Labs & Studios - May 16, 2018

Wednesday, May 16, 2018 - 9:00am
AC 147

Labs and Studios Minutes – May 16, 2018    

Present: H.Forsyth, E. Searle, P. Alderson, S. Girvin, C. Surette

TIME Commenced:     9:09 AM

1.0   Agenda :  Approved with Additions: Chem Stores SDSs & Big Thunder Use


2.0   Review of Minutes : March 21, 2018 - Approved


3.0   Inspection Reports:

3.1   Chemical Engineering – New eye wash tags needed, new emergency procedures charts needed, extinguisher tag almost overdue, flammables to be stored in a cabinet, outlets installed not by Physical Plant, chemicals stored in drying oven

3.2   Kinesiology – Electrical panel blocked, test eye wash weekly

3.3   Visual Arts – Test eye wash weekly, test shower every 6 months

3.4   Chemistry – Test showers every 6 months

3.5   Civil Engineering – Bear Veramixer cord needs repair, test eye wash weekly

3.6   Geology – Test eye washes weekly, label containers, chemical storage incompatibilities, hydrofluoric acid in use – update inventory, calcium gluconate – dried up, must replace, test shower every 6 months, plug cords in fully, device with exposed 120 V wires – needs enclosure


4.0            Injury/Incident Reports:


4.1   Chemical Engineering

4.1.1 Student cutting tubing for experiment with exacto knife.

4.1.2 Hand slipped and cut top of middle finger on opposite hand.

4.1.3 Student compressed the cut, washed hands and put bandage on cut.

4.1.4 Student went to Student Health and Counselling Centre to have cut looked at.

4.1.5 Student indicated that she could have cut the tubing using a safer method.

4.1.6 No recommendations from JHSC


5.0            Old Business:

5.1   Natural Gas Training

5.1.1     Scheduled for June 8th at 9:00 am in AC 147

5.1.2     Some JHSC members as well as Security will attend

5.1.3      Committee suggested a September session be organized as well for Faculty/Staff in CB building who frequently report natural gas smells

5.1.4      Physical plant will also be installing Natural Gas sensors to the CB basement as a trial

5.2   WHMIS changeover requirements and eRPortal training

5.2.1     WHMIS changeover requirements scheduled for May 28th at 10 am in ATAC 3004

5.2.2     eRPortal training scheduled for May 31st at 10 am in ATAC 3003

5.2.3     Committee is encouraged to pass on this information to colleagues or anyone they think may require training


6.0   New Business:

6.1   MOL Inspection Blitz

6.1.1      MOL industrial inspection blitz for 2018-2019 will focus on machine guarding and new and young worker safety

6.1.2      Committee members during inspections should ensure examination of all machine guards to ensure they are not missing and that they are intact

6.2   Fire Extinguisher Training

6.2.1     Scheduled for May 31st at 1:30 pm starting in Avila Cafeteria

6.2.2     Committee encouraged to pass this information on to anyone they feel may need this training

6.3   Chem Stores – SDSs

6.3.1      Committee member brought up concern over students purchasing chemicals from Chem Stores but not getting SDS or enough information on the vial to determine where chemical comes from

6.3.2      Committee members suggested to add eRPortal item # on the vials so that students can use this to enter in the chemical to their inventory and access the correct SDS

6.3.3      H.Forsyth to consult D. Puumala from Chem Stores about JHSC suggestion.

6.4   Big Thunder Use

6.4.1      Big Thunder is now being used by police as a live training location

6.4.2      Even though a sign is posted stating that police training is in progress, those who use the area should be made aware that this training is occurring

6.4.3      H. Forsyth to look into informing departments that use the area


7.0   Adjournment: 9:41 AM


NEXT MEETING: July 18th 2018


Retail and Physical Support Service - April 19, 2018

Thursday, April 19, 2018 - 9:15am

Health and Safety Committee Meeting

Retail and Physical Support Service

Lakehead University

955 Oliver Road


Date:  April 19, 2018

Place: Avila- Physical Plant meeting room

Time: 9:15 a.m.


Present:  Steve Girvin, Ursula MacDonald, Darren Carlin, Rob McCluskey, Stan Nemec, Mike Davis, Heather Spivak

 Regrets:  Hugh Briggs, Fred Plank, Brian Cox


OLD Business:

  1.        A.        Steve reported that the floor in the Power house is breaking.  There are no        vehicles allowed inside. The area is cornered off with signs advising of the danger,          until such time as a decision is made how the floor will be fixed. Jan.21, 2016 Steve            advised that this project will be put on a list of capital projects for the 2016-2017 fiscal   year. 

