – Approved. 


  1. Approval of Minutes (May 15, 2020) – Approved as corrected.

  1. Outstanding Business –

  1. Transition Working Group: This new group was created to represent COPE and faculty. Labs and Safety Group was also created. Adam is our connection to the Transition Committee.

Action: Leslie will send the email copy of the response received regarding the logistics inquiry for the re-opening of the campuses for fall course delivery.  

  1. Online training opportunities for CPR: CPR training is running through St. John’s.

  2. Cindy who is our Certified –JHSC member has been registered for a one-day recertification-training course in November 2020.

  3. Sick leave discussion: Friendly reminder to stay home if your are not feeling well.

  4. Fieldhouse: Outside construction is complete. October or November is the estimated time of completion for the inside construction. 

  5. Wellness Advisory Committee:  It is moving to senior administration. 


  1. Inspections –Tiffany and Ursula have been inspecting washrooms, the Centennial Building and the University Center building.  List of classes being used unavailable at this time. 

Action: Ursula will follow up with the list.


  1. Injury and Accident Reports & Ergonomic Assessments – NONE


  1. New Business/Open Discussion –


  1. Asbestos Abatement and Lead Paint:  All asbestos has been removed for the calendar year. Audit is completed. School of Nursing lead paint removal in hallway is finished.  There are other School of Nursing lead paint sections that are pending removal: bathrooms and second floor. Mr. Bhatia’s (Mechanical Engineering lab) flooring has been replaced. The old floor was stained from years of use and the tiles contained asbestos.  This was a big project which required moving many heavy machinery in order to get to the floor.


  1. A new list of projects for next year will be provided once the audit is reviewed and recommendations for removal are made.  Ursula will update the Committee when she is made aware of the projects list.

Next meeting: To be determined.


Adjourned 11:25 am

Offices & Classrooms - May 15, 2020

Friday, May 15, 2020 - 9:45am


Start 10:00 a.m.
Elaine Doiron (COPE)
Cindy Haggerty (COPE)
Ursula MacDonald (Ex-Officio member) (Robert)
Leslie Malcolm (Schedule II mgmt.)
Juan Pernia (LUFA)
Sue Viitala (Schedule II)
1. Outstanding Business
1. A committee focused on the transition to recovery, including the fall reopening of classes, is
meeting every 2 weeks remotely. A Covid transition committee has been created to provide
guidance regarding all matters pertaining to Covid and the University. Cindy read a list of
concerns. The recovery plan will differ per department. At this time, concerns should be directed to
the Chair/Supervisor, who transfers concerns to the Dean/Supervisor who communicates to the VP
or equivalent. Lakehead will make an announcement by June 1st on fall course status. Mail delivery
status in September to be determined.
Action: Ursula to pass on how we can provide feedback to the committee focused on the
transition to recovery.
2. Online training opportunities for CPR.
Action: Ursula will send an email to the committee to confirm the cost and who can provide the
training and when.
3. Sick leave discussion: Long term application requires a doctor’s note but time off over 3 days
due to illness will require a doctor’s note when the supervisor is suspect of legitimacy.
4. Inspections – NONE
5. Injury and Accident Reports & Ergonomic Assessments – NONE
6. New Business/Open Discussion
1. Asbestos Abatement: Ongoing. Bids sent out with Physical Plant.
2. Fieldhouse: Construction going ahead.
3. Air Quality Sampling: Office results for the CB came in and the air is ok. Hallway testing has not
been completed yet. 2019 asbestos audit has been done and submitted to Physical Plant. The
zone air quality testing (for asbestos) has not been completed, the special committee will need
to meet again to discuss if we need to continue the testing, and If so should the zones be

changed. Any specific requests for air quality testing by faculty should be forwarded to Physical

4. Wellness Advisory Committee: Meeting coming up Thursday.
Action: Ursula will report on her meeting.
5. Health and Safety Certification Training: Ursula to find out if there are any on-site training
opportunities planned for this year. The online option is always available. Cindy’s certification
will expire in May 2020; Schedule II management member requires training.
6. Coronavirus Update: Ursula reported that a committee is established to oversee decisions and
action plans regarding the virus impacting the university. The Covid Transisiton Committee as
well as there will be other Committees dealing directly with specific areas.

Labs and Studios – November 27, 2019

Wednesday, November 27, 2019 - 10:15am


Present: J. Joncas, G. Oba, S. Girvin, J. Sylvestre, T. Moore

TIME Commenced:     9:10 AM

1.0   Agenda :  Items discussed as proposed by members present


2.0   Review of Minutes : April 17, 2019, August 21, 2019 – Deferred


3.0   Inspection Reports: none discussed

4.0   Accident Report/Investigations: none

5.0   Old Business:

5.1   Old Inspection Report follow-up

5.1.1      2019 inspection reports will be sent to all members of the committee to follow up on A and B hazards to ensure they have been corrected. 