Nov.16/17 - a structural engineer has bene retained to complete an assessment a recommend a temporary fix. On going

Apr.19/18 – the structural engineer will be submitting drawings soon for a review by Physical Plant

            B.  Radio communications in PACI continues to be a problem, especially the         basement.

                 March 15/18 – Steve will be setting up a meeting with Hugh and TSC to discuss             communication options for the mechanical crew. It seems that the issues with the            radio are ongoing and Steve would like to see a permanent resolution.

            C.  There is a meeting set up for Thursday, June 29, 2017 with Physical Plant, Security and Health and Safety to discuss and hence develop a procedure for responding to natural gas call outs.  October 19, 2017 – we are waiting for Security to review and finalize the procedure.  Mike Davis will provide an update at the next meeting. Ursula will follow up.

                        Apr.19/18 – The director of Security has responded in an email identifying how the Security staff is to respond to calls/notifications of natural gas calls. He has requested that Physical plant provide information about the location of all natural gas shut offs on campus. Steve advised that this will be submitted to Security soon.

            D.  The mechanical group is requesting a review of our confined space procedure. The group is asking for an official review of our space to ascertain which areas are considered as confined space. The group would also like to receive some training in regards to confined space.

                        March 15/2018 – Steve has been in touch with Intola Safety to provide training and inspection of areas at the University which are under question for confined space.

                        Apr.19/18 – it is anticipated that Intola Safety will be here in the month of May to begin this process.

            F.  The electrician raised a concern about smoke and carbon monoxide detectors in residence. Many times when the electricians arrive to install/fix them they have already been disconnected.  Brian will look into the situation and reinforce the seriousness of the matter. Students who are dismantling/damaging lifesaving device are fined by the University. A suggestion was made to have stickers by the devices advising that no one should be tampering with the life saving device.

            G. Heather raised a concern about Shipping and Receiving. The staff are concerned about black mould in this space due to presence of water. Anytime the snow melts or when it rains, the water pours into the building soaking and rotting the wood inside.

            Apr.19/18 – old furniture was cleaned and removed and additional cleaning is ongoing.

            H.  Heather also raised a concern about the forklift in the Shipping and Receiving area.  The forklift is old and the engine burns oil and it creates hazardous gases harmful to the employees. The issue is worst during winter months    when they are unable to open the door.

            Apr.19/18 – need an update on this situation


New Businees:

  1. 1.     Housekeeping are requesting that a new BFI bin with a side door be provided at the back of CB. A side door allows employees to throw out garbage without having to reach above their shoulder. 
  1. 2.    Bathrooms in the loading dock of the UC center are very dirty. Armark is supposed to be cleaning them but they have not done so.


Injury Report:

Grounds – An employee injured his shoulder (rotary cuff strain) while throwing garbage into a BFI bin.  Employee on modified duties for several weeks.


Near Misses:



Inspections Outstanding;

  • Bike Shelter – Fred and Stan
  • Braun Building – Darren, Rob and Steve
  • Centennial Building
  • Radio House – Mike Davis


NEXT MEETING:    Thursday, May 17, 2018 in Avila – Physical Plant meeting room at 9:00 a.m.

Retail and Physical Support Service - March 1, 2018

Thursday, March 1, 2018 - 9:00am

Health and Safety Committee Meeting

Retail and Physical Support Service

Lakehead University

955 Oliver Road


Date:  March 01, 2018

Place: Avila- Physical Plant meeting room

Time: 9:08 a.m.


Present:  Steve Girvin, Ursula MacDonald, Brian Cox, Darren Carlin, Heather Spivak, Rob McCluskey, Stan Nemec

Regrets:  Hugh Briggs, Fred Plank, Mike Davis,


OLD Business:

  1.        A.        Steve reported that the floor in the Power house is breaking.  There are no        vehicles allowed inside. The area is cornered off with signs advising of the danger,          until such time as a decision is made how the floor will be fixed. Jan.21, 2016 Steve            advised that this project will be put on a list of capital projects for the 2016-2017 fiscal   year.  This item has now been rolled into a co-generation project, if the project goes        ahead.

Nov.16/17 - a structural engineer has bene retained to complete an assessment a recommend a temporary fix. On going

            B.  Radio communications in PACI continues to be a problem, especially the         basement.

            C.  There is a meeting set up for Thursday, June 29, 2017 with Physical Plant, Security and Health and Safety to discuss and hence develop a procedure for responding to natural gas call outs.  October 19, 2017 – we are waiting for Security to review and finalize the procedure.  Mike Davis will provide an update at the next meeting. Ursula will follow up


Injury Report;

  1. An employee fell twice in the Avila parking lot about two weeks apart. She hurt both knees and an arm. The employee did seek medical attention about a month later as her knees continued to be sore. Medical aid.
  1.  An employee who works for the University as a clinical instructor fell at the TBRHSC parking lot while going to work to supervise LU students.  She broke her arm.  Lost time accident.


Near Misses:

A fall in the parking lot 5 resulted in an employee hurting her right hand and both knees.  First aid.


Inspections Outstanding;

  • ATAC – Fred and Stan
  • Bike Shelter – Fred and Stan
  • Bora Laskin/Faculty of Ed; Darren, Steve and Rob McCluskey
  • Braun Building


New Business:

  1. Heather Spviak is now replacing Ms. Rojik as the Unifor representative on the

RPSS - JHSC. We wish to thank Brenda for many years of service on this committee and wish her a wonderful, healthy retirement.

  1. Steve advised that the CASES project is on track. There will be significant amount of work around campus this spring/summer including work on the Greenhouse, Kitchen and Bora Laskin Faculty of Education.  LUSU will also be installing Booster Juice counter in the Outpost. The Residence will see a fair amount of maintenance related activity including installation of HAVC system in Bartley Conference Centre and upgrades to Apartments 1 & 2.
  1. The Library commons are almost complete. The space across form Security will then be remodeled to accommodate new tenants.
  1. The mechanical group is requesting a review of our confined space procedure. The group is asking for an official review of our space to ascertain which areas are considered as confined space. The group would also like to receive some training in regards to confined space.
  1. The electrician raised a concern about smoke and carbon monoxide detectors in residence. Many times when the electricians arrive to install/fix them they have already been disconnected.  Brian will look into the situation and reinforce the seriousness of the matter. Students who are dismantling/damaging lifesaving device are fined by the University. A suggestion was made to have stickers by the devices advising that no one should be tampering with the life saving device.
  1. Heather raised a concern about Shipping and Receiving. The staff are concerned about black mould in this space due to presence of water. Anytime the snow melts or when it rains, the water pours into the building soaking and rotting the wood inside.
  1. Heather also raised a concern about the forklift in the Shipping and Receiving area.  The forklift is old and the engine burns oil and it creates hazardous gases harmful to the employees. The issue is worst during winter months         when they are unable to open the door.
  1. Stan is working with Canada Post in Winnipeg to allow our people better access to the Thunder Bay depot.  The current access is problematic due to hazardous conditions.


NEXT MEETING:    Thursday, March 15, 2018 in Avila – Physical Plant meeting room at  9:00 a.m.

Retail and Physical Support Service - January 25, 2018

Thursday, January 25, 2018 - 9:00am

Health and Safety Committee Meeting

Retail and Physical Support Service

Lakehead University

955 Oliver Road


Date:  January 25, 2018

Place: Avila- Physical Plant meeting room

Time: 9:09 a.m.


Present:  Steve Girvin, Ursula MacDonald, Fred Plank, Mike Davis, Brian Cox

 Regrets:  Darren Carlin, Brenda Rojik, Hugh Briggs, Rob McCluskey


OLD Business:

  1. A.   Steve reported that the floor in the Power house is breaking.  There are no vehicles allowed inside. The area is cornered off with signs advising of the danger, until such time as a decision is made how the floor will be fixed. Jan.21, 2016 Steve advised that this project will be put on a list of capital projects for the 2016-2017 fiscal year.  This item has now been rolled into a co-generation project, if the project goes ahead.

Nov.16/17 - a structural engineer has been retained to complete an assessment a recommend a temporary fix. On going

            B.  Radio communications in PACI continues to be a problem, especially the         basement.

            C.  There is a meeting set up for Thursday, June 29, 2017 with Physical Plant, Security and Health and Safety to discuss and hence develop a procedure for responding to natural gas call outs.  October 19, 2017 – we are waiting for Security to review and finalize the procedure.  Mike Davis will provide an update at the next meeting.