5.1.2      Will be sent in November and due by the end of December.

5.1.3      Update – five of thirteen inspections have been completed


6.0   New Business:


6.1   New Member

6.1.1      Gabriel Oba from Chemistry has been nominated by LUFA to serve on the committee.  The committee welcomes Gabriel.

6.2   ESA inspector

6.2.1      The ESA inspector will be touring CB in the last week of November.

6.3   2019 Inspections outstanding

6.3.1      The outstanding inspections will be completed on December 18th at 2 pm.  Please let Tiffany know whether you will be available at that time to accompany.

6.4   Year End Re-inspections

6.4.1      Five of the thirteen areas that had A and B hazards have been re-inspected.  The rest to be completed by the 23rd of December.

6.5   Safety Showers

6.5.1      CB0014 – Handle too high to be reached by someone of smaller stature.  Steve to look into

6.5.2      Undergrad labs Chemistry – Concern that emergency showers are out in the hallway and whether that’s too far a distance to travel.  Steve to look into whether something can be retrofitted.

6.6   CASES gas rooms

6.6.1      O2 sensor has tripped two times in the past five days.  There is no official procedure on who should be alerted and what measures to be taken.   Tiffany will email Instrumentation and set up a meeting between them, physical plant and security.


7.0               Adjournment: 9:35 AM

8.0               NEXT MEETING: 9 am - December 18, 2019 - Av 147

Labs and Studios – October 16, 2019

Wednesday, October 16, 2019 - 10:15am


Present: M. Sorokopud, J. Joncas, M. Moore, R. Xia, T. Moore

TIME Commenced:     9:07 AM

1.0   Agenda :  Approved.


2.0   Review of Minutes : April 17, 2019, August 21, 2019 – Deferred


3.0   Inspection Reports: none discussed



4.0            Accident Report/Investigation Finding:  LUARS

A worker’s finger came in contact with the fan on a motor while using a deawner machine on October 9.  Finger sustained abrasions, and worker did seek medical attention on October 10.  HR was informed of injury on October 10.  Investigation was conducted on Oct. 11 by S. Girvin, M. Moore, T. Moore and D. Savela.


The Deawner process was observed and the following recommendations were made:

1)      Equipment positioning and orientation during use be changed so workers don’t have to reach over equipment

2)      Repair and replacement of electrical cords (equipment locked out at time of investigation).

3)      Better signage alerting to hazard

4)      Training to include awareness of the hazard


5.0            Old Business:

6.0            New Business:


6.1   LUARS

6.1.1            Is LUARS set up for proper lock out/tag out?  T. Moore to send a copy of physical plant procedure to the station.

6.1.2            April 2020 Joint RPSS/L&S members to inspect all equipment used at LUARS during it’s operation to ensure all equipment has been evaluated for safety.

6.2   Transfer of legacy chemicals between labs

6.2.1            Issue with labs accepting old chemicals and not following eRPortal transfer process.

6.2.2            Users will be notified

  • How to transfer in eRPortal inventory
  • Not to accept old chemicals without consulting lab safety officer first

6.3   Old Inspection Report follow-up

6.3.1               2019 inspection reports will be sent to all members of the committee to follow up on A and B hazards to ensure they have been corrected. 

6.3.2               Will be sent in November and due by the end of December.


7.0               Adjournment: 9:47 AM

8.0               NEXT MEETING: November 27, 2019

Offices and Classrooms - October 09, 2019

Wednesday, October 9, 2019 - 10:15am



Start 10:05 a.m.

Human Resources Meeting Room



Cindy Haggerty (COPE)                                                  

Sue Viitala, (Schedule II))

Dr. Juan Pernia, (LUFA)

Ursula MacDonald (Ex-Officiomember) Leslie Malcom, (Schedule II mgmt.)


  1. Outstanding Business – NONE


2.                   Inspections

The only inspections outstanding are the CB offices and classrooms. These will be conducted during the week of Oct.15 to Oct.18, 2019


3.                   Injury and Accident Reports

April 2019:  Employee advised she slipped and fell outside in April hurting lower back. The employee did not report the incident until May 01, 2019.

May 2019: Employee reported a repetitive strain injury (wrist.) The University sourced the assistance of an ergonomist to facilitate an assessment of the work space. 