Injury Report;

            An employee fall in the parking lot of Avila.  The employee hurt knees. First aid.


Near Misses:



Inspections Outstanding;

  • Avila – Brian Cox
  • ATAC – Fred and Stan


New Business:

No new business


NEXT MEETING:    Thursday, February 15, 2018 in Avila – Physical Plant meeting room at  9:00 a.m.

Offices and Classrooms - January 11, 2018

Thursday, January 11, 2018 - 10:00am

Lakehead University

Joint Employee-Management Occupational Health & Safety Committee

Office and Classrooms



Jan.11, 2018

Start: 10:09 a.m.

Human Resources Meeting room



Employee Members                                                              Management Members

Cindy Haggerty (COPE)                                                      Leslie Malcolm, Coordinator

Shanon Arnold (Schedule II)                                     Learning Technologies & Innovation

Dr. Juan Pernia (LUFA)

Sue Viitala (Schedule II)



Ursula MacDonald (Ex-Officio member)


1.         Outstanding Business

A)   The Committee would like to review and update where necessary the Terms of Reference. Ursula will attempt to locate them and bring them to the next meeting.

B)    The members of the Committee expressed interest in inspection training, via web

or ½ day class. 


2.   Inspections

       None this period.

  • Ursula will schedule inspections to take place during the reading week, Feb.20 to Feb.25, 2018 


3.  Injury and Accident Reports

  • Jan.2018 – School of Nursing.  Faculty member scratched her leg on a piece of metal protruding from a filling cabinet. First aid only.


Ergonomic Assessments; 

 There have been 20 ergonomic assessments completed from January to Dec. 2017.


4.   New Business/Open Discussion

  1.  A member from the Office of Human Rights & Equity was invited to the meeting to speak about their “ Campus Safety Audit.”  The employee explained that the campus safety audit is the process by which campus spaces are assessed for their perceived safety and inclusivity.
  1. Ursula advised that a new AP of Human Resources has been hired. His name is Adam Shaen and he will start employment on Monday, Jan.29, 2018.
  1. Shanon advised that asbestos removal projects are going to tender very soon. There will small areas where Type 3 removal will take place and larger areas with Type 2. Shanon will provide specific areas where the removal will take place at our next meeting.


Next meeting:  Next meeting – May 2018 when regular school term is completed

Labs and Studios - March 21, 2018

Wednesday, March 21, 2018 - 9:00am
AC 147

Labs and Studios Minutes – March 21, 2018

Present: H.Forsyth, E. Searle, J. Joncas, K. Bhatia, A. Diochon, J. Sylvestre, S. Girvin

TIME Commenced:     9:04 AM

1.0   Agenda :  Approved - J. Joncas/J. Sylvestre

2.0   Review of Minutes : January 17, 2018 - Approved

3.0   Inspection Reports:

3.1   Biology – several eye washes not tested weekly, food & drink, emergency contacts need updating, waste not stored properly, extension cords being used, incorrect chemical storage, student handling chemicals without lab coat or gloves, shower not tested, eye wash area cluttered, large bottles containing reagents on top shelf

3.1.1     Committee discussed the testing of eye washes and who is responsible

3.1.2     Biology department to be reminded to test eye washes weekly

3.2   Instrumentation/Science Workshop – unlabelled substance, needs new eye wash tag

4.0            Injury/Incident Reports - None

5.0            Old Business:

5.1   Mechanical Engineering Labs

5.1.1     Waiting for reply Re: Food/Drink in Mechanical Engineering labs – will plan re-inspection to ensure issue is taken care of

5.2   Chemical Waste Pickup

5.2.1     All chemicals picked up in January, next pick up scheduled for summer after CASES move in

5.3   Bill 177 – Stronger, Fairer Ontario Act

5.3.1     S. Girvin advised on “structural inadequacies” and leaking roof is not apart of this. If roof leak leads to roof starting to fall apart – this is considered a structural inadequacy and would need to be reported.