Ergonomic Assessments

2019: eight YTD


4.                   New Business/Open Discussion


  1. Ursula congratulate and thanked the Committee for completing all of the inspections this year. A lot of work but a job well done.
  2. The asbestos removal in the CB fan system B1 is now complete.  At this time, we do not have any updates on annual sampling as mandated by law.
  3.   Sue Viitala is stepping down, from this committee. Another Schedule II member and a CUPE member is required.  Sue is continuing on the committee for the time being.
  4. Brian Shott has been hired as a replacement for Shanon Arnold.
  5. 2018 Annual Air Sampling showed all spaces to be ‘below detectable limit’, or ‘within acceptable amounts’. Due to 2019 ACM Removals, the committee will meet to review possible new sample locations, in early 2020.
  6. CB4082B occupant has relocated to CB4082F, and has concerns regarding asbestos.
  7. Wellness Committee has been busy all summer with consultations; including session with employees, faculty and students.  Employees who have been unable to attend in person were able to complete an online survey. The Wellness committee is continuing its work and will be preparing a report.  It is anticipated that the report will be made available to SR. Admin in the new year.
  8. The Committee held a discussion about its membership especially in terms of having a replacement for Shanon Arnold who left the University.  It is up to Schedule II to appoint another worker member.  We are also down to one Certified member and when the next training course is available Ursula will inform the Committee in case anyone is able to attend.


Next meeting: TBD (Dec.2019), HR meeting room.

Retail and Physical Support Service - January 16, 2020

Thursday, January 16, 2020 - 9:15am


Place: Avila - Physical Plant meeting room

Time: 9:07 a.m.


Present: Heather Spivak, Ursula MacDonald, Stan Nemec, Greg Croft



Regrets:  Hugh Briggs, Brian Cox, Rob McCluskey, Larry Kempe, Fred Plank,


OLD Business:


       A.        Steve reported that the floor in the Power house is breaking.  There are no        vehicles allowed inside. The area is cornered off with signs advising of the danger,          until such time as a decision is made how the floor will be fixed. Jan.21, 2016 Steve            advised that this project will be put on a list of capital projects for the 2016-2017 fiscal   year. 

                        Nov. 15/18 – Steve advised that jack posts will be installed under the floor to provide the necessary support.



B.        Security has raised the issue of soft body armour again. Ursula advised that this matter had been raised on and dealt with on two separate occasions including a special JHSC meeting for this purpose. The outcomes of these meetings have been articulated to Security including the Director of the department.  At this point the Committee has advised that the request be noted in the minutes as having been raised again. 


           C.         Heather advised that Shipping and Receiving department is moving to Tungsten Street very soon. Steve spoke about having to check on the furnaces at Tungsten regarding the exhaust vent outside. Ursula asked about carbon monoxide detector(s) for the area. 

           D.         Steve has advised that he is scheduling “driver training” for his staff. There have been some unfortunate incidents recently with vehicles on campus.


E.          Ursula has asked Steve about reviewing the Lock Out/Tag Out procedure.


Injury Report:


  1. Building Maintenance (Nov.) – the admini assistant slipped and fell on ice, suffered an injury to her head. Off work for 6 weeks.


2.   Grounds (Dec.) – Employee was entering a cube van, when the knee buckled under the employee, the employee suffered 3 days of lost time.


Near Misses:





New Business:


1.         Hskp. staff expressed concern about recycling bags being too heavy to lift.  Ursula advised that if the bags are too heavy the employees will need to split the recycling into another bag. Ursula will speak to Stephanie so that she can communicate with her staff.



Inspections Outstanding;


  • Braun Building – Rob and Steve
  • Centennial Building – Stan and Heather floors 3 & 4 outstanding
  • Building Maintenance


NEXT MEETING:    Thursday, February 20, 2020 in Avila – Physical Plant meeting room at 9:00 a.m.