5.4 Contacting Grad Students for New Hire Orientation

5.4.1 H. Forsyth contacted Grad Studies to have them email all unemployed graduate students working in laboratories regarding training requirements, such as New Hire Orientation

5.4.2 Grad Studies happy to help in ensuring graduate students are aware of the training that is needed

6.0   New Business:

6.1   PACI Labs

6.1.1     The two teaching labs are in use again. These areas will need to be added to future inspections.

6.1.2     An inspection was done by H. Forsyth and several issues identified

6.1.3     Issues are currently being corrected, a follow-up inspection will be done

6.2   CB 0043 Noise Complaint

6.2.1     Space is shared by Civil Engineering and Mechanical Engineering

6.2.2     Climate control chamber is loud, complaint about noise from Mechanical Engineering technician

6.2.3     Equipment is owned by Civil Engineering, but Mechanical Engineering would like to build structure to keep the noise level down

6.2.4     H. Forsyth to contact technician to see if this issue has been dealt with

6.3   WHMIS training and ErPortal Training

6.3.1     H. Forsyth offering training on the WHMIS 2015 changeover requirements as well as the chemical inventory and hazardous waste management system (ErPortal) throughout the next few months

6.3.2     H. Forsyth advised committee members to forward anybody who may need this training to contact her to register

6.3.3     H. Forsyth will send out training dates to the committee to distribute

7.0   Adjournment: 9:28 AM


NEXT MEETING: May 16th 2018

Labs and Studios - January 17, 2018

Wednesday, January 17, 2018 - 9:00am

Labs and Studios Minutes – January 17, 2018        

Present: H.Forsyth, M. Sorokopud, E. Searle, J. Joncas, K. Bhatia, A. Diochon, J. Sylvestre, C. Surette

TIME Commenced:     9:05 AM

1.0   Agenda :  Add Electrical Safety Authority Inspections - Approved – J. Joncas/C. Surette


2.0   Review of Minutes : December 6, 2017 - Approved

2.1   LUACF maintenance to do monthly fire extinguisher testing

2.2   Received reply Re: Food/Drink in Mechanical Engineering labs – want to know about food banned for laboratories not containing chemicals

2.2.1     Committee agrees that soldering taking place in the lab presents a hazard – lead dust/metal filings ingestion – H.Forsyth to send follow-up email


3.0   Inspection Reports:

3.1   Electrical Engineering – Food/Drink in lab, Batteries not stored properly, non-CSA charger

3.2   Nursing – No issues

3.3   Psychology – Monitor stored on top shelf, Eye wash to be tested

3.4   Physics – Flammable chemicals stored under sink, Shower not accessible

3.5   BAF/ATRC – BAF needs acid spill kit; No issues in ATRC

3.6   Student Health and Counseling Centre – No issues


4.0            Injury/Incident Reports - None


5.0   Old Business:

5.1   Chemical Waste Pickup  - Scheduled for pick up on Jan 23rd and 24th

5.2   CB0021 Updates – Chemicals cleared out and will be disposed of in upcoming waste pickup, the lab needs renovations by Physical Plant

5.3   Art Kiln Procedure – Needs to be a more detailed SOP, committee agrees that Fire Department should inspect the kiln first to see if can even be used – H.Forsyth to contact Fire Department


6.0   New Business:

6.1   Yearly Stats

6.1.1     14 incidents in 2017

6.1.2     Most incidents occurred in August, second most in March

6.1.3     Chemical Engineering had the most incidents

6.1.4      Committee suggested this is most likely due to students trying to finish up year end projects quickly

6.1.5     As a solution, Committee suggested to do inspections for areas with most incidents in July/February months

6.1.6     Committee also discussed arranging a large-scale CASES walkthrough 2-3 weeks after labs move into the new building

6.2   Bill 177 – Stronger, Fairer Ontario Act

6.2.1     Changes made to the Occupational Health and Safety Act          Health and Safety committee must now report to the MOL any identified potential “structural inadequacies” of any part of the workplace that are a source of danger or a hazard to workers       Committee wants a clear definition of “structural inadequacies”; H. Forsyth to look into the definition          Individual fines increased to $100, 000; Corporation fines increased to $1,500, 000          The limitations period for prosecution under OHSA is now one year from “(a) the occurrence of the last act or default upon which the prosecution is based; or (b) the day upon which an inspector becomes aware of the alleged offence.”

6.3   Electrical Safety Authority Inspections

6.3.1     Mostly extension cords used as permanent devices indentified as issues

6.3.2     H.Forsyth notified all parties in charge of rooms identified in ESA report to remove extension cords


7.0   Other Business:

7.1   Committee wants Graduate Students who are not employed to be contacted regarding new hire health and safety training

7.1.1     Currently there is no way to contact Graduate Students unless they are employed by Lakehead University and therefore many students are missed

7.1.2     H. Forsyth will contact Grad Studies to email Graduate Students who are currently not employed with Lakehead University about registering for new hire health and safety training

7.2   Committee wants workshop set up for Field Safety to go over Risk Assessment documents for additional input from those who would be using the form

7.2.1     H Forsyth to set up workshop for reading week


8.0   Adjournment: 10:05 AM

NEXT MEETING: March 21st 2018

Labs and Studios - December 6, 2017

Wednesday, December 6, 2017 - 9:00am
AC 147

Labs and Studios Minutes – December 6, 2017     

Present: H.Forsyth, B. Liao, S. Girvin, A. Diochon, J. Sylvestre

TIME Commenced:     9:05 AM

1.0   Agenda :  Approved


2.0   Review of Minutes : Send mechanical engineering food and drink email  - Approved


3.0   Inspection Reports:

3.1   Paleo – No issues

3.2   BRI – Improperly labelled/stored waste

3.3   Anthropology – Pipe leaking, shower tests to be done

3.4   LUACF – Need chains for gas cylinders and fire extinguishers need to be checked (TBRRI)

3.4.1     H.Forsyth to contact TBRRI regarding fire extinguisher testing


4.0            Injury/Incident Reports - None


5.0   Old Business:

5.1 Chem Waste Pickup  - To be sent out for quotes this week

5.2 2017 Outstanding Inspections – Only 2 left unscheduled

5.3 2017 Re-Inspections – To be completed this week/next week

       5.3.1 Committee to decide on re-inspection procedure

              At least one person on re-inspection must have been involved in original inspection

              Committee to ensure all A and B issues have been addressed after reply is received


6.0   New Business:

6.1   Lab decommissioning

6.1.1     Inspection of CB0021 happening later today          Substantial chemical waste left behind          Will update committee on inspection results

6.2   Visual arts kiln fire permit

6.2.1     Inspected the kiln – showed committee photo of the kiln

6.2.2     Procedure needs to be approved by fire dept before permit issuing

6.2.3     May have issues as burning can only be done 5 pm – 12 am

6.2.4     Will update committee on results

6.3   Natural gas complaints

6.3.1     H. Forsyth to set up training for security and some JHSC members in 2018

6.3.2     Committee suggests basic protocol to be created based on the training and added to lab safety training

6.3.3     Scratch and sniff cards ordered


7.0   Other Business: None


8.0   Adjournment: 9:50 AM

NEXT MEETING: January 17th 2018

Retail and Physical Support Service - November 16, 2017

Thursday, November 16, 2017 - 9:00am
AC 147

Health and Safety Committee Meeting

Retail and Physical Support Service

Lakehead University

955 Oliver Road


Date:  November 16, 2017

Place: Avila- Physical Plant meeting room

Time: 9:09 a.m.


Present:  Steve Girvin, Ursula MacDonald, Brenda Rojik, Fred Plank, Hugh Briggs, Rob McCluskey, Stan Nemec,


Regrets:  Darren Carlin, Brian Cox, Mike Davis


OLD Business:


  1. A.   Steve reported that the floor in the Power house is breaking.  There are no vehicles allowed inside. The area is cornered off with signs advising of the danger, until such time as a decision is made how the floor will be fixed. Jan.21, 2016 Steve advised that this project will be put on a list of capital projects for the 2016-2017 fiscal year.  This item has now been rolled into a co-generation project, if the project goes ahead.

Nov.16/17 - a structural engineer has bene retained to complete an assessment a recommend a temporary fix.


            B.  Radio communications in PACI continues to be a problem, especially the         basement.


            C.  There is a meeting set up for Thursday, June 29, 2017 with Physical Plant, Security and Health and Safety to discuss and hence develop a procedure for responding to natural gas call outs.  October 19, 2017 – we are waiting for Security to review and finalize the procedure.


Injury Report;




Near Misses:




Inspections Outstanding;

  • University Centre (Rob & Mike)
  • Building Maintenance (Stan & Rob)



New Business:


1)    The pool was closed recently by the Health Unit due to poor lighting. Temporary solutions have been put in place.  All old lights will be coming down and new ones will be installed in the near future. The pool will have to be closed for the changeover.

Nov.16/17- the lights are expected to arrive around Nov.20/17 and should be installed over the Xmas break.


2)    A faculty member whose lab shares a wall with a mechanical room has raised a safety concern in regards to a vibration and the noise when the fan turns on. The employee suffers head aches and has a difficulty concentrating with the noise and the vibration.