Offices & Classrooms - April 29, 2019

Monday, April 29, 2019 - 2:45pm
Start 10:00am
Human Resources Meeting Room
Cindy Haggerty (COPE)                                                   Regrets:Sue Viitala (Schedule II) Shanon Arnold (Schedule II)
Dr. Juan Pernia,(LUFA)
Ursula MacDonald (Ex-Officiomember) Leslie Malcom, (Schedule II mngnt)
  1. Outstanding Business – NONE
2.                   Inspections
Will start soon, on Thursdays. @ 1:30pm.
3.                   Injury and Accident Reports
March 2019: Two slips on ice, no injury; One allergic reaction in office – occurs every spring and fall; One banged shin on coffee table; One trip on Library staircase, due to loose tile.
April 2019: Sciatic pain from chair & requests ergonomic assessment.
Ergonomic Assessments
Feb.- April 2019: two
4.                   New Business/Open Discussion
  1. Inspections continue. Plans to meet and discuss.
    1. The two current asbestos projects were modified and combined into one: Annual required removals and the 4th floor, of the BS-1 fan system. Waiting for approval to award.
    2. Sue Viitala is stepping down, from this committee. Another Schedule II member and a CUPE member is required.
      1. Barb Hayward is the benefits contact, in Human Resources.
5. 2018 Annual Air Sampling showed all spaces to be ‘below detectable limit’, or ‘within acceptable amounts’. Due to 2019 ACM Removals, the committee will meet to review possible new sample locations, in early 2020.
  1. CB4082B occupant has relocated to CB4082F, and has concerns regarding asbestos.
  2. Wellness Committee-Okanagan Charter, will begin after graduation.
Next meeting: TBD, HR meeting room.

Labs & Studios - July 17, 2019

Tuesday, September 24, 2019 - 9:30am

Present: M. Moore, T. Moore, J. Sylvestre, M. Sorokopud, K. Bhatia

TIME Commenced:     9:03 AM

1.0   Agenda :  No agenda presented.


2.0   Review of Minutes : June 12, 2019 – Deferred


3.0   Inspection Reports: None


4.0            Incident Reports:  Refusal to Work

Worker in chemistry lab invoked right to refuse on Thursday July 11, citing concerns regarding:

  • Chemical exposure
  • Chemical storage
  • Broken glass handling

H&S attended the lab with a worker representative and the supervisor.  Some minor issues were noted, but majority of issues cited were found to be misunderstanding or risk mitigation was sufficient.  Minor issues were discussed with supervisor and will be addressed.


5.0            Old Business:

5.1   Noise from compressor

  1. Kailash and Steve to find some time for the compressor to be moved.  In the meantime, hearing protection is required for everyone in the space while it is running.


6.0   New Business:


6.1   Floor/Asbestos Abatement Machine Shop

Kailash has area prepared for the work to be conducted, but has nothing scheduled yet.


7.0   Adjournment: 9:37 AM

8.0   NEXT MEETING: August 21, 2019

Labs & Studios - June 12, 2019

Tuesday, September 24, 2019 - 9:30am

Present: A. Diochon, M. Moore, T. Moore, J. Sylvestre, S. Girvin, J. Joncas

TIME Commenced:     9:00 AM

1.0   Agenda :  Approved.


2.0   Review of Minutes : April 17, 2019 – Approved


3.0   Inspection Reports: Geology

-          Eyewash to be tested weekly

-          Expired calcium gluconate

-          Grinding dust needs wet cleanup more often


-          Gas cylinder needs chain

-          Concern regarding face velocity of low flow fume hood

  • Fume hoods are operating as designed and do offer same protection as older style hoods
  • Were certified when put into service


4.0            Incident Reports:  Solvent Smell CB Weekend

Security reported a solvent smell in CB Saturday morning coming from CB 1014a, with no obvious source.  Several open buckets of what appeared to be oil were found in the lab, blocking the emergency exit.  Unable to reach technician responsible for the space or anyone else in the department.  H&S directed the lab to be locked out until someone with knowledge of the space could be contacted for advice.


Inspection on Monday morning found a 20 L drum of varsol stored in the flammable’s cabinet with a shop rag as a cap, and a spill of varsol on the floor that had not been cleaned up.


Security has difficulty finding personnel afterhours to respond to lab incidents, which is an on-going issue.


Recommendation to Deans to assist Security in obtaining after hours numbers for emergency contacts. 


5.0            Old Business:

5.1   Injury Stats – presented and discussed.  2015-2019 segment to be normalized for grad students and plotted by year to see if there is a correlation.  All new incidents discussed by committee will be assigned standard root causes as well as recommendations made to avoid issue in future, to make the tracking easier to manage.  – Deferred until July meeting

5.2   Fume Hood Decontamination

Use of strong mineral acids has corroded some of the fan boxes that service the hoods, causing the backdraft prevention damper louvers to corrode and fall to the bottom of the boxes.  Will require another shut down of hoods to replace the louvers in 3-4 units.

5.3   Noise from compressor

  1. Kailash and Steve to find some time for the compressor to be moved.  In the meantime, hearing protection is required for everyone in the space while it is running.


6.0   New Business:


6.1   WHMIS Training

WHMIS 1988 training inactivated on D2L.  Questions for old symbol recognition added to the WHMIS 2015 quiz to cover old material as containers are relabeled.