Steve will issue a work order to take a look at the situation and find ways to address the problem.

Nov.16/17- physical plant has changed the belts and continuing to investigate why the vibrations continue



NEXT MEETING:    Thursday, January 18, 2017 in Avila – Physical Plant meeting room at  9:00 a.m.


Retail and Physical Support Service - October 19, 2017

Thursday, October 19, 2017 - 9:00am
AC 147

Health and Safety Committee Meeting

Retail and Physical Support Service

Lakehead University

955 Oliver Road


Date:  October 19, 2017

Place: Avila- Physical Plant meeting room

Time: 9:06 a.m.


Present: Steve Girvin, Ursula MacDonald, Brenda Rojik, Brian Cox, Fred Plank, Mike Davis


Regrets:  Hugh Briggs, Rob McCluskey, Stan Nemec, Darren Carlin



OLD Business:


            A.  Steve reported that the floor in the Power house is breaking.  There are no vehicles allowed inside. The area is cornered off with signs advising of the danger, until such time as a decision is made how the floor will be fixed. Jan.21, 2016 Steve advised that this project will be put on a list of capital projects for the 2016-2017 fiscal year.  This item has now been rolled into a co-generation project, if the project goes ahead.


            B.  TSC has now completed the installation of an antenna extension for UC0035 area     for complete two way radio communication coverage.  Steve advised that it has made          a tremendous difference in the ability for the mechanics who use two way radios.    Security has noticed a positive difference as well.


            PACI continues to be a problem, especially the basement.


            C The 2017 Annual Asbestos audit has begun.  Shanon is working on a list of priorities for removal of asbestos from the 2016 audit.  The removal from the 2016 audit has been completed. Shanon is now compiling a priority list from the 2017 list. Any removals from this list will be completed in the 2018/2019 budget year.


            D.  Darren spoke about a letter of understanding for the IUOE about coming to work when the University is closed.  Steve explained that the Mechanical department will have a meeting to discuss


E.  There is a meeting set up for Thursday, June 29, 2017 with Physical Plant, Security and Health and Safety to discuss and hence develop a procedure for responding to natural gas call outs.  October 19, 2017 – we are waiting for Security to review and finalize the procedure.



Injury Report;


  1. Maintenance employee – Employee pinched a finger folding a ladder.  First Aid.
  2. Security employee – Employee fell a sharp pain in shoulder when opening a door. First Aid.
  3. Grounds – Employee hurt elbow when a weed whipper got stuck in the weeds. Medical Aid, employee placed on modified duties for a period of time.


  1.  Conference Services –Employee in a car accident while on company business and LU vehicle.  Sore back. First Aid only.



Near Misses:




Inspections Outstanding;

  • University Centre (Rob & Mike)
  • Power House (Steve & Brenda) Friday, Oct.20 at 1:00 p.m.
  • CJ Sanders Field house (Brian & Fred) Friday, Nov.03 @10:30 a.m.
  • Building Maintenance (Ursula & Rob)



New Business:


1)    A concern was raised by a member in the psychology building about lead water pipes in the building.  Physical plant has advised that we have no lead pipes on campus.


2)     A discussion was held in regards to inspections and what to look for. One of the issues that was raised as a result of an incident in June, 2017 was the pipe insulation.  An employee burnt an elbow on a steam pipe, where the insulation was missing.  Special attention should be paid when inspecting mechanical rooms to missing, broken insulation while keeping in mind that the insulation can contain asbestos.


3)    The pool was closed recently by the Health Unit due to poor lighting. Temporary solutions have been put in place.  All old lights will be coming down and new ones will be installed in the near future. The pool will have to be closed for the changeover.


4)    A faculty member whose lab shares a wall with a mechanical room has raised a safety concern in regards to a vibration and the noise when the fan turns on. The employee suffers head aches and has a difficulty concentrating with the noise and the vibration.

Steve will issue a work order to take a look at the situation and find ways to address the problem.                                                                                                                        


5)    Ursula advised that Forum North will be held on November 7&8, 2017.  Anyone interested in attending please discuss with your supervisor and let Ursula know.


6)    Heidi Forsyth has been hired to replace Tiffany Moore who will be going on a mat leave soon.



Meeting adjourned at 10:20 a.m.


NEXT MEETING:    Thursday, November 16, 2017 in Avila – Physical Plant meeting room at

9:00 a.m.