                      6.2  Chemical Waste Pick-up Issues

We used a new company for the first time to collect our hazardous waste.  All waste had to be pre-sorted on site prior to the pick-up date.  Issues were encountered with bottle labeling and container suitability.  Procedure and lab safety manual will be revised to reflect the following and communicated to all haz waste generators:

  • Waste will be picked up soon after the request has been generated
  • Each container will need to have contents listed on container and waste pick-up number
  • One waste request per chemical will be required (multiple containers of same chemical will be allowed on one request).
  • Waste requests must be printed, signed and available at time of pickup.

6.2   ESA inspection

Electrical control console was replaced and inspected by ESA.  It did not have certifications required.  Will require a field inspection.

6.3   Keep in touch

Concerns were raised regarding some security officers not wanting to conduct KIT checks.  Tiffany verified with Security Supervisor that KIT is a supported, well used and vital service offered by security.  Any issues should be brought directly to her attention to address with the officer in question.

6.4   CASES fumehoods

Two issues in CASES regarding fumehoods:

1)      One hood randomly closes the sash.

2)      Improper use by users.  Very important to not use “emergency” button as it is monitored by security and physical plant.  This triggers an alarm in the system and initiates emergency response.  Additionally, it is essential to safe function that sliding access doors are closed unless accessing equipment.  When the sash is down, the unit goes into a maintenance mode with a lower ventilation rate.  If door is open, this could lead to loss of containment of contaminants.  H&S will look at creating a laminated user guide for the hoods as many users missed the initial hood training and their safety features are vastly different than our standard hoods.


7.0               Adjournment: 9:53 AM

8.0               NEXT MEETING: July 17, 2019

Retail and Physical Support Service - January 24, 2019

Tuesday, September 24, 2019 - 9:15am

Date:  January 24, 2019

Place: Avila- Physical Plant meeting room

Time: 9:09 a.m.


Present: Ursula MacDonald, Greg Croft, Stan Nemec, Fred Plank, Steve Girvin, Brian Cox, Darren Carlin, Heather Spivak


Regrets:  Hugh Briggs, Rob McCluskey



OLD Business:

  1.        A.        Steve reported that the floor in the Power house is breaking.  There are no        vehicles allowed inside. The area is cornered off with signs advising of the danger,          until such time as a decision is made how the floor will be fixed. Jan.21, 2016 Steve            advised that this project will be put on a list of capital projects for the 2016-2017 fiscal   year. 

                        Nov. 15/18 – Steve advised that jack posts will be installed under the floor to provide the necessary support.


            B.  Confined space – Signage of confined space is still required and pedestrian floor             hatches need to be secured.


            C.  The electrician raised a concern about smoke and carbon monoxide detectors in residence. Many times when the electricians arrive to install/fix them they have already been disconnected.  Brian will look into the situation and reinforce the seriousness of the matter. Students who are dismantling/damaging lifesaving device are fined by the University. A suggestion was made to have stickers by the devices advising that no one should be tampering with the life saving device.

            Jan.24, 2019 – Brian advised that the labelling will begin in May of this year.


            D.  Housekeeping are requesting that a new BFI bin with a side door be provided at the back of CB. A side door allows employees to throw out garbage without having to reach above their shoulder. 



New Businees:


  1. 1.     Fred plank raised a concern regarding a mechanical room in the Fieldhouse.  At one of the two access doors there is no light switch and only a short distance later there is a set of stairs that are not visible without light.  There is a high risk of someone falling down those stairs.  Steve Girvin and the mechanical team will address this safety concern immediately.


  1. 2.     A question was raised by the mechanical group about school closure and who decides to close the school. Also, who is identified as “essential service?”  The group was advised that school closure is decided by the Senior Administration in consultation with the President. Any questions regarding “essential service” must be directed to the supervisor of the particular unit.


  1. 3.    Certification training (JHSC Part I) will be offered in Thunder Bay. Darren maybe interested in the July course.


  1. 4.    Ursula welcomed and introduced Greg Croft – the alternate member rep for USW group.


Injury Report:




Near Misses:


An employee in the Print shop hurt the area under her eye when trying to lift/move a large and awkward box.  The employee did not require any medical attention. The employee was reminded that any items that it too awkward, too heavy or big is handled by at another co-worker.


Inspections Outstanding;

  • Braun Building –  Rob and Steve
  • Centennial Building – Stan and Darren
  • Tungsten Street – Ursula & Heather


NEXT MEETING:    Thursday, Feb.28, 2018 in Avila – Physical Plant meeting room at 9:00 a.m.
